
Visual svn adding overlay icons to strange directories

Hi there, I'm using Visual SVN on my windows machine and so far everything has been working fine. But since a couple of days, I've got overlay icons (the questionmark) over c:\Programme c:\Recycler and a couple of other folders on my c:\ drive. All programming related stuff is on d:\, so I find it weird and it's pretty much irritating m...

On the iPhone, how can I make the icon badge?

I want to set an icon badge while I am not in the application, like the Mail application. How can I do that? ...

Is there a way to have ClearCase display icons in the Windows Explorer to denote the state of files/directories?

For example, in TortoiseSVN, I can find out when a directory is out-of-date or checked out by looking at the images in the corner of the directory icon. However, I don't have that with ClearCase. Inside of Eclipse, I can see what I have checked in/out, but I'm not always inside Eclipse. It appears that I can right click on the file and I...

WPF Mouse busy icon

What's the best method in WPF for showing an Eggtimer/Busy mouse icon when opening a new window or retrieving records from a DB? ...

How to change the icon of a specific extention programmicaly using vb.net?

Hi, I need to change the icon of a specific extention using vb.net programming .. How to do .. ? ...

Where to find good looking and Vista look-alike user interface icons?

Ok, I know that Visual Studio ships with a few user interface icons but they are few and most of all, they are kinda outdated and don't fit well into Vista or Seven. I like pretty interfaces and I like interfaces where they fit and look part of the OS. One of the problems regarding this is the interface icons, I can't find good icons in...

Registering file type and custom document icon in .NET

I have application that produces files. I would like to connect those files with application so that double-click on file launches my application. Everything works properly except for annoyance that icon looks same like icon of my application. I would like to have one icon for application and one icon for it's documents. DefaultIcon va...

Is there a command line utility to change the embedded Icon of a win32 exe?

...id like something I could integrate into my build process: is there anything "standard" tool that does this? ...

User Interface Icons

Does anyone know where I can find well-designed User Interface Icons?? I'm looking for 16x16 for a toolbar that I'm Designing. I really enjoy the OS style, but I need some that will fit well for Vista?? Can anyone help?? ...

Can somebody help me modifying an open-source software (KeePass)?

Hi, Do you know of KeePass Password Safe 2? It's open-source and I'm trying to do some things but I've hit a dead end and can't find where the code is doing this and why it's doing it at all. The source code is here and it's coded in C#: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/keepass/KeePass-2.08-Source.zip The problem is that the icons of ...

Icon Extraction in VIsta..

Hi Freinds, for extracting special folder icons I'm using ExtractIconEx(Environment.SystemDirectory + "\\shell32.dll",ncIconIndex, handlesIconLarge, handlesIconSmall, 1); Here im passing explicitly nIconIndex for special folders like MyDocs,MyPictures ..etc and its working fine in XP ,however in Vista its not retrieving the correct i...

Should a windows Installer create desktop shortcut icons?

I hate auto-created desktop shortcut icons, but some folk seem to think that unless your installer clutters up your desktop, it hasn't worked correctly! Are there definite guidelines on this for Windows , or is it wholly personal choice? (Having a "Leave clutter on my desktop?" checkbox in the installer is one option, but to my mind, t...

iPhone icon - Red # indicators.

Anybody know how to implement the red number indicators (like the email count notification)? I cant seem to google this up anywhere. Thanks! ...

Change Default Winform Icon Across Entire App

Can I change the default icon used on a Winform? Most of my forms have their icon property set to a custom icon. For the few forms that slip through the cracks, I don't want the generic "hey look, he made this in visual studio" icon. One solution is to tediously check every one of my forms to make sure they either have a custom icon s...

Qt dialog with no window icon (system menu)

Is there a way to create a window (such as a QDialog), without a window icon on the top-left corner? I have tried using a transparent icon but it leaves a blank space there. Edit: richardwb's solution below removes the system menu, but also removes Minimize/Maximize/Close (caption buttons) as well. This might do for now, but hopefully t...

Qt QTabWidget icon problem

I'm using the newest Qt 4.5 and I'm creating my GUI with Qt Creator. My tab widget looks fine in the Creator, with all icons displayed. However, when I compile it and run it, there are no icons, but the tabs are wider than they are which indicates something, obviously. I tried both .png and .ico formats, none work. The size of icons is 1...

Add Context Menu Icon in android

I have a Listview with a ContextMenu, but when I setIcon for ContextMenu look like it doesn't work public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu , View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo){ super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); menu.add(0, DELETE_ID, 0, R.string.context_menu_favorite) .setIcon(android.R.drawable.b...

Adding badges to file icons in Finder

I'm working on a small project at home that would add a badge (aka icon overlay) to a specific file based on its state. Anyway, I've Googled the hell out of it and the only documentation I was able to find was on Apple's developers site (Obtaining and Using Icons With Icon Services). The documentation expects the developer to be familia...

SQL Server Manager icons and License

Hi Does anyone here know anything about the license for the icons in SQL Server Manager? I would like to use one of them in my application, but have not yet found anything about the licensing for this stuff. Anyone dealt with this before? Maybe I should contact Microsoft and get a written permission .) best regards Ola ...

Are default program icons protected by copyright?

If you look at files in Windows Explorer, a DOC file has it's icon, a PDF, etc. That is if the application is installed on the computer. Are these icons copyright protected or can they be use in applications? Reason is: I want to show a standard "Word Document" icon for a .doc file to the user, even if Word is not installed on the curr...