
Passive FTP instead of Active FTP

Hi I have a client you cannot use Active FTP connections because they are limited by the interface applications. The issue i have is I have Active set up fine but cannot fathom why my passive FTP will only times out. I have followed this article http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/309/configuring-ftp-firewall-settings/ and still have no j...

Mod_rewrite for IIS

Is there anything similar to mod_rewrite for IIS 6/7? I want to be able to point several domains (I'm guessing using CNAMEs) to one domain "abc.com", and then do a redirect to "abc.com/start.html" once the browser hits that domain. ...

How do I install an ASP.Net MVC application on IIS 7 using Wix?

For IIS6 I can use the IIS helpers in Wix to install a web application like this: <iis:WebAppPool Id="AP_MyApp" Name="My Application Pool" Identity="networkService" /> <iis:WebApplication Id="WA_MyApp" Name="MyApp" WebAppPool="AP_MyApp"> <iis:WebApplicationExtension CheckPath="no" Execut...

How can I force IIS 7 to flush output?

In IIS 6, using Perl, I was able to send a stream of output to the client rather than buffering the entire thing and dumping it out at all once. This allowed such things as progress bars and such to be used. How can I accomplish the same thing in IIS 7? ...

Anyone know where I can get a virgin copy of IIS7's applicationHost.config?

I recently moved to a new machine and forgot to make a backup of applicationHost.config before mucking around with IIS7's settings using both appcmd and the Management Console. I would now like to restore IIS7's settings to their original state, but I don't have a backup of the original settings to restore from. By the way, I do know...

Hints on PHP Problem diagnosis?

I am not an expert in PHP, still learning it. I'd like some hints on how to troubleshoot problems. Recently I installed PHP 5.2.9 on Vista+IIS7 (phpIsapi). I ran a script that did an opendir()/readdir(). This script ran just fine on 5.2.0. On v5.2.9, it failed but I got no indication of the source of the problem. I banged aroun...

Running a asp.net web application project on IIS7 throws exception

I just converted a website to a web application project and I am getting this error: System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. Any ideas? Everything else runs fine on IIS7. The applicati...

IIS7 Authentication problem

I have deployed a web site to a Win 2008 Web server with IIS7. The site works fine on a Win 2003 Standard server with IIS6. On the 2008 box, whenever I request a page (htm or aspx) from a folder named Reports, I get challenged with the Windows Authentication dialog box. I have Anonymous Authentication and Forms Authentication enabled ...

Why isn't fiddler capturing request when invoking XMLRPC from iis?

I have a webapplication written in .NET, that utilizes CookComputing.XmlRpcV2 for xmlrpc-communication. When I invoke my unit-tests in Visual Studio 2008, fiddler2 captures the actual xmlrpc-requests successfully, but when I'm running the actual application under IIS7 it shows nothing. I have verified that it actually invokes the xmlrpc...

trailing slashes on asp.net mvc urls with IIS 7

I'm using asp.net MVC on IIS 7 / windows 2008 server. The problem is that asp.net mvc generates urls with no slash at the end, like: http://site.com/category/asp. When this url is clicked, IIS 7 probably thinks its a directory and issues a 302 redirect to http://site.com/category/asp/ (with the end slash). How do i change this? I do no...

Enable IIS7 gzip

How can I enable IIS7 to gzip static files like js and css and how can I test if IIS7 is really gziping them before sending to the client? Thanks! ...

IIS7 file mappings - .asax, .ashx, .asap

Hello, IIS enables us to also configure Asp.Net file mappings. Thus besides aspx, IIS also invokes Asp.Net runtime, when requests have the following file extensions: a) .ascx --> .asmx extension is used to request user controls. Since user controls can’t be accessed directly, how and why would anyone send a request to a user con...

Django working under IIS7

Hi all, has someone a detailed description (if any) of a working installation of Django on Windows under IIS7? Already looked at PyISAPIe, etc. (and relative sites, groups, forums) but all description are somewhat inaccurate and until now I've been unsuccesful. The apparently fastest solution(PyISAPIe) seems to have some bugs as from the...

BackgroundWorker Thread in IIS7 - FAIL!

Just wondering if anyone has had any trouble using a BackgroundWorker Thread in a site running under IIS 7 in Integrated Pipeline mode? I am trying to use such a beast to update the database schema (admin function, obviously), and it works perfectly in Cassini, but when I deploy to IIS 7, the thread gets about one line of code in and si...

Diagnosing 404 errors on IIS 7 and ASP.NET MVC

I have an mvc app developed and tested with Cassini. Deployed to my site on GoDaddy, and the default page comes up fine. Click to log in, and I get a 404. I'm running under IIS 7 there, so this is unexpected. My routes are pretty plain: routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); routes.MapRoute( "Def...

How do I find out which request path is missing in a 404 error handler in iis7?

I am trying to create a custom error handler in iis 7. web.config httpErrors section: <httpErrors> <remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" /> <error statusCode="404" prefixLanguageFilePath="" path="/path/to/handlerwebservice" responseMode="ExecuteURL" /> </httpErrors> web.config httpHandler to handle error: <add path="*/...

IIS7 not gziping all static files

Hi, I enabled gzip in IIS7, and it works for some files, but others don't... I'm using httpwatch and I can see that some .js files are being gziped but others don't, they get gziped after I manually request for the files 3 or 4 times, then iis gzips it... Is this a normal behavior? How can I make it gzip all the static files? thanks!...

Writing to an event log in ASP.NET on Windows Server 2008 IIS7

I'm trying to use log4net to write to a customer event log under IIS7 on Windows Server 2008 SP1. However, account doesn't seem to have access to write to the event log. Does anyone have any suggestions? ...

Railo, Tomcat IIS7 and default documents.

I've set up Railo v3.1 using Tomcat v6 - on a Windows 2008 (32bit) server. Everything seems to work fine, except that no matter what I try, I can't get it to recognise my default document (index.cfm) So: http://localhost/index.cfm = fine http://localhost = 404.3 error If I look at the error, it seems that IIS7 is using the static fil...

LinkPoint payment integration with IIS7 crashes w3wp.exe

My assemblies that wrap a third-party DLL work fine in my windows test harness app, and they also work fine in a web service when spawned in debug mode (VS 2008 Visual Studio Development Server)! However, the app always crashes when running in the local IIS 7 web server. Here is the crash detail from the event log when running on the l...