
godaddy iis7 url re-wright?

hello long time listener first time caller ;) I am having an issues with my godaddy site. i have a second domain pointing to asp.net application in a subdirectory, godaddy will add the subdirectory in to the url randomly so when a user navigates to a url like http://www.subdomain.com/ godaddy some times adds the directory name like http...

IIS Subdomain Host Headers Not Working

Using IIS 7, I have an existing website, example.com, and I have added another website to which I'd like the URL, sub.example.com to point. I've set up the host headers for this, but it does not work. Trying to ping the subdomain URL give the message "Ping request could not find host sub.example.com. Please check the name and try again."...

What does this error mean? The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x80070057.

Hi Even though a couple people have asked this question it seems there problem is different than mine. Like most of them seem to get line numbers or the problem might be caused with ViewState. I am using Asp.net 4.0 MVC 2.0 so I don't think I am using ViewState at all. My error does not give me line numbers are well. So I have no clue ...

WinHttp POST body not received

I'm sending a WinHttp request with POST data to a php script on an IIS7 server, and the POST body isn't being received by the server. If I send via WinHttp using GET, or POST with a NULL body, or through an HTML form using POST with a body, everything works as expected. Here's some simple code showing the difference between by WinHttp ...

I have an existing asp.net mvc site (on iis 7), can I add wordpress on a /blog subdirectory?

I have an existing site that is using asp.net mvc 2.0 and I want to add wordpress in a /blog subdirectory. Is this possible? How would I go around to doing this? The site has a wildcard SSL certificate, not sure if that has any effect on the binding for the subdirectory? Also, are there any security issues I should be worried about (...

IIS 7 Configuration problem

I am configuring IIS 7 in Windows Server 2008 to connect through an ASP application in a database with SQL Server 2005, but when I try to connect login form, throw me an error: Server Unavaiable and the IIS is down. I have to do a iisreset to get it working again but I can not connect to SQL. ...

Using IIS7 URL Rewrite with MVC without access to webserver

http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/469/using-rewrite-maps-in-url-rewrite-module/ I have a website hosted at www.hostedsite.com/here, and need to use the subdomain foo.bar.com. The issue im having is when you navigate using any of the links, the url changes to foo.bar.com/here/whatever with 'here' being the folder name coming through. I was ...

Converting mod_rewrite Rules to IIS Rewrite Rules

I'm using http://github.com/lakshmivyas/hyde to generate my website, and it included .htaccess mod_rewrite rules, but I'm going to be self-hosting my website on a Windows server using IIS, so I was trying to import the existing .htaccess rules into the IIS Rewrite module, but the rules it imported weren't working correctly. Examples of ...

IE Postbacks Fail After a Few Seconds When Connecting to ASP.Net 4.0 in Localhost.

I noticed an odd problem when developing a web site project on localhost using ASP.Net 4.0, IIS 7.0, and IE8. Postbacks do not work after the page has been idle for a few seconds, like 30 seconds or less. If I load the page, enter some data, and click the submit button immediately, the postback works perfectly, but if I let the page si...

ASP.NET Intermittent lag before Application_BeginRequest()

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2. When in Debug mode, there is a very consistent 5-10 second delay on every other request to the server before HttpApplication_BeginRequest() is hit in Global.asax It happens exactly every other request. In Release mode it is fast always but it's causing me problems testing things in Debug mode. I looked at the ca...

Ftp Dll: could not put file 550 can't access file I/O Error

When trying to ftp a build of a ASP.NET site, I sometimes get this error. Is there way to prevent this, a configuration in web.config of IIS that prevents dlls being locked? ...

This organization's certificate has been revoked

I have just Installed Intermediate Certificates supplied by Thawtes, and installed their SSL certificate for a test site sat on our network behind a load of firewalls. the dns lookup is an internal one only. I have run a test validation service provided by Thawte locally and it responds as successful. Yet trying to visit the site over...

ASP.Net MVC SQLExpress Production Environment Update Scenario

New to actually deploying a Asp.Net MVC web application with sqlexpress in the App_Data folder, how would I handle database updates after it is live and in use. Here's my scenario and a few questions: I have an Asp.Net MVC 2 Web app w/ sqlexpress databases: [myappData.mdf, aspnetdb.mdf]. I was planning on publishing this to the produc...

Programmatically enable forms authentication in IIS 7.0

I'm currently using System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry and the 'AuthFlags' property therein to set Anonymous access to a virtual web. To enable anonymous access I give it a value of 1. What value do I need to set to enable forms auth? I have this idea in the back of my head that maybe this is only set via the web.config? ...

Changing connectionstring for entity framework after IIS7 MVC Publish results in metadata error

I built this app with Web Developer Express 2010 using SQL Server Express 2008. I downloaded mdf/log files from my server to my local and attached them as a database with SQL 2005 compatibility. I'm now trying to publish to my production server. The server is using SQL Express 2005 and Windows Server Web. I tried to change out the web.c...

URL Rewriting .Net IIS7

Hi, My web app url is e.g. http://domainname/Search/SearchPage.aspx?SearchID=1-0-0-2-3. I have rewriten the url as follows The user may see the following url http://domainname/Search/SearchPage.aspx/1-0-0-2-3/DFDF/FDFDF My code is only conerned with the SearchID. Is there a way that i can ignore anything that comes after /1-0-0-2...

Handle errors at application or server level?

When setting up asp.net error handlers for things like 404 errors, it is more 'efficient' to do this in IIS, or handle it in the Global.asax Application_Error event? I know the latter will be called, and I want to log this information in a database, but should I then just return without any redirect and let IIS do the redirect, or would ...

Activate form authentication for CSV files in IIS7

I have a website on IIS 7. This website has a HttpModule with an AuthorizeRequest event handler. This event does not fire for CSV files and I can access the file without logging in, I guess this is because IIS7 is not configured to require form autentication for CSV files. How can I set this? ...

What is the preferred method to manage a timed event with a Web application?

I'm designing an ASP.NET 4.0 Web application where administrators may create an auction with an expiration. The expiration time would be stored in a database. How can I ensure that the auction ends at the predetermined time, considering the fact that an application instance may not be running when it is time? The application will be host...

Asp.Net 4.0 Profiling on IIS7

New to both Asp.Net 4.0 and IIS7 deployment. I am having a runtime problem with my application. Basically certain pages are not loading, also looks like a memory issue related to certain calls etc. What are some of the tools and techniques for profiling/debugging Asp.net 4.0 when deployed on iis7. I am just looking for a way to get the...