
Accessing embedded resources in IronPython

Hi I'm developing a Windows Forms Application in IronPython Studio. I want to choose an Icon for my project but both of these fail: 1- Form Properties window -> Icon (choose a *.ico file) a compile-time error occurs and is related to IronPython.targets file The "IronPythonCompilerTask" task failed unexpectedly. System.ArgumentNul...

wxPython dialogs

I am writing a class in wxPython that displays error dialogs. Here is my code: import wx class Error: def __init__(self, number, string): self.error_type = number self.error_message = string self.choose_error() def choose_error(self): if self.error_type == 1: self.DisplayMessage1() elif sel...

iPhone: How to create dynamic image dragging ala iphone icon rearranging

On the iPhone, if you touch and hold your finger on an icon, it starts vibrating, then you can drag them around while the other icons move aside and rearrange dynamically. I'm trying to figure out how to do this inside an application with a grid of images or buttons. I don't need them to vibrate, but I do want the UI to allow the user ...

Desktop icon image missing

I installed Netbeans two days ago on Vista, it created a desktop icon, then I installed some other programs, now I suddenly find that NB desktop icon is blank, with a shortcut arrow on it, it works fine when I double click it, but how to let it find it's own icon image ? ...

Windows chooses wrong icon from multi-icon file and self renders to correct size

I have an .ico file with 5 icon sizes embedded in it being used as the main application icon and the System Tray icon. When it shows up in the task bar the icon is using the 16x16 format which is desired. When the icon shows up in the Notification Area/System tray, it is using the 32x32 format and Windows is rendering it down to a 16x16...

How do I get common file type icons in C#?

As seen in This SO question on getting icons for common file types, it's quite possible for a windows program to get the icons for a registered file type using the C++ Shell API. These icons may or may not exist on disk - for example, we wanted to make our own custom file browser and want to display the system-associated icon with the f...

How to hide the Dock icon

I want to make a preference for hiding the Dock icon and showing an NSStatusItem. I can create the StatusItem but I don't know how to remove the icon from Dock. :-/ Any ideas? ...

Free icons and images to use in my projects

This is not a programming related question, but I think that it might be useful for a lot of people here. Where can I find some quality free icons and images to use in my projects? (usually my apps are freeware or opensource) I mean icons to the toolbars and things like that. ...

How to make an icon button in C++

I know how to draw a button in C++ but how would i make an icon on it can someone post source or give reference please? by SendMessage() or if not that way just please paste Please need easier anwsers without so many files im new a bit ...

Displaying CSS images in div updated by Ajax

I wonder if anyone can help. An HTML div in a page of mine contains a tree control which is shown or hidden depending upon a button pressed by a user. The button triggers an Ajax event which sets a variable on the server to show or hide the tree so that the state is persisted. But here's the problem; when the tree is re-displayed, the i...

Set the icon of a Flex button with a Sprite in runtime

I want to set the icon of a button in flex. The default syntax is as follows. myButton.setStyle("icon", iconClass); and iconClass is normally an embedded object. But what I want to do is, use a standard Sprite or a MovieClip (which I find during runtime) as the icon. Is this possible? Has anyone done this? Thanks! ...

I need images/cliparts/icons for mathematical symbols

I need to add icons (16x16) for my application. The icons must be showing images of +,-,x,%,<,>,!= and symbols like that. Is there any site where i can get it? Or any software which can quickly help me generate them. I'm bad in designing them. Also suggest me a site where i can get free collection of Icons or Images, (i can convert imag...

Emulating the Vista notification icon dialog boxes with WPF

When single-clicking a notification icon in Vista (such as the network or sound icons) you are presented with a bordered yet captionless dialog (http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/Aa511448.NotificationArea22(en-us,MSDN.10).png): How can I emulate these in WPF? Creating a new window and setting WindowStyle to "None" and ResizeMode to "CanRes...

Add icon to existing EXE file from the command line

Is there a command line tool that can add an icon to an existing executable file? It should be able to set the icon as the file's "main" icon that is shown in Explorer. I don't have Visual Studio and cannot recompile the exe with custom resources containing the icon. UPDATE: The best tool I have found since posting this question is by ...

MOSS Document Icons

Hi In SharePoint MOSS 2007 I have .pdf and .sql files. Can I get it to show the correct icon for these documents in the document libraries? All the best ...

display image in a grid using extjs

I am new to extjs. I want to display icon images for each grid elements. can you please healp me anybody? i am getting the image path from an xml file. my code is below. here i am displaying image path. i have to replace it by displaying image. Ext.onReady(function(){ var store = new Ext.data.Store({ url: 'new_frm.xml', ...

Custom icon per file instance

Some Windows programs can use different icons for different files with the same extension. Example .sln can show a different icon depending on what version of Visual Studio the solution was made in (actually, determined by the version number in the top line in the .sln) Photoshop .psd files have icons with a thumbnail of the image A ....

In WPF, What is the best way to create toolbar buttons so that the images are properly scaled?

Specifically, I'm looking to use the 16*16 32-bit png images included with the VS2008ImageLibrary. I've tried manually setting the Height and Width attributes of the image, adjusting margins and padding, adjusting Stretch and RenderOptions. My attempts to create toolbar buttons have all led to either Improper Scaling (blurry icons), the ...

Copy Icon into Startup Folder Using VB.Net

I'd like to copy an icon into the computer's startup folder from vb.net code. ...

Click-Once Alternative Icon Locations

Is there any features inside click-once to push multiple shortcuts? (Such as to desktop, Startup Menu, etc) In the past I've always done that as part of the form load event of my deployed application (installation triggers the application to launch--thus I can use form load to complete the setup process). I'm wondering however if that...