
Error after compiling .IDL file for Firefox accessibility

Hello everyone! I've encountered a very annoying problem while working with Firefox MSAA (). I tried to compile IDL file from cmd but it failed. Then I added it to the project and ran build. After VS compiled interface file there were two C files - ISimpleDOMDocument_h.h and ISimpleDOMDocument_i.c I added those to the project. But now I...

How to specify user defined type parameters in COM interface definition?

One of my COM interface methods needs a parameter of user defined type as below: [uuid(58ADDA77-274B-4B2D-B8A6-CAB5A3907AE7), object] //Interface interface IRadio : IUnknown { ... HRESULT test_method2(someUDT* p2p_UDT); ... }; How could fit the definition of the someUDT in the *.idl file? The someUDT type is a ...

Problem with IDL syntax for ANSI C

I am working on trying to pass data from one ANSI C program to another through RPC. The data that I need to send is currently being stored in a struct as an 'int **m' (a matrix). When I try to write out the IDL file and compile it with 'rpcgen -C -Sc myfile.x' using the following structure: struct thread_data { int size; ...

Converting a WSDL to IDL

I'm working on a device that uses Java ORB for communicating with SOAP web services. Our SOAP web service is hosted via WCF and exposes its interface via a WSDL. The example I have for the device suggests looking at the WSDL and manually converting it to an IDL which can then be consumed by jidl to generate the required Java stubs. Is...

CORBA sequences: can I define sequences of objects w/ methods?

Hello, I have an interface with a method that should return a list of items, and each item should have certain methods associated with it. For example, I want to define a method listAllItems() that returns a bunch of "item" objects which have methods attached to them (so I can have the client process pick one of the items and say itemo...

How to avoid including standard interfaces in type library

In my ATL project I have an interface that looks like this interface IGenericDecorator : IUnknown { HRESULT CreateInternalObject([in] IClassFactory* pClsFactory); }; After I build the project I see definition of IClassFactory included in the type library. How can I avoid this? I don't need IClassFactory to be defined in my type ...

wstring conversion showing error. IDL to java

I have an idl file containing the bellow string const wstring ROOT_DOMAIN = L"S_ROOT" I was using open orb 1.3.1 to convert this idl file to java. But it shows bellow error Undefined identifier : L But When I removed L from idl file , it was working fine. Why this error is happening ? What should I do to avoid this error ? ...

How to get Imported type libraries from an OCX or TLB file?

I was convinced that there is no way to find COM dependencies of an ActiveX but to my surprise OLEVIEW shows some comments Like: // TLib : // TLib : OLE Automation : {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} importlib("stdole2.tlb"); // TLib : Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures : {EA544A21-C82D-11D1-A3E4-00A0C90AEA82} ...