
What does this icon mean in Eclipse?

I am using the git plugin for Eclipse. Some of my files are marked with a brown asterisk. What does it mean? Where can I find documentation for what the rest of the git icons mean in Eclipse? ...

Adding references to Facebook

Hi all, Does anyone know if there are any restrictions imposed by Facebook on whether or not their "default" icons can be modified and used in custom applications/websites? For example, does the Facebook icon available here violate Facebook terms and condition OR copyright statement? Free Icons: Grunge Peeling Stickers Social Media Ic...

ckeditor change button icon dynamically

Hi everyone, I am trying to write a plugin for ckeditor, like in the link below http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1139766/ckeditor-custom-plugins-button/1994020#1994020 the problem is, I want the button to change once I click it, and change back, so the users knows something happened. how can i change the path to the icon after the but...

My control panel applet getting icon of old version.

Hi, I have installed my control panel applet and I can see the icon (icon1) for my app when I open control panel. I have created shortcut onto desktop. Now I have uninstalled it and installed new version of the same applet which has new icon (icon2). When I open control panel, I still see the old icon (icon1). When I launch the progra...

VS2008 WinApp icon not displaying if created in VS

Versions of Visual Studio prior to VS2008 seemed to me to have a largely screwed up icon editor, and so I used an external icon editor to create them (used IconArt, which has become abandonware). VS2008 has a decent icon editor included, but icons that I create using it will not display in the shortcut for the built app! However, if I ...

GDI+: Cannot load "Vista" icon (OutOfMemory)

Trying to load an icon with GDI+ using GdipLoadImageFromFile: Image image; String filename = "C:\Archive\-=Images=-\Microsoft\Vista\shell32\Icon_129.ico"; Status result = GdipLoadImageFromFile(filename, out image); returns the status OutOfMemory (3). You can also use the object wrapper form: Image image = new Image(filename, false)...

Subclipse CollabNet is displaying a mystery icon decorator

The scenario: I'm merging a series of cherry-picked revisions from an SVN branch into trunk. I'm using the Subclipse CollabNet client to do the merge. Everything works great, except that in addition to the files I picked to merge, my working directory shows a series of changes that SVN thinks have changed but that I haven't chosen to mer...

Icon for Representing Elevation

Hey, I am in need of an icon for representing an elevation display, i.e. I have a label containing an elevation in metres, and I need a small (22x22 pixel) icon next to it to indicate thats what it is. I have tried some things, like a vertical arrow, but none quite look right. Anyone got any ideas? I know this isn't strictly a progra...

Legality of packaging Windows icons in your own apps

I would like to ship an application that uses images based on icons found in Shell32.dll (e.g. picture of a hard disk, folder, text file, etc). I don't want to load the images from the common DLL at runtime because the images or their indices may change across various versions of Windows. I just want to repackage them in my application...

How to set a custom Icon of an Outlook folder?

Is there any way to set a custom Icon of an Outlook folder or subfolder using Outlook object model? I am using 2007 and C# Thanks, ...

display icon with respective file

Ok this is something new to me.... I have a gridview control which is displaying the files and directory names in one column. Now i want to display the file icon of that particular file in the other column... eg test.txt will have a different icon form image1.jpg and here.xsl i have found two examples but don't kno if they will work ...

How to change the name of the app on the iPhone?

I did this before, but can't remember it now. I want to change what appears under the icon of my app on the home screen. Where in Xcode do I do this? ...

Loading Icons from a give path to display in WPF window

I have a tree that displays the directory and another panel that displays the files. Right now the files displayed have no icons. All i know is the path to the file. What i woudl like to do is get that files icon to display in that panel. I need the output to be and Image.source. Currently this is what i have private ImageSourc...

Is this html necessary at all?

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> <link rel="Bookmark" href="/favicon.ico"> I saw it somewhere,but is <link rel="Bookmark".. necessary? ...

Delphi: Lost Icon in top left corner

Something very strange happened and I have no idea why. I've lost the icon in the top left corner for my Delphi 7 application. The icon still shows up attached to the executable in windows. But on the task bar and the top left corner, it's got the default Application box (for winXP Blue bar on top with white box) Any idea what kind...

accessing specific icons from a Multi-Icon (.ico) file

Dear community. I would like to know if the following is possible. I have an .ico file, containing several sizes and color depths. However, it also contains some custom made sizes, that are going to be used inside my application. The application accesses the icon trough a resource DLL. (The intention is that the DLL is provided by a t...

How to determine the dimensions of the icons in an icon object in .net, winforms?

I was wondering whether it's possible to validate a required size for an icon before trying: Dim myIcon = New Icon(theIcon, requestedSize). This falls over for negative numbers, so that's an easy check. It appears it falls over if the number is less than half of the smallest icon. I've looked at the icon class but can see nothing for...

C# Getting the text off notifyIcons (tray icons)

I'm crafting this "what you are listening to" - plugin for learning purposes that displays the current Spotify or Winamp song as a message in an IM client. So far it's really simple, I'm merely getting the song played from the title like so Process.GetProcessesByName("spotify"); and then just pick out the song part ("Spotify - < song...

Extract icon from executable that's in memory

Does anyone know an API function to extract an icon resource from an executable file that's in RAM (inside, say, a MemoryStream)? All of the icon-extracting functions I've seen so far depend on the executable file being present on disk. I'd like to extract the icon without having to write the exe to a temp file, and then loading the re...

Error using Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon

I'm attempting to load an icon based on a selected file: Icon iconForFile = System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(filename); When I run this code locally through VS, everything works fine. However, after I deploy/install the application that contains this code, I get an error message: "[My Program] - Unable to locate Component: ...