
Image Uploading - security issues

Hi, I'm developing an ASP.NET Web app and would like the user to be able to either upload an image from their local system, or pass in a URL to an image. The image can either be a JPG or PNG. What security issues should I be concerned about doing this? I've seen various ways of embedding code within JPG files. Are there any methods in ...

What's a good image hosting site with an API to allow me upload images from my website?

I'm looking for an image hosting website that'll allow me to upload images onto their servers from my own website using an API. I like's API but I'm looking for alternatives. ...

php image upload problem with move_uploaded_file function

i have one image upload script which upload same image on two locations same time with move_uploaded_file() function like this $fpath="../p/e/".$prop_fac1; $error = move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $fpath); $fpath1="../p/t/".$prop_fac1; $error1 = move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $fpath1); the problem is, first part works mean it u...

processing an image upload form in django: when to use save() vs chunks() vs cleaned_data?

I have successfully uploaded an image using the following code: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django import template from django.template import RequestContext from mysite.uploadr.forms import UploadFileFo...

Invalid URL message when uploading an image file using urllib2

Hello, I am trying to upload an image file to from python. My code is as follows: import urllib,urllib2 url='' values = { 'data':open('./imagefile.jpg'), 'tags':'', 'size':'None' } data = urllib.urlencode(values) req = urllib2.Request(url,data) try: respons...

ASP.NET Connection Reset on Upload

Hi all, I'm running into a problem with my app (ASP.NET MVC 2) where I can't upload files (images in my case). I've changed the web.config to accept up to 20MB, and I'm trying to upload a file that's only 3MB. The app itself has two ways to upload. The initial upload which starts a Gallery and then an additional upload to append to a G...

How do I save an image in a SQL Server Database?

I want to save images that are uploaded with httppostedfilebase into a database. How do I do this? How do I structure the database fields? What code do I write to save it to the database? ...

Multiple Image Uploading / Map Images to Products

I am looking for a solution (APIs, etc.) for handling a similar experience as I need to be able to upload images (preferably multiple at a time) and be able to map my uploaded images to various product images (clean stock images of shirts, mugs, etc.). I also want to give the user some very basic controls over the images...

PHP image uploading script won't run.

I'm building a php upload script for images, and it refuses to run at all. First off, I've got a simple post form like this: <form action="variables.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" > <p>Event title : <input type="text" name="name" required></p> <p>Description : <input type="text" name="description" required><...

spring mvc: image upload to an image server to retrieve resized image

Hi I've been working on spring mvc 2.5 and I have a situation where I need to upload an image to an image server, have it configured with tomcat so that I cold use that image server to resize the image and then get it retrieved in views. Could someone help me with an approach or user guide on how to do it? Many thanks. ...

Get binary from uploaded file (image) in ASP.NET MVC

I'm using the following code: <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="file">Filename:</label> <input type="file" name="file" id="file" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> And... [HttpPost] public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = P...

Magento image uploader in Admin product page doesn't work

All the permissions are correct and the php.ini is fixed, and there's no problem with SSL or secure admin interface but it still won't upload. I click on a product, go to the Image section, select an image to upload and it appears to upload. However, the image doesn't appear in the list of product images and then I get kicked back out t...

why width and height of image is not able to get in php

i am uploading image to s3 server and by php i am making a copy of that image on server , if i upload an image of 2.3 mb than the width of image is not coming but if i upload less size image like 26kb than it is showing the width of image so it is able to create the copy . here is my code of php : $s3 = new S3(awsAccessKey, awsSecretK...