
button autoresize

Hi, Can anyone help me with the small buttons/icons used within the iphone apps. I am fairly new to the app world and trying to make some buttons(viz the tick box) for my app. I am not sure if we should start with a 50X50 and autoresize in the app or just have a 20X20 which exactly fits the space... Any help on this is appreciated.. ...

How does Windows associate icons to files in explorer shell?

I have both InDesign CS2 and CS3 installed. Both use files with .indd extension. How does Windows know which icon to use? It uses correct icons i.e. CS2 files have cs2 icon and CS3 files have CS3 icon. How does Windows know how to do this? And how can I extract or use this version-detection system in my programs? Edit: Thank you for ...

Distorted System Tray Icons

I've written a little system tray application that uses a NotifyIcon to display the status of a process. I'm loading a high quality 64 by 64 png formatted icon in the following way: Bitmap rawImage = new Bitmap(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Snitch.Icons.Loading.png")); m_icon.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(rawImage...

How to load a Windows icon using a pixel buffer?

Hi, I'm trying to create a Windows-compatible icon using a pixel buffer. The Surface class loads an image and saves it as an unsigned int array internally (0xRRGGBB). I'm trying to create an icon like so: Surface m_Test("Data/Interface/CursorTest.png"); HICON result = CreateIconFromResourceEx( (PBYTE)m_Test.GetBuffer(), ...

System.Drawing.Icon constructor throwing "Operation completed successfully" exception

On a Windows XP machine, the following code is throwing a System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception with the message "The operation completed successfully" System.Drawing.Icon icon = new System.Drawing.Icon("icon.ico"); I can stop the program crashing with try { System.Drawing.Icon icon = new System.Drawing.Icon("icon.ico"); } catch(S...

C# WPF - Application Icon + ShowInTaskbar = False

I've created a custom layered WPF window with the following properties: AllowsTransparency = True ShowInTaskbar = False Background = Transparent Topmost = True Icon = "Icon.ico" I've added Icon.ico under "Project Properties"->"Application" tab. The icon displays as the default WPF window icon if ShowInTaskBar is false, but displays ...

How can I display a bitmap/icon on an XP style button

I have a small (6x9) graphic that I want to draw on a CButton. I have managed to get this to work using ::LoadImage and CButton::SetBitmap. The problem is that when I put the bitmap on the button it is no-longer drawn as an 'XP style' button. I.e. it does not have rounded corners. How can I draw a bitmap (or an icon) on a button without...

Is there a way to remove the native ColdFusion AJAX-loading-animation?

Is there a way, and how can I remove the loading animation that's built into the ColdFusion AJAX functions? <cfinput type="text" name="TitleName" autosuggest="cfc:MyCFC.AutoSuggestSearch({cfautosuggestvalue})"> Using the following code creates a small icon next to my search field which animates while the AJAX request is waiting for a ...

From Flex, change the value of an Actionscript 3 property inside a Flash SWF that has been Embedded into an icon.

Ok, so I've been toying with using Flash SWFs in Flex objects as icons and the like. I can embed it just fine, but I would like more control over certain flash Actionscript 3 properties WITHIN the embedded icon - for example, to change the size of the icon (icon used in two spots, one should be small, the other large). Once I get that ...

.Ico file change in EXE - .NET winforms

I have an EXE which as Image1.ico as its Icon and i went to properties of the solution explorer->Application tab-> Selected Icon and Manifest and selected new image icon Image2.ico. After i build and run the EXE, the EXE loads with old image icon (Image1.ico). Any inputs on this? Thanks in advance, Karthick ...

Set an exe icon for my program

Hello! I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and I'm trying to set an exe icon for my program. I've searched this site and found this: htp://stackoverflow.com/questions/320677/how-do-i-set-the-icon-for-my-application-in-visual-studio-2008 But I cant find this "Resource View". Looked everywhere in MVS08 Please help! http://i46.tinyp...

How to use py2exe icon_resources in wxPython application?

I have a wxPython application I'm bundling into an exe using py2exe. I've defined an icon in the setup.py file using the following: setup( windows=[ { 'script': 'myapp.py', 'icon_resources': [(1, 'myicon.ico')] }, ], ) This works, but I'd like to be able to access that icon from my wxPy...

WPF: Is it standard that when a menuitem is disabled the icon is not greyed out?

I have menuitems with icons and when it is disabled the icon remains the same. Is it up to me to supply a disabled icon and, if so, does this also apply to menuitems bound to a command? ...

How does Windows decide which icon format to display when showing an exe's icon in Windows Explorer?

How does Windows decide which icon format to display when showing an exe's icon in Windows Explorer? Problem: When we look at our icon file and exe with embedded icon file in various Windows Explorer file views, the icon file is displayed in a higher quality mode than the icon displayed for our executable even though the icon in our exe...

How should I use .ico files in a Winforms Application ?

I'm developing a WinForms c# 3.0 application. Our designer created quite a lot of .ico files containing all the needed art. The choice of .ico was made because quite often, the same image is needed in several places in different dimensions. Now, it seems .ico files are really annoying to use in visual studio. The only way to use those i...

Is there a way to change the default EXE icon in Delphi

Embarcadero just released a whole bunch of neat looking icons that I'd like to use to make my Delphi 7 and 2009 apps look fancier. Is there a setting (or hack) in those IDEs that lets me change the default exe icon? ...

Can TFS Work Item Icons be Changed?

How can you change the icon that represents a work item type in TFS Web Access? For instance, a bug appears as a page with a red squiggly line, while a task is a page with a red check mark. These look a bit too similar to us, and we'd like to differentiate them with different colored icons. I suppose we could replace the image on the ...

Changing the .ipa file artwork of compiled iPhone application

Hello ! Everyone. Just do following steps & you will understand what problem I am facing right now. Create a new project from template. File / New Project - Navigation based application. Create any 32 x 32 image (.png) from any image editor & name it as icon.png Drag that file to your applications resources. Compile & run your project...

Custom file type and icon

I have a game I'm writing in java, it has the functionality to save games and load them all working with .txt files but I thought it would be cool if I could have my own file type...I know I can just set it to save as a type that isn't already defined but then I get a blank icon for the file...is there a way I can give it a custom file i...

Best way to create an application-icon in visual studio c++

In Visual studio I can draw 13 different application-icons in different resolutions and color depths. But do I have to do this, or is there a way to automatically produce all low-res icons from one single hi-res icon? ...