
Microsoft Office Icons for Development?

Unfortunately Microsoft Office icons etc are copyright by Microsoft and they prevent us from using them in Developed applications with their licence terms. I'm trying to find some alternative Microsoft Office icons who's licence allows for both commercial use in developed applications. One of the important things is that anyone looking...

How do you select the right size icon from a multi-resolution .ico file in WPF?

If I have a multi-resolution icon file (.ico), how can I insure that WPF picks the right sized one? Does setting the width and height of the Image force it, or does WPF simply resize the first icon in the ico file? This is what I'm using currently (it works, but I'd like to avoid the resizing if that's what's happening). <MenuItem.Icon...

Is is possible to use transparency in an iPhone app icon?

I created a 57X57 Circle-shaped icon (without shine) which has transparency outside of the circle-shape for my app. I can successfully install the app on Simulator and iPhone. It works fine, and looks great. However, can I submit an icon with transparency to Apple. Will they accept it? I can't find any apps which have transparency in th...

C#: Using .ico file with multiple images

I'm trying to set the images in a TreeView in C#, from a .ico file containing two icons: a 32x32 version and a 16x16 version. The images are setting, but .Net is choosing the 32x32 version, and scaling it down (which looks terrible) instead of choosing the readily available 16x16 image. The relevant code: ilTree.Images.Add(Properties.R...

Change pinned taskbar icon (windows 7)

I wan't to customize the icon displayed within the windows 7 taskbar. When my app is running, I can do it by changing main window icon but, when the app is pinned, the exe's icon is displayed. How can I set the taskbar icon for my app to an icon different from the one embedded within the exe ? Not tried, this solution may work but look...

How to display system icon for a file in SWT?

I want to display a file tree similarly to java2s.com 'Create a lazy file tree', but include the actual system icons - especially for folders. SWT does not seem to offer this (Program API does not support folders), so I came up with the following: public Image getImage(File file) { ImageIcon systemIcon = (ImageIcon) FileSystemView.g...

How do I access a file's icon server-side via PHP?

I have a PHP script running that lists files in a certain directory on the server. Is there any way to access the file's icon metadata? Lots of issues with this I suppose (eg: depends on the OS hosting the script. depends on whether the file is using a custom icon. still have to convert the icn file to something that can be displayed in ...

How to use standard toolbar icons with WxPython?

I'm designing a simple text editor using WxPython, and I want to put the platform's native icons in the toolbar. It seems that the only way to make toolbars is with custom images, which are not good for portability. Is there some kind of (e.g.) GetSaveIcon()? ...

Embed Icon in WPF application.

I am using an icon in my application in two situations. In XAML as an Image for the Button using DynamicResource. In C# as NotifyIcon this.notifyIcon.Icon = new SystemDrawing.Icon("..//..//Shutdown.ico" ); My problem is if I delete the image the application not working. How can I bind the image with the exe file so that the applic...

Where to find volume mount icon on Leopard

Hi, I want to change the default icon of a dmg, I'ld like to do like skype or dropbox which use the default image volume icon, but I don't manage to find it with the finder. Do you have any idea where I could find it? Thanks for your answer, Boris ...

Question About Icons and GUI For Notepad++ Lovers

In the notepad++ website there's a technique to change the icons with any other "ico" format image. Each icon has it special name in order to be detected by notepad++. For instance, the new file icon is: new_normal.ico. The open file icon is: fileopen_normal.ico and so on. But I can't find the special names for Synchronize Vertical Scrol...

System theme icons and PyQt4

I'm writing a basic program in python using the PyQt4 module. I'd like to be able to use my system theme's icons for things like the preference dialog's icon, but i have no idea how to do this. So my question is, how do you get the location of an icon, but make sure it changes with the system's icon theme? If it matters, i'm developing t...

Icons vs Text for Commonly Used Actions

We are currently trying to improve our usability in our intranet web app. One of our goals is to declutter certain pages which have large Grids on them. To do this, we have started putting commonly used actions (like Delete, Reset To Zero, Mark As Complete, etc.) in the grids as functions. My initial idea was to find and use icons (...

Get associated icon from file, folder or drive without WinAPI

Is there a way to get an associated icon in C# without using any DllImports? When I use Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon I don't seem to get the icon for drives, folders, SpecialFolder's in Environment or any files on network attached folders. So is there any other way to get an icon using .NET? ...

Easiest way to use Vista icons in VS 2005?

I've downloaded a Vista icon from the web for a new application I'm developing. When I try to compile it in Visual Studio 2005 C++, I get an error message: error RC2176 : old DIB in res\XXXXX.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT The error message seems a little misleading, I think the "old DIB" is actually a newer format that it wasn't ex...

Save icon: Still a floppy disk?

Bear with me because this question doesn't pertain to an algorithm or any block of code. Rather, it deals with designing forms and applications. I'm working on a project where the user is able to save their work (most likely to the HDD but also possibly any other media, including floppy disks). Sure, the popular File > Save option is th...

ALT-TAB Application Icon Pixelated

When a child window of my application is opened and I view the ALT-TAB menu, the application icon looks pixellated. I assume that Windows uses a low resolution version of the icon (16x16 pixel I think). What can I do that Windows selects the right version which would be 32x32 pixel? I assigned an icon to the window in question that has ...

Is there a standard open icon library for web developers?

We are looking for an icon library that is open licensed. We want to use the icons as a prototype not the final version of the application, but they need to be open to use. EDIT 1: Even though many of the responses are good and useful, I will mark as correct answer the one with more votes. First because I like it, and second because ...

VS Image Library .png files

Microsoft deploys free Image Library with Visual Studio. At following location, you can find .png files which contain more than one icon in it. c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\VS2008ImageLibrary\1033\VS2008ImageLibrary_Common Elements\Actions\ Is there any way to access particular icon from file programmaticaly, ...

VB6 executable icons

I have quite a large VB6 project, with many forms, classes, modules and user controls. When I create a shortcut to the compiled executable and choose "change icon" for the shortcut there are multiple icons that I can select from. This indicates that there are multiple icon resources being compiled into the executable. The first icon is...