
UIView (subview) does not send IBActions to AppDelegate.

I'm having this problem because I originially made everything in the main NIB, but then after reading learned that it is better to use subviews. I've got my IBActions in the AppDelegate, and I've successfully connected and loaded my subviews. However, when I try to connect my buttons in the subviews to the IBActions in the AppDelegate,...

Getting an error when calling an IBAction from a button click inside a xib

i am having an issue where when i call an IBaction from a certain viewcontroller the app crashes, but i can get the desired result elsewhere. basically i have a navigationcontroller buried in a tab bar controller. if i call an IBActions from the first view of the navigationcontroller it works fine, but if i create a view with an initWi...

iPhone Objective-C: combining methods together.

Hey everyone, I'm a complete noob at objective-C, so this might be a very silly question to a lot of you. Currently, I have a view with a 'SignIn' button, which when clicked, activates a sigupUp IBAction that I have defined below. Basically, this method needs to make a JSON call and get back some data about the user. So, right now, my...

Removing UIView from back/done button

Hi all, I have a small app that from the home screen has a few buttons, when clicked these buttons load in a new view, this all works fine: - (IBAction)showMaps:(id)sender { MapViewController *viewcontroller = [[MapViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MapView" bundle:nil]; [[self view] addSubview:viewcontroller.view]; ...

Call IBActions through different XIBs

Hi there. I put a NSMenuItem in the MainMenu.xib of a document-based application. I can set a key equiv. for this item in Interface Builder, anyway that item can't call an IBAction defined in the NSDocument subclass instance (which exists in MyDocument.xib). How can I make that button call an action from a different xib (if it is possib...

How to tell iPhone OS function to stop/cancel?

I have an action which begins when the user taps a button on the screen (e.g. "Import"). At the same time, a UIToolbar appears on the bottom of the screen which gives the user the option to cancel this action. How can I properly send a cancel message to the initial function? If the user hits "Cancel," I do not want the "Import" to contin...

IBAction crashes TabBarController App

I have a Window-based TabBarController app and I'm trying to present a ModalView from one of the tabs (FirstViewController). The app builds just fine and the tabs work, but upon clicking the "Open Modal View" button, it crashes and gives me: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIViewContro...

IBActions foo and foo:

In Interface Builder I in Library->Classes when I select a class that I made in XCode, then display the Actions, I can see two with the same name: foo foo: What is the difference between these two foos? ...

IBAction from a UIButton inside a UITableViewCell

I created a UITableViewCell in Interface Builder which I have added a UIImageView and a UIButton to. I have given the UIButton an outlet, and hooked it up to a IBAction with the touch up inside event set. I assumed it would call this method, as everything looked like it is hooked up: - (IBAction)pressedCheckbox:(id)sender { [sende...

Objective C --- Array is readable in a (void) function but not an (IBAction)

Hey all, I have an array that holds all of the .aif file paths in my app, which I found by using mainBundle and resources. This array needs to be passed down through 2 view controllers to reach where it is actually used. The problem is, it either crashes or logs something totally wrong. When I debug I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS note at the c...

NSPopUpButton revert to initial state

Hi, I register for notification NSPopUpButtonWillPopUpNotification in order to change the pop up menu before it is shown. The new pop up menu consist of running Application list with respected icons. When the application is selected, it calls a @selector method. After selection completes, the button have the image of the selected appl...

Interface Builder will not see action methods

Hi All I am trying to hook up a UIButton to a IBAction in interface builder but IB will not show the method that I defined as an option to hook it up to. - (IBAction)someAction:(id)sender; That is what I have in the h file, and then in the M file I have - (IBAction)someAction:(id)sender{ NSLog(@"Button Tapped."); } The IB Docum...

UIButton event 'Touch Up Inside' not working. 'Touch Down' works fine.

Hi, I've got a UIButton in a UIView, which is in a UIViewController that I've allocated and inited from a .xib file. When hooking an IBAction up to the 'Touch Down' event of a UIButton it triggers correctly. But if I hook it up to the 'Touch Up Inside' event it doesn't respond. Other events don't work either. 'Touch Drag Enter', 'Tou...

UIButton event 'Touch Up Inside' not working. 'Touch Down' works fine.

I've got a UIButton in a UIView, which is in a UIViewController that I've allocated and inited from a .xib file. When hooking an IBAction up to the 'Touch Down' event of a UIButton it triggers correctly. But if I hook it up to the 'Touch Up Inside' event it doesn't respond. Other events don't work either. 'Touch Drag Enter', 'Touch Dra...

Disabling and delaying an IBAction button

I have an IBAction button that I would like to enable after a 30 second delay. the button would be in the view but disabled for 30 secs. does anyone know how I would go about doing this? here's what I have - a simple IBAction that plays some audio: -(IBAction) playSound:(id)sender { [theAudio play]; } thanks for any help. ...

Send action from NSTextField when on key up instead of return.

I want to show the number of characters left for a new tweet, after a key has been lifted. Currently, this only happens if return is lifted: - (IBAction)updateCharacterCountFromNewTweetField:(id)sender { [newTweetCharacterCount setIntValue:140 - [[sender stringValue] length]]; } This action is connected to an NSTextField (NOT A UITe...