
Modifying a LGPL licensed image to create iPhone app icons.

Hi, I would like to use icons under the LGPL license in an iPhone application. I want to modify these icons (size, color or more advanced editing) in order to fit my app requirements. I understand that the modified versions inherit the license. But embedding the app in an iPhone makes it harder to share the images and license files. M...

IE doesn't show .ico icons in HTML if not served as "image/x-icon"

I'm showing favicons of websites in a list, as <img /> elements. some websites serve them as: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" /> and some serve them as: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" /> IE doesn't show the favicons images of those of don't have type="image/x-icon". I cannot control how webs...

How to get NSImage of generic folder icon on OS X 10.5 and 10.6

I'm writing a Cocoa application that displays the contents of an archive file in an NSOutlineView. I provide a custom icon for an NSBrowserCell in the outline column, and it works great, but I ran into a little snag — using [NSImage imageNamed:@"NSFolder"] returns the correct image (a generic folder icon) on 10.6, but on 10.5 it returns ...

512x512 image for the iPhone app

I am about to submit my first app to the iTunes App Store. The docs say that the application needs to be submitted with a "512x512 px, 72ppi, RGB, flattened, no transparency JPEG image". I have a couple of questions: RGB - what exactly does it mean in this context. Flattened - does it mean that if I am creating the image in Photoshop...

How to remove the "white reflection" on the application icon?

Hi this is an iPhone objective C question. When I set the icon file for the app, say, icon.png. When it is shown on the phone, a white reflection effect is automatically added on the icon.png Is there any way to remove te reflection effect? Cause I can see that there are apps without the white reflection effect on the icons ...

Where is the ClickOnce "Show Desktop Icon" option? (VS2008 SP1)

Hi~ Apparently in VS2008 SP1 there's an option under Publish | Options to have a desktop shortcut for ClickOnce, but I've got VS2008 with SP1 and there's no such option! My Publish Options page Any ideas? Thx! ...

Visual Studio, change app icon, how?

Hi, I am working on a first time C# project in Visual Studio 2005 and I am wondering if there is anything special that needs doing to change the application icon apart from changing the correct resource in the project properties. I manage to view the new icon displayed in Explorer, but the icon in the application, the tray, and the tas...

How do I change gnome icon per application?

I want to change icons to something different per application. I want to change only nm-applet (gnomes network manager applet) and my volume applet to something different than the icon set. How can I do this? ...

How can I use the default dialog icons in my custom Blackberry popup dialog?

I'm writing a custom dialog window to display the status of a long operation, and would like to use the little timer icon (the little square clock on OS >= 4.6) that's used in the BB native dialogs. How can I use this graphic within my dialog? I'm already familiar with layout managers and such, I just don't know where the bitmap is, or...

Animation in Java ME

How could I implement animation in Java ME? I would want to achieve the following, I want to make a List the items in the List are animated icons with some related text description... I would like to animate all these Icons simultaneously... ...

where to download standard word powerpoint excel icons

I'm working on a web app that has functionality to export different data -- for instance in excel format. Where do I find the standard icons for Excel, Word, Powerpoint (and perhaps csv) files I'd like them to be directly downloadable in different sizes (at least 16x16 and 24x24). And preferably in png format (icon format is no good fo...

transparent icons on toolbar draw ugly borders

Hi, I'm trying to set transparent icons in a QAction, which is then added to a Menu and a toolbar. I'm styling the application with a style sheet. The icon transparency works, but the icons are being drawn on the toolbar with what looks like a 1px black border on the left and top edges of the icons. Now, all my icons are stored in one...

Icon like babylon with wpf

How to make a floating icon equal to that of Babylon, which is in the top-center of the screen and when the User puts de mouse over it moves? It is possible to make a wpf animation together? Can I make an animation when the WPF User puts the mouse? It would be perfect ... ...

Non-flattened icon in an iPhone app

I submitted my app to the iTunes App Store for approval a little while ago. Today I realized that the application icon was not flattened, as required (suggested?) in the Apple guidelines. As I understand it, a flattened icon has no transparencies, but mine does. My dilemma is this. If I flatten the icon and resubmit the app, I lose a...

Add Icon for ToolWindow in WPF

How can I add an Icon for ToolWindow in WPF? Just as <Window x:Class="WPFApp.Account" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Accounting Information" FontFamily="Calibri" FontSize="13" WindowStyle="ToolWindow" ResizeMode="NoResiz...

Icons on MainMenu/ContextMenu without losing theming

I would like to use MainMenu and ContextMenu in my WinForms app, and put icons next to some of the menu items. But MenuItem doesn't have any way to specify an icon. It would be easy to add one with owner-draw, but then my menu looks owner-drawn -- I lose all of the default drawing from the XP/Vista theme. What's the best way to get ico...

Unable to set System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.Icon thru a setter

Hi I am trying to have a MenuItem.Icon set thru a style setter: <Style x:Key="MenuItem_Delete" TargetType="MenuItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type MenuItem}}"> <Setter Property="Header" Value="_Delete"/> <Setter Property="MenuItem.Icon"> <Setter.Value> <Image Source="Resources/Delete.png"/> ...

iPhone :Change Application Name and icon

hi all, i am new to iPhone programming. i create a application in Xcode. I want to change the application name and icon.However i can change the application name (which is appeared below the icon of application in iPhone) and icon from plist. i want to ask that whether there are any other method or trick from which i can change the icon...

Loading Qt plugins when linking to Qt statically?

Hi, I'm trying to use SVG graphics in QIcons. I have a static library that contains all my graphics resources, and a method in that static library that returns QIcons pre-loaded with the correct graphics. I'm trying to do this: QIcon icon(":/icons/find.svg"); I have verified that that resources has been loaded by listing it with QDir...

desktop icon functionality in a window

My wife complains that I have too many icons on the Windows XP-Pro desktop. I like to be able to quickly drop a file onto the icon for application I want to have open it. And I like to follow a link to open often-used deeply nested folders rather than navigate there. Thus, I have over 100 icons on the desktop. (We share the same user...