
Sum IIF Expression

Im trying to sum an expression in visual studio and just keep getting an #error but not sure why as this si the first time i have tried to sum an expression, only ever done it on a single field before. Any Suggestions!!! =IIf(Fields!STATUS.value = "Completed" AND Fields!DONOTINVOICE.value = True, Fields!ORDERCOST.Value, "") ...

Example of .iif file format

I'm looking for an example of a .iif file format, so that I can write a file to be read by quickbooks. I'm not able to google anything that is very specific. Any good reference? ...

Determine existence of results in jet SQL?

In Jet, I want to test if certain conditions return any results. I want a query which returns exactly one record: "true" if there are any results, "false" otherwise. This works in MS SQL: SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM foo WHERE <some condition>) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END; This is what I have tried in Jet: SELECT IIF...

MDX - Using "iif" function in the "Where" section

Hi I'd like to know how to make that "iif" work. Basically, I need to filter the engineering "product codes" when originator is "John Smith". currentmember is not working or that iif is not working, SELECT { ( [Time].[Fiscal Hierarchy Time Calculations].[Month to Date], [Measures].[Sell - Bookings] ) } ON C...

Conditional Action in SSRS

I want my textbox to have an action ONLY if the condition is true, otherwise no action. This is what I have as my current action expression for going to another report: =IIf(Fields!MyTextbox.Value = "0", "Report2","") This does not produce my desired result. It gives the textbox an action regardless of the condition result. Is there a ...

Why isn't my iif statement evaluating true when the condition is correct?

This is my statement: iif(sum(Fields!myfield1.Value) = 0, 0, sum(Fields!myField2.Value)/sum(Fields!myField1.Value)) Any suggestions? ...

ReportViewer textbox moves unexpectedly

I'm using ReportViewer at my work and I've run into a problem I can't solve. This particular report is one that has a section that's visibility is determined by checking a field: =IIf(Fields!TRREQUEST_BK_STATUS_CD.Value.ToString() <> "DELETE", True, False) This isn't where the problem is happening though. Above this section, there are...

ReportViewer IIf expression in text box returns #ERROR

I'm using ReportViewer for work and I'm trying to get an IIf expression to work with a few text boxes that are using FormatCurrency(). The reason I needed an IIf statement in the first place was because occasionally on this report, there will be null parameters. The example here is a shipping box that may or may not have a value. If it h...