
jQuery: change icon to greyscale

hi all, i made a button widget in jQuery which displays an icon. now when i set the button do disabled, i'd like to have it greyed-out. is there a jQery function to do this? thx ...

WPF Icon for all app windows

It is possible to set one Icon so, that it would be used on every window in current app. So that i set it once (not on every window by hand)..? ...

Those geometric icon avatar thingies

Possible Duplicate: what is the algorithm used to generate those little gravatar identicon images? Nobody I know seems to know where to find some code (preferably Java) to autogenerate those geometric avatar icons, such as used here on StackOverflow. Anyone have a source or can point to some working code? Thanks! ...

Why the toolbar button icon is grey at runtime?

I"m setting the icon of a toolbar button (using Infragistics component library for the toolbar), The problem is that on design time the icon is showing normally. But at runtime the icon become greyed, though the drawing of the icon is still apparent, but its colors are all lost and the shape of the icon image is grey. So i'm wondering if...

How do you give an .exe an ico image in Visual Studio?

I have the application using an .ico image for the taskbar and window, but how do you set up the .exe to use an icon? While on this subject does anyone have any resources on how to work with ico images? As in what size does the start bar use, and so forth? From what I can find there are tools out there to assign .exe's icon images but ...

Axapta: Update FormTreeControl after image change

In my other methods (data, text, etc.) the setItem method works fine to display changes made to a tree item. However, calling setItem after changing an item's icon doesn't seem to have any effect. What is the best way to update the tree item so the new icon appears? Thanks public void modified() { FormTreeItem workingItem; ; ...

How to preview R.drawable.* images

Hi, Android framework has variety of icons and images - accessible as R.drawable.* - that can be used by applications for common tasks. Their names give some hint about what they are, but in many cases that's not sufficient. One has to use trial-n-error to find the right icon that fits one's purpose. My question: Is there a way where I...

Python QPushButton setIcon: put icon on button

Hello Everybody, I want to put an in ICON into a push button.. the code should work like that: self.printButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.tab_name) self.printButton.setIcon(QtGui.QPixmap('printer.tif')) self.printButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1030, 500, 161, 61)) But instead, it gives the error message: TypeError: a...

How to determine the size of an icon from a HICON?

I have an icon identified by an HICON handle that I want to draw centered on a custom control. How do I determine the size of the icon so that I can calculate the correct drawing position? ...

Visual C++ 2005: Icon saved to file is different to resource in editor

I have this weird problem. I have an icon in my C++ project's resource section, and it tells me it's "res\icon123.ico". I make some changes to this icon and save/rebuild... and while the resource editor shows the new version, the .ico file in Explorer has not changed. How is VS storing my changes and why won't it let me do what I want? ...

Creating an HICON from a byte array in C++?

I have a PNG-encoded icon as a byte array in memory. What is the recommended way of creating an HICON object from this byte array? Imaginary bonus points if you know a solution without ATL or GDI+... :) ...

Change icon's format in C# Designer?

How do I change the icon PictureBox shows? The icon itself has multiple icons in it with different formats but for some reason the 16x16 is always used. How do I change that? e.g. 32x32 , 48x48 ...

Custom Application Icon for processing app

I've written a small Processing App which I'm planning to release soon. What's still missing is a sweet custom icon for Titlebar/Taskbar (Win) and Dock (Mac). Any suggestions how to do this? Thx! ...

how to create a drop down menu java app on the desktop to hold desktop icons (java)

Hi all, I'm trying to create a java desktop application that holds desktop icons. The app will be a menu/panel that is invisible until you hover your cursor near the top of the screen, at which point the menu full of desktop icons will drop down. To add new icons to the menu one must simply drag icons from the desktop into the menu and ...

Correct Palm Icon Height

Hello, As I like to develop some applications for Palm OS, normally I have problems with the icon height for the applications. When I create 32x32 icon, the icon gets even behind the name of the program, because of it size. But what is the correct height of icons for Palm OS? Thanks. ...

Resizing an Icon to correctly fit in a ScrollPane corner button

Hi, I would like to add java's default questionIcon to a corner button in a Scrollpane, however the image doesn't fit correctly (since the button is very small). What should i do to make the icon fit correctly? Here is the code, It works, so you can try it out and see for yourselfs the problem :) import javax.swing.*; public class Co...

Is it smart to put every small icon in one .NET ImageList control?

I'm developing a VB.NET WinForms application, and I'm using lots of small 16x16 32bit icons everywhere; most of which are nested behind tabs or otherwise invisible. I'm putting all of them in one big ImageList control, it seems easier to manage them from there. My question is, is this smart? I'm using the imagelist even in buttons, and ...

Updated iPhone app not overwriting old version -- why?

When we create a new version of one of our iPhone apps and load it to a device, it shows up as an additional icon instead of replacing/overwriting the old one. Touching the old icon brings up the old version and touching the new icon brings up the new one. This is using ad hoc versions on a debug device -- we have not submitted the upd...

Where can I get the original images for the Accessory buttons in a UITableView?

I want to create a custom accessory icon to go to the right of my cell in a UITableView and want it to match the blue >, I have tried creating from scratch and it looks good on its own but when put next to a cell with the blue > it looks messy where the two icons look similar but not of the same style. Does anyone know where I can get h...

How can I add an icon to the title bar of a BlackBerry app?

I'm writing a BlackBerry app in Java using the BlackBerry Java API (OS 4.7 and above). I would like to add an icon to the title row of my app. The API documentation says that the method "setTitle" of the "MainScreen" class takes a "Field", so I thought I could just create a "HorizontalFieldManager" that contains an icon (BitmapField) and...