
can i extract the icon image from vista application? (mainly word and pdf)

i'm trying to extract the icon that shown in vista for pdf and word files. is there anyways for me to do so? also, the icon i want is the big one (128px by 128px probably?) a screenshot: ...

How can I get the icon to display for a file from a Java app?

Is it possible from a Java desktop app to find the icon to display for a given file, perhaps based on it's mime type? Specifically I want to ask the host OS for the icon to display so it can match what the user would expect to see. ...

Display different icon on ListView in android

I have a xml file name "list_row.xml", this was load in a listView: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal" > <ImageView android:id="@+id/icon" android:layout_...

icon is not in 3.00 format

When building a C++ application in Visual Studio 2008, I receive the following error: iconfile.ico is not in 3.00 format. I created the icon file using Paint, and saved it as a .ico file. I tried saving it as 16 bit, 24 bit, and 256 color. So far, none of these formats appear to be version 3.00. How do I resolve this? ...

How do you set icons of .exe files?

Preferably using C++. Or a tool I can use from the command line. So far I've figured out how to extract icons from .exe files, but I can't set icons... Any suggestions? ...

Is it possible to change a console window's icon from .net?

Is it possible to change a console window's icon from .net? Without using win32 calls. ...

Slice up image into icons at build time or runtime in xCode

I need about 100 icons inside my application. Would it be logical to have one large image file with all the icons and then somehow split it up into individual NSImage objects? Is there a way to run some code at build time to regenerate the individual icons? ...

Adding an icon to my finished application.

What's the proper way to add an icon to my application? I mean to the actual physical .exe file. ...

Is there a mapping between mimetypes?

I just finished my first pass of my mimetype -> icon website : http://www.stdicon.com/. If someone gives me the file extension ".doc" then that maps to the mimetype "application/msword" which, if I don't have an icon for, should show an icon for "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" (or visa-versa). Is there any clustering of mimet...

Where can I find good mimetype icons?

I would like to find good icons for mimetypes to use in my (filetype, mimetype) -> icon website : http://stdicon.com/ I currently have apache crystal gnome silk tango but if there are other free high quality sets out there I would like to include those as well. ...

How would I go about acquiring the transparent overlay for the iPhone's home screen icons?

I'd like to have the home screen style for a section of my app, and the icon style will most likely be the 'make it or break it' aspect. Right now, I've got it looking pretty decent. I just have a black background with rounded buttons and the basic system text under them as labels. With a few modifications to this psd kit I've been ab...

More compelling alternative to the cylinder icon to illustrate a database for end-users?

I have to give presentations to end-users about technical topics and one of the questions I have occasionally been asked is why I use a cylinder icon to represent a database. I don't have a good answer for this except that this is the way databases are usually represented in technical literature and, since I'm not an artist, I haven't be...

C# How to show a icon when multiple window forms are minimised on the taskbar

Hi All I hope someone can help as I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. I have an application with multiple forms, each form has the same icon, so when I minimise that form the form appears on the taskbar with the specified icon. However, when I have multiple form windows minimised onto the taskbar the the forms a...

When you are using Xcode to make an iPhone app, how do you change the app's icon?

When you are using Xcode to make an iPhone app, how do you change the app's icon? Right now my icon for my app is just plain white. ...

How do I display a Windows file icon in WPF?

Currently I'm getting a native icon by calling SHGetFileInfo. Then, I'm converting it to a bitmap using the following code. The Bitmap eventually gets displayed in the WPF form. Is there a faster way to do the same thing? try { using (Icon i = Icon.FromHandle(shinfo.hIcon)) { Bitmap bmp =...

Adding Tabbar Controller Icon IPhone

I am adding a viewController to a TabBarController. When I add a ViewController from the custom class and Nib, it''s icon does not show up in the tabBar. If I initialize like this the icon does not show up. viewController = [[FlashCardViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FlashCardViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]]; Bu...

Change icons in Sandcastle

Does anyone know if it's possible to change the icons in the TOC treeview (the purple books) in Sandcastle compiled chm files? I've searched the SandCastle install folder but could not find these particular icons. I'm now thinking that maybe they are native to chm documents... ...

C# Loading Icons in Runtime

Hi geeks, I'm having about 200 icons ,which I wanted to display in a treeview on Runtime. Can anyone suggest me the best way to do this. Do i need to store "relative path" of each icon in "app.config" and load?? or can I compile all the icons to a dll and extract from there... or any other best suited idea..? Thanks in advance. ...

How to set icon of a web site besides naming it favicon.ico?

I don't like the hardcoding . ...

Creating Vista-Style Folder Icons

How can I create Vista-style folder icons with something inside the folder? imageres.dll (IIRC) contains icons for the front and back of a folder, and I can put my own image between them. However, in the icons generated by Explorer from thumbnails, and in most of the prebuilt icons, the image within the folder is 3-dimensionally rotate...