
Echo autoincrement id doubt

Hi, can I print the id, even if it's autoincrement ? Because the way I'm doing I'm using an empty variable for id. $id= ""; mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die ("Não conectou com a base $database"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO table1(id,...) VALUES ('".$id."',....)") or die(mysql_error()); m...

ThinkingSphinx is not searching records with id greater than some value

Like above - I've got a ThinkingSphinx search implemented in my rails app. Searching works perfectly but - only for records with ids < 6145. Last correct search can be performed for id = 6144 I'm searching trough several models (Article, Newsitem, Video, Post) If anyone knows what could cause such a problem - please let me know. Thanks...

django username in url, instead of id

Hello, in a mini virtual community, i have a profile_view function, so that i can view the profile of any registered user. The profile view function has as a parameter the id of the user wich the profile belongs to, so that when i want to access the profile of user 2 for example, i call it like that:

how can i get the resource id of an image if i know its name

how can i get the resource id of an image if i know its name (in android) ...

Hibernate, select by id or unique column

I am using hibernate for Java, and I want to be able to select users by id or by name from the database. Nice thing about Hibernate is that it caches the result by id, but I seem to be unable to make it cache by name. static Session openSession = Factory.openSession(); public static User GetUser(int Id) { return (User) openSessio...

Client Id for Property (ASP.Net MVC)

Hi guys... I'm begginer in mvc, and i have a doubs: I'm trying to do a label for a TextBox in my View and I'd like to know, how can I take a Id that will be render in client to generete scripts... for example: <label for="<%=x.Name.?ClientId?%>"> Name: </label> <%=Html.TextBoxFor(x=>x.Name) %> What need I put in "?ClientId?"...

Generating a unique id for a given string using php

I'm using Zend_Cache_Core with Zend_Cache_Backend_File to cache results of queries executed for a model class that accesses the database. Basically the queries themselves should form the id by which to cache the obtained results, only problem is, they are too long. Zend_Cache_Backend_File doesn't throw an exception, PHP doesn't complai...

Delphi ITE: when can resource IDs change?

I'm looking into Delphi ITE (Integrated Translation Environment) to add multi-language support in my app. I'm concerned about validity issues for resource DLLs, which is generated by ITE. In other words, when it is safe to deploy already compiled resource DLL, if main application was recompiled or (possibly) changed. Questions: If I j...

iPhone/iPad - Need to offer a free upgrade for Customers who brought an old app

We have an app on the app store that we need to remove. As such we have a new version to upload as a completely new app with a new app SKU and Id but we want to offer a free upgrade for those who have purchased the original version. Is there a way to do this? ...

how to access a class through id using jquery?

I have an html as follows: <fieldset id="question1"> <legend class='legend'>...</legend> ... <input type="text" name="label_no1" id="label_no1" autocomplete="off"> </fieldset> On the java script, I'm cloning the fieldset, yet I want to access its element to change ids, and some of the text. I tried this and it did not work: $(...

Android unique id

How do I get an unique id from an android phone?? Whenever i try to get the unique id from the phone as a string it always shows "android id" and no other unique hex values how do i get that one? This is the code I use to get the id until now: String id=Settings.Secure.getString(contentResolver,Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); Log.i("Andro...

Grails: Edit and Delete links not working

Hi, I created an extra column and added icons at the end of the list for editing and deleting an event. Here is what I have <g:form value="${}"> <g:hiddenField name="id" value="${}" /> <span class="simple"><g:actionSubmit class="editar" action="edit" value="${message(c...

how detect caller id from phone line?

Is it possible to read bytes directly from modem or phone line without losing any info? If use SerialPort after ringing nothing happened on ReceiveData event! I want to read caller id info directly from line. My modem doesn't support Caller Id! ...

extract uid from Facebook Connect with php

I'm a novice when it comes to java and not awesome at php, so dont judge me if this is realy easy or impossible... I would like to extract the users facebook-id and put it into a php-variable. How do i do that? The code im using is from a facebook tutorial video, and its working. I just want to be able to use the user id in a php code....

jQuery : targetting id problem

Hello, I cannot target an element in jQuery. First example which works : $(document).ready(function() { $('#Models').hide(); }); Second example which fails : $(document).ready(function() { $('#Make').bind('change',function() { $('#Models').hide(); }); }); In this case, the ...

Unable to configure my App ID in iPhone developer portal

Hi all!! Iam able to create a new apple ID from the provisioning portal from manage tab. But it always shows the app ID as unavailable for Push notification service. Action is to view the details. When i click on that it says, ""Note: Only explicit App IDs can be used to access the Apple Push Notification service. Please use an existin...

Use a random string as id in Ruby on Rails?

I want to create a web app similar to in Ruby on Rails. uses a random string to identify an item. Ruby on Rails uses an auto-incrementing number. How can I make Ruby on Rails also use these random strings as IDs for items, instead of auto-incrementing numbers? Thanks ...

Embedded video with an underscore in youtube ID won't work on iPhone

I can get all 5 videos working on my computer's browser, but the fourth video fails on my iPhone (via Safari). I think it's because the youtube id has an underscore in it. For each video, I'm embedding the youtube videos with the following: <object width="70" height="60"><param name="movi...

Jquery style checking and finding the element.

Hello! In my script i'm looking for the DIV which has class .se and has style attribute display: block, and i need the DIV's ID. My method is wrong :( var usedse = $(".se"):has(css('display', 'block')).attr("id"); Could you help me please to fix this? ...

ID naming convention in ASP.NET?

Coming from the world of HTML, XML and PHP its a new way of thinking when making web applications using ASP.NET. I'd like to use the following code in my MasterPage: <div id="leftnav"> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="leftnav" runat="server"> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> </div> But since leftnav in this example is used twice, Visual S...