
Problem with name collision in an IDL file

We have an idl file with multiple interfaces defined, two of which have somehting like this: [ object, uuid(79E24BAA-DC12-4caf-91DD-2A4D47FED30A), helpstring("ISomeInterface Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISomeInterface: IUnknown { [propget, id(2)] HRESULT SOMEMethod([out, retval] BSTR* pValue)...

Saving and accessing a lot of ROI polygons (IDL, ImageJ, Java?, XML?)

I need to save and re-load thousands of ROI polygons on a stack of images, actually a 30-frame-per second movie for 30+ minutes, so at least 54,000 frames. There can be multiple ROIs on a single image (frame) in the stack, and the size and number of vertices for each ROI is different. The ROI polygons are tracking the edges of shapes a...

multiple Thrift services on one transport

Just seeking confirmation here : apache Thrift protocol does not seem to support running multiple services on one transport endpoint ? ( a socket, file, whatever ) I cant seem to figure out how to do something like this in Thrift: service otherService { void dosomething() } service rootService { otherService getOtherService() ...

Struct inheritance in MIDL

I am trying to inherit from and extend a structure defined in MIDL. I used the same syntax as for interface inheritance i.e typedef struct stDBIBinVarDataEx { float x; } MYSTRUCT ; struct struct2 : MYSTRUCT { float y; }; but the compiler generates errors. ...

idlj Ignoring "#pragma prefix"

I have an IDL file that has a "#pragma prefix" directive, but whenever I use idlj to build the Java code, it ignores this and generates an _id without the prefix specified. This is a big problem because when _is_a is used, it always returns false, since my generated code does not contain the expected prefix. Please help! Thanks in adv...

How to generate smart pointers for my interface without importing tlb

I am compiling idl file using MIDL compiler and generating header file. I need to get smart pointer implementations for interfaces defined in my idl file. How to get smart pointers for my interfaces by compile idl using midl? ...

How do I declare an IStream in idl so visual studio maps it to s.w.interop.comtypes?

hi I have a COM object that takes needs to take a stream from a C# client and processes it. It would appear that I should use IStream. So I write my idl like below. Then I use MIDL to compile to a tlb, and compile up my solution, register it, and then add a reference to my library to a C# project. Visual Studio creates an IStream defin...

How to let idlj compile idl files in ant

Hi, I've no idea how to compile my idl files with the sun-idl compiler (idlj) with the help of ant? Does anyone have an idea? ...

IDL: Accessing struct fields using field names stored in variables?

If I have a struct with a fieldname 'fieldname', is it possible to access the data in that field using only the variable? ie. x = 'fieldname' is it possible to do data = struct.(x) in some way? I want to use the string in x as the field name. ...

Aquamacs and IDLWAVE

I've just installed the new Aquamacs 2.0 in my Mac Os X 10.6.3 and I'm an happy user of IDLWAVE on Aquamacs for programming in IDL. Unfortunately I run into a problem which I can't understand. I used in my configuration file to put the following (setq idlwave-surround-by-blank t) for the beautiful space around operator. This us...

How to get IDL from a .NET assembly (or how to to convert TLB to IDL) in a command line?

Hey, We have a .NET assembly (Aspose.Words actually) and we want clients to use it from COM clients without much hassle. So we ship a .TLB with the assembly so the client can use it from languages such as C++ or Delphi and don't bother extracting .TLB themselves. We also ship an .IDL with the assembly so the clients can look into it i...

Can IDL evaluate strings as code?

Is there any functionality in IDL that will allow it to evaluate a a string as code? Or, failing that, is there a nice, dynamic way of including /KEYWORD in functions? For example, if I wanted to ask them for what type of map projection the user wants, is there a way to do it nicely, without large if/case statements for the /Projection_...

Adding a valuetype to IDL, compile and it fails with "No factory found"

I can't figure out why the client keeps complaining about the not finding the factory method. I've tried the IDL with and without the "factory" keyword and that didn't change the behavior. The SDMGeoVT IDL matches other objects used (which run successfully). The SDMGeoVT classes generated match other generated classes in regards to in...

Can IDL create a contour plot colorbar like this?

At the bottom of this image, you'll see a nice colorbar that matches the colors of the graph correctly: I couldn't find anything that created a color bar with exactly the colors I wanted, it always seemed to involve a spectrum that included colors I didn't use. I have a vector of ...

IDL: Can IDL add a colorbar/other legend info below a contour plot, so that it doesn't overlap anything?

I am using a map_set call to draw a map, and then using contour to plot some data on top of it. I want to add a legend to this plot to make it useful, but it would have to be below the entire plot, and everything I've tried creates an overlapping legend over top of my image. ...

Why do IDL defaultvalue values look rounded?

I have a COM object with a function with an optional last argument. The IDL is a bit like this: interface ICWhatever: IDispatch { [id(96)] HRESULT SomeFunction([in,defaultvalue(50.6)]float parameter); }; This works fine: if I don't specify the parameter, 50.6 is filled in. But in several development environments (Excel VBA, VB6) the...

doxygen with IDL/ODL

If you have a C++ project that has a bunch of .ODL files and the generated .h files from the ODL compiler, should doxygen be told to parse both .odl and .h, or only one or the other? In general I don't like documenting generated code but IDL is sort of a special case. In any case, it seems like the member listing of ODL files is not qui...

Unqualified name in IDL for imported type library

I've created a COM-class that implements some interface. I want to add a method to this interface. The parameter of this method is a pointer to the interface defined in some external olb-file. In my project this olb-file imported without no_namespace directive. So, the interface name in the parameter of the method must be qualified in h\...

Document an IDL-generated C API with Doxygen

Hi, My company develops a primarily C-based API, using IDLs to define the interfaces and generate the C headers. We'd like to use Doxygen to document the interfaces in the IDLs, but we'd also like the API reference to document the C headers. In other words, the fact that we are using IDLs should be transparent to the customers of our ...

How do I share a constant between C# and C++ code?

I'm writing two processes using C# and WCF for one and C++ and WWSAPI for the second. I want to be able to define the address being used for communication between the two in a single place and have both C# and C++ use it. Is this possible? The closest I've come is defining the constant in an IDL, then using MIDL and TLBIMP to get it i...