
Mono .EXE assembly set explorer icon

When compiling with gmcs on Linux, how can I set the explorer icon the final EXE will use? I have a .ico file to attach to the output exe. The answer must be build-automatable and execute on Linux (w/o wine -- build machine architecture is not x86). GCC and binutils targeting Windows x86 are available. If you give the answer referring...

How to put a C# programm (ex WPF or WF or with Mono) under desctop Icons (like a wallpaper)?

How to put a C# programm (ex WPF or WF) under desctop Icons (like a wallpaper)? I want my Old Good XP Active Desktop made by a some open source C# programm on my Win 7!) Something like this - Fences . They have there "windows" appearing underneath icons. I do not want to manage Icons - just put my window under them... BTW any one know...

Getting large file and folder icons on a Mac

This article says: At this time, there is no public API for getting larger file and folder icons from Java on a Mac. That was on Dec 2008 and for Java 1.5 Is there a way to access larger file folders from Java on a Mac in the latest release? ...

NSImage imageNamed: for Mac Mini returns small icon instead of high-res

When using NSImage's imageNamed: method to get the icon for the current computer, if I'm running on a Mac Mini, then I get a low resolution image. If I run the same code from my MacBook, then I get a high-res icon like I'd expect. My code is as follows: NSImage *image; image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"NSComputer"]; [image setSize: NSMakeS...

How to implement animation of icon?

Like this site Pay attention to your address bar. ...

Gnome icons pack

Does anyone know where can i find this icon set for download (pngs + svgs) http://www.iconspedia.com/search/gnome/0/ and also, is the icons license allows it to be used in commercial applications? ...

When making an iPhone App in Xcode, how do you make an app icon WITHOUT the phone adding the default glass effect glare?

I've seen many apps in the app store who's icons on the iPhone Springboard do not have the default rounded corners and "glass effect" that are created by default when I just add a 57x57 png to my resources and specify it in the plist. Does anyone know how to NOT get the iPhone to add the attributes to my application icon image when I com...

What Icon is Appropriate For Sorted by Time?

I have a duplicate bridge scoring application with two different sorting modes. Let me fill you in on how duplicate bridge works so you have an idea what I'm looking for. You sit and play a few hands of bridge against one set of opponents. Then you and the boards move and you play a few more hands of bridge against a new set of oppone...

How can I add a wxIcon to my frame app?

I've looked all over the net and can't seem to find a standard way of including a wxIcon in my wxWidgets app that actually works! I've tried converting the icon to an XPM and including that I've also tried loading the bitmap but whatever I do it seems to compile but the icon never appears! ...

Iphone working with icons

Hi all, I want to write a simple program which can customize iphone icons like their positions or something like theme creators. and I want to know how some programs' settings are in the iphone main setting tab. I really need help. thanx in advance ...

Icon on ui tabs (validate)

I am trying to add an icon on ui tabs when validate fails. Which method should i use (option is my guess). Can anyone help me. Thanks ...

How to fire click event on new app. icon set using HomeScreen.updateIcon(bitmap) ?

Hi all, I m changing the app. icon using HomeScreen.updateIcon(bitmap) when app. is in background. Now how to fire click event when I click on this new app. icon like when I click on previous app. icon (which is set through Project Properties-> Resources) main() is invoked. I have set my main project as CLDC app & m using an alternati...

Qt Icon embedded in Executeable

I have some buttons on a tabwidget. These buttons need to have some icon on top of them. I am aware of QPixmap that will allow me to put an image on top of a button, but I see that these constructors take a filepath as a parameter. I want to avoid dragging icons around in a file after I build. I would like to embed these icons in the ex...

How do I find out where an icon was clicked (relative to itself) using python?

Essentially, what I want to do is have an icon that has different symbols for various programs at the bottom of it (for example, a python file might have a symbol for command prompt, a text editor, and a debugger, all little squares at the bottom of the icon), and when the user double clicks on one of these, that program is used to open ...

Android: APK Icon is not being installed

I am able to deploy my application but for some reason, I am not able to get the icon to display in the pull up menu on the Home page of the OS. Does anyone know what I can do to solve this? By the way, the application shows up in "Manage Applications" but does not show up as an icon for some reason. Through Eclipse, I am able to start ...

Why does browser show smaller favicon?

In our client's website, favicon.ico file has several sizes from 8x8 to 32x32. I expect the 16x16 to show in browser tab, but instead it shows 8x8 icon in white frame. Why does this happen and what workarounds are there? ...

Outlook 2003 - Add an icon column to a View?

I want to add a custom column to the Inbox which is a Yes/No column. I want an icon to show in the Yes case. How can I do this? Everything I've looked up is either about adding a column through the View.XML property, through UserProperties.Add with addToFolderFields = true, or through Field Chooser. There are also a lot of forums whe...

How To Choose And Create a Icon?

Hello, As I develop some things to my self and now I'm developing some of this applications for my friends and my family. I want to put icons on this applications, because It's takes the appearance better, but how to choose a icon that will combine better with your application and what is the best programs to develop some professional i...

Does anyone know where I can find the standard windows file dialog toolbar icons?

I'm trying to roll my own implementation of IShellBrowser because I need to have a more full-featured File Open and Save As dialog than Windows allows that is compatible with XP (and ideally with W2000)* At this point I need to add the standard toolbar that you see in upper right of the dialog (manifest styles for XP and earlier) - a ba...

How do I set the icon for my program in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition?

I want to set the embedded icon for my executable console program to a custom icon. I know this is pretty much the same question as this one here, but I'm using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, and the Resources View is not available (and the Project-context-menu->Add->Resource... is grayed out), so I'm at loss here. Will I have to upgr...