
Android - setResultData(null) doesn't properly block call on hero?

Following on from my Question Here i have found what the problem is but cant seem to fix it. What appears to be happening is that my Application launches, the user can then press a button to start a background service and the Activity disappears. The user then makes a call and from here my applications dialog screen appears. In the int...

How to set HICON on a window (.ICO with multiple sizes) ?

I would like to define the application icon of a Win32 window, e.g. through a call to SetClassLong with GCL_HICON and passing in a handle to an icon (see SetClassLong Function on MSDN). This works great, but I have not figured out how I should load an icon (from an ICO file) in order to keep all available sizes (e.g. 16x16, 32x32, 48x48...

copyright free collection of resource images for Delphi menu items and toolbar buttons

Every time I need to create a menu or toolbar with actions I end up collecting some images extracted from different application and hand tuning them with the image editor. This is time consuming and boring (eventhough I admit that might be a refreshing break in some ocasions). Do you know of any collection of such images? I would like ...

Are Icon design UI guidelines still valid ?

Found UI guidelines of Launcher icon design http://d.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design.html but System Icons in recent Android releases doesn't seem to follow these guidelines (icons are flat instead simplified 3D perspective, as described in document). Are they already obsolete and what are the current guidelines ?...

Where can I find information about Android 2.x icon design guidelines?

Assuming that old Icon design guidelines are not valid anymore, where can we find information about the guidelines to follow to design "new-styled" 2.X launcher icons? Should applications provide icons for both icon styles if they work for both versions? ...

WPF: The Icon property in the Window is crashing the application in Windows XP SP2.

Suppose I have this: <Window stuff Icon="Resources\myicon.ico"> If I run the program on Windows 7, it's fine. If I run it on Windows XP SP2, it crashes. Removing the Icon property, it works fine on Windows XP, but then it doesn't have my myicon on the Windows 7 taskbar or on the Window. Also, setting the application icon on the VS pro...

C# Winform Binary Icon

I want to change the icon my binary has for my applications. The people I work with aren't technologically savvy and quite literally changed AppName.exe to CLICK ME.exe because they didn't know which icon to click... Anyway, I figure an easy solution to this is to just make all of my applications for them have the same, bright icon so ...

iPhone - Custom Tab Icons, Remove Highlight

I am creating a custom tab bar for my iPhone app and I need to change the images. I have changed the actual tab bar background, but I need to know how to add custom images for the icons and their respective "selected" icons. I also need to remove the square highlight that is default. Pretty much, it just needs to be my icons. Also wonder...

SetClassLong(hWnd, GCL_HICON, hIcon) cannot replace WinForms Form.Icon

I'd like to use a specific ICO file as my icon with a WinForms application. Since I want to be able to specify a small icon (16x16) for the title bar and a normal icon (32x32) when Alt-Tabbing, I cannot use the Form.Icon property which accepts a single System.Drawing.Icon object, which forces me to use either the low res icon, or the nor...

Reading Desktop icon positions from registry

can you read an icon's location from windows xp registry and once it get identified then set it anywhere on desktop programmatically? ...

Meaning of TortoiseHG status icons

Does anyone have a list of statuses corresponding to the the icons used in the Repository Explorer of TortoiseHg? ...

How can I save HICON to an .ico file?

Hi, everybody, I am extracting an icon from .exe/.dll and want to save it in an .ico file. What is the best way to do this? I have tried to use ::OleCreatePictureIndirect() and then IPicture->SaveAsFile(). It works but transparent parts of the icon are painted black (and obviously are not transparent any more:(). I tried manual parsin...

Is it possible to hide specific Desktop-icons with C#?

Hi, I'm searching for a way to hide specific Icons from the Desktop. I usually have way to much icons on my desktop (which makes finding a file a real hassle), so I would like to write a little tool, which "filters" them as I type. I do not want to "move" or delete them, just hide (or darken) them. I know how to toggle show an hide-stat...

Visual Studio Server Explorer Table icons legend

I notice that SQL Server Explorer displays(at least) two different icons for the tables in a database, and cannot figure out what is different between the two icons. Thanks Anand ...

C#. Displaying and moving icons on a windows form.

Hi, I need to display a set of Icons on a windows form and move them around at run-time. I have used the PictureBox control to display the icons but I would have to either not change the picturebox.SizeMode to Stretched, which results in very small icons, Or they would look blurred and horrible at run-time even though they are high quali...

content-type icons

Hi, Does anyone know of a good icon library where you can find icons for common document types based on content-type rather than file extension that seems to be the most common? ...

How can I configure my iPhone project to use a seperate application icon for beta releases.

What I am trying to achieve is for the application icon to be different in builds that I send out to my beta testers, to that of the application that will be submitted for approval. This will allow me and my beta testers to easily identify the app is a beta version. I was not sure if I should be adding a build script to modify the info....

JTree component in java swing

How can I change the icon of nodes and root in the JTree component of Swing? ...

Visual studio 2005 toolbox icons messed up

My studio toolbox icons are all messed up. Is there a way to fix them? ...

iphone sdk: application icon not displaying in simulator

I added an Icon.png to my Groups and Files in Xcode for my project. I specified in the .plist file to use Icon.png. I checked the root folder and it successfully copied Icon.png. But when I run the simulator the icon on the home screen is still gray? Also note, when I first added the icon it worked! Then I changed the Bundle Name, Bundl...