
Generating Order Numbers - Keep unique across multiple machines - Unique string seed

I'm attempting to create an order number for customers to use. I will have multiple machines that do not have access to the same database (so can't use primary keys and generate a unique ID). I will have a unique string that I could use for a seed for some algorithm that will generate a unique looking alphanumeric ID # for the order ...

Facebook Get User ID From Application Tab

Hello! Facebook apps are allowed to have a tab that a user can add to his profile's tabs if he wants. How can I get the uid or otherwise identify the currently logged in user in order to customize the layout for him please? Thank you. ...

PHP/AJAX check if session variable changed

Greetings! I need to dynamically check if a session variable changes every few seconds. For example, the PHP session variable "x" may have a value of "1", and then after five seconds, has a value of "2". The PHP session variable "x" is changed by using a form. If the session variable changes, I need the page to reload. How can I relo...

In App Purchase for iPad

i have created two app id for in app purchase and done all works. when i'm running my in-app purchase it returns one product as valid and another one as invalid product id.. Please can any one help me.. Thanks in Advance ...

Why do GUIDs and UUIDs have hyphens in them?

A colleague of mine was wondering why he couldn't just strip the hyphens from the uuid/guid before storing it. We couldn't work out what the hyphens were for... What is the reasoning behind them? Surely they'd make it less random? ...

Android tabhost issue...code included

I am getting the following error when I try to launch an activity containing a tabhost. 08-25 16:51:42.551: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(27863): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.paratransit/com.paratransit.jobDialog}: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create tab content because could no...

CSS Multiple ID with Same Name Work Around?

First I realize ID's should be unique. But right now I can't do much about that. I have a javascript plug-in that is generating ID names and for one page it works great. The issue is in creating another page, it will start over using the same naming convention. For example: Page 1 <ul id="1"> Page 2 <ul id="1"> So if I am tryi...

How to create a hierarchy ID

Hello all , I'm new to c# and I'd like to make a method to generate a hierarchy ID like the following 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 is there and way to accomplish this ? any help will be highly appreciated. ...

use jquery to ad ids to dialog buttons?

i can't seem to add ids to the buttons in a jquery created dialog. i can select the buttons after the dialog is declared via selectors as follows: var buttons = $("#dialog").siblings(".ui-dialog-buttonpane").find("button"); but when i try to do: buttons[0].attr('id', 'someId'); i get: TypeError: Object #<an HTMLButtonElement> h...

Pass ID from gridView row to Javasript function

On my Gridview, I've successfully created a link, as below (with a FIXED customerid of 3) <asp:HyperLinkField NavigateUrl="javascript:popUp(3)" Text="Detail" Target="_parent"> How can I pass the actual value for CustomerId on the same row? I have been searching trying for many days now. Please help. Please the link below. Som...

iPhone Binary Upload - Bundle ID Problem

Hi, We have our app all ready to upload to Apple for approval but have unfortunately hit a brick wall when trying to upload the binary due to an issue with the Binary ID. In iTunes Connect the Bundle ID shows as (I've replaced some of the values here for privacy but the structure is the same). Wh...

copy value of one textbox with same ID to another in javascript

Below is the html code of my problem I need to copy the contents of one textbox to another onblur or onkeyup of similar ID. Kindly help me. The javascript function "sync" should be updated for my issue. Thanks in advance. <html> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <script type="text/javascript"> functio...

What's the best way to reference an element via ID in jQuery?

Should I be using $("#myElement") or $(myElement)? Both appear to work. ...

ExtJS : How to set combobox id?

Hello guys. I have a little problem. At my application Im always building two linked combobox - country and towns(then country are selected - towns began to load). So i thinked - mbe write a constructor and minimized my code? Ok i did it. But i got a problem: i have 2-3 couple of this linked comboboxes on page and when i selected at sec...

android Outbound caller id - on/off

Hi guys, I wan to hide/show my caller id from my activity programmatically. I tried to find it in the android documentation but without the luck. Maybe you have any ideas? Thanks, marqs ...

Http Sesssion is common after recreation of session

Hi , I have one issue related to session id, in my application i am removing all session attributes and invalidating the session, then recreate the new session and assign old values. but in this scenario always gives the same session id. The reason for doing this is that session hijack they get the old session id and hack the applicatio...

id type to NSString

is there any way by which I can change an id type to NSString object? note the following line of my code. NSString *value = [appDelegate.bird_arr objectAtIndex:rowClicked] ; in this appDelegate is object of my AppDelegate class in a navigation based program and bird_arr is object of NSMutableArray. I want to use the string written in ...

IDs in MySQL, standard IDs or alphanumerics?

I'm thinking of this, if I make a web site for a specific university's students should I make the ID as standard IDs on MySQL (integer, auto increment) or should I give the IDs as how is their email address is, like if the student's email address is [email protected] then his/her id is e12234 (on my web site). Is it ok, what about pe...

Changing an ID using JQuery

I'm trying to change the ID of an element here: By using this line: $('.databaseID').attr('id', 'test'); I would like to change the id of this line to test, so I can proceed to put in a pre-fix via a string and a variable from JSON data. But for now, I just wanted to see if I could repl...

javascript, how can I access a specific child of a row?

using javascript, how can I access a specific child of a row? javascript (not jquery please) eg: second of where ID=id33322010100167 <table> <tr id="id33322010100167"> <td>20101001</td> <td>918</td> <td>919</td> <td>67</td> <td>CAR PROBLEM</td> </tr> <tr id="id33322010100169"> <td>20102001</td> <td>913</td> <td>914</td> <td>62</td> <t...