
Windows Mobile application icon

Is it possible to specify the application icon for a windows mobile app from a resource file or other configuration besides the .csproj? The reason I would like to do this is because I have an application that can be configured to run in several different ways. We would like to build out three unique .cabs based on these configurations...

How to tell Windows Explorer to refresh its icons?

Once my installer finishes installing new versions of my application's exe, I'd like to tell Explorer to use the new exe's icons for its shortcuts. However, I cannot figure out how to do this. From reading online, it looks like the problem is that the system image list is caching an old version of the icon. I tried calling SHChangeNot...

How to clear IconCache in windows7 via NSIS

Hi folks! I have a problem with installing of my application via NSIS in windows 7. Application installs successfully, but instead of myApplicationsIcon windows shows generic icon. I know how to fix this problem manually(delete IconCache.db in AppData\Local), but how can I do this with NSIS-script? Regards, Dmitry. ...

How to access Google/Gmail/Gchat/Reader user icons

Hello, I'm building a Google Reader client and wonder if it's possible to access a user's profile image (aka avatar) directly. When I navigate to the images in Reader itself, I find that they point to URLs such as http://www.google.com/s2/photos/private/AIbEiAIAAABDCPaY2PPrqNnxZiILdmNhcmRfcGhvdG8qKDE3NTc5YmI2NzI3YmRjOTcwNDAzMmQxZWJjYzQyZ...

Load the Default Icon For the Shell

The default icon in Vista is listed under: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Unknown \ DefaultIcon As: %SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll,0 I want to load a 48x48 version of that Icon in C++. I have tried: hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(hmShell32, MAKEINTRESOURCE(0), IMAGE_ICON, 48, 48, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); However I get back a NULL hIcon and when I ...

Icons in a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn

I have a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn in my application that is defined as follows DataGridViewComboBoxColumn TransferActionCol = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn(); TransferActionCol.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TransferActionEnum)); TransferActionCol.DataPropertyName = "TransferAction"; TransferActionCol.Name = "Transfer Action"; Tr...

JTabbedPane: icon on left side of tabs

hello i am using the nimbus look-and-feel and have a tabbedpane with an icon and text. now the icon appears on the right side of the text, while i would like to have it on the left side. also i would like to add some spacing between the icon and the text. thanks! ...

Why does the Java AWT FileDialog setIconImage method fail to set the icon?

I am attempting to use a Java AWT FileDialog, but I want to replace the default Java Dialog icon with something else. In short, the code looks something like this: Frame frame = new Frame(); Image image = ImageIO.read(new URL("file:/path/to/myfile.jpg")); FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(frame, "Save As", FileDialog.SAVE); fileD...

256x256 icons trouble again, or how to get TRUE icon size through IImageList

I get the System image list by calling SHGetImageList: SHGetImageList(SHIL_LAST, IID_IImageList, (void**)&imList); I have a list of 256x256 images, but size of small icons which have not 256 version, have size 256 too. I need to get each icon with it's true size. How can i find out its size? I'm get the size of an icon by using the ...

How to hide desktop icons by double clicking the desktop using c#

Hi, I wanted to know if there is a way to toggle desktop icon to show/hide when the desktop is double clicked. Similar to how it is done in Stardock Fences. I wanted it to be done using visual c#. ...

Change WPF Assembly Icon from Code

Is there a way to change a WPF assembly icon from code? I'm not referring to the window icon, but to the icon that appears on the .exe file. EDIT: I'm trying to achieve interactivity in the application icon's representation - different user-initiated actions combined with a current state should lead to a different application icon. I r...

c# and lotus notes attachment icon

I am using c# and need to attach a lnk (shortcut/link) file and email to a lotus notes account. the problem is the icon defaults to a generic image and does not show the folder with the arrow as seen in windows explorer. a txt file icon does show as expected. can this be done thru c# or is the notes server the problem? thanks ...

BlackBerry - How to set icon for Application?

I need to set up an icon for my application which must change when the focus is on that particular application? Ideas/Suggestions? Thanks ...

How to programatically (or via VS) set program Icon in non-ico format

Hi, I have a set of icons in PNG. I was able to load them into my project under Resources>Icons and I select other than ICO format. The problem is I cannot assign it to the forms since its non ICO. I tried some conversions but I was not succesful. Thanks for your advice! ...

Embed app.icon still copies into publish directory

Hi, I have added an icon (using file browser) to all forms in my application. I have set its properties to "Embedded resource". In the Project>Application I have chosen that file from the list. So it should point to that file. It does have "Do not copy" selected. However when I publish the app this file is always in the output directory...

How To Specify (Override) JQuery Icon Color

Hello, I've been making good use of the jQuery icons in my web app, but have come to a point where I would like to use a color that I'm not able to achieve by default. I'm currently using the "State Street" theme, which primarily uses green. But I have a red box with white text, and would like to use an icon that is white as well. There...

WIX adding shortcut to a website or url location using wix and choose custom icon for that shortcut.

I want to add a shortcut to the start menu group with following specifications: It should point to a website, say www.xyz.com It should have some custom icon I need to pass some parameters to it, like www.xyz.com?lang=XXXX. Where XXXX is language code e.g. 1033, 1036, etc. and it's dependent on the language chosen by the user for my ap...

Embed multiple icons in WPF EXE

I have a WPF assembly in which I would like to embed five icons for different filetypes associated with my application. How can I embed these icons into my EXE? @smoore @Groky @ChrisF, thank you. Unfortunately, this is not what I asked. I see that my question was quite vague 0_­°. Let me rephrase the question: I have icons, say App...

Applications icons in JavaFX

Using JavaFX 1.2 I am trying to get custom icons on my app and they are being totally ignored. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug? Stage { title: "My App" width: 1024 height: 768 scene: bind current_scene iconified:true; icons:[ Image { url: "{__DIR__}res/icon16x16.png" }, Image { url: "{__DIR__}res/icon32x32.png" }, ...

resize required to view images in java applet

Hello all, I'm working with java images for the first time and having a problem viewing them when the applet loads. If I resize the window they display fine. I feel like this is a common first-timer error. Has anyone else encountered this? Any idea what the fix could be? What I believe to be the pertinent parts of the code are listed...