
Max size for background image CSS

I have a 70 by 50 px box and I have various images, (SVG files, so no size) I want to keep their aspect ratio, but some images are portrait and some are landscape sized. So I can do: background-size: 70px auto; and that will work for all the landscape icons. But it will stretch the portrait images and make them taller, so they will st...

Can background image extend beyond div's borders?

Can background image extend beyond div's borders? Does overflow: visible apply to this? ...

How Can I Create a Mouseover Tooltip on an Image in VB.NET?

Can I create a tooltip that will show up when a user moves his/her cursor over an image? I can't find such a property in Visual Studio, and I've scoured Google to no avail. I'm using an image in a PictureBox. Here's to anyone out there on StackOverflow instead of some awesome Halloween party! Yay! ...

How do you find the "main" picture of a website, given the URL?

Let's say you're given How would you pull out the "main" image? The reason I'm asking is because Flipboard is able to grab the main image from a website, just using the URL. You could parse out all the image tags. But then what? ...

"Rounding" colour values to the nearest of a small set of colours

Preamble As a part of a project I'm working on I am trying to provide a convenient way to search for images in our system. We currently provide searching by various types of user added metadata (e.g. title, description, keywords) and by various metadata which we extract (e.g. EXIF, IPTC, XMP, etc). I would also like to add a "colour s...

why width and height of image is not able to get in php

i am uploading image to s3 server and by php i am making a copy of that image on server , if i upload an image of 2.3 mb than the width of image is not coming but if i upload less size image like 26kb than it is showing the width of image so it is able to create the copy . here is my code of php : $s3 = new S3(awsAccessKey, awsSecretK...

how to load the images in my view dynamically in a scroll view in iPhone

Hi all... i want to display many images like thumbnails in a scroll view and and i want the images displayed dynamically we scrolls down or left like a table view cells can u please tell how to that... Thanks ...

How to save and retrieve .NET List<byte> to SQL database using WCF services?

In my C# project I save and retrieve lots of data to and from an SQL database using wcf services / linq to sql. I stumbled upon a need to save a list of and which are pixel values of images. The pix values are later used for references to their brightness in web applications. I don't want to save the entire image in the db, but only...

Retrieve Image From HTML in PHP

Hey, so I have some html ok, and inside it there's a couple of images. What I want to do is retrieve the location of the first image from the html. (get the first images url) How can I do this in PHP? Thanks ...

Android: Image gallery share to app

I've got an app that accepts images from the image gallery (via share menu). My app starts, and I do this: Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras(); Object obj = bundle.get("android.intent.extra.STREAM"); While debugging, Eclipse is reporting the object obj is of type 'Uri@StringUri' (???) and inside it somewhere is the string ...

Importing from Photoshop

Hi all, is it possible to import a merged picture from photoshop using scripting bridge and use it as an NSImage? ...

Uploading an image in codeigniter

I am trying to upload an image,create thumbnail but i get an error. Here is my controller. <?php class Upload extends Controller { function Upload() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->helper(array('form','url','file')); } function index() { $this->load->view('upload_form'); //Upload Fo...

What's the correct way to write an Uri ro a resource inside a Silverlight Class Library

I have a Silverlight Business Application project. I also added a Silverlight Class Library to be used from my Silverllight app (of course). Inside that library (let's call it helper) I have a folder and some small images. In that same library I have a child window with a Image control which I need to change the source info at runtime (...

Fast access to pixels in Octave

I am using Octave to analyze some images. Now I use two nested for-loops to access every pixel but this is really slow. My code is something like that: for i = 1:size(im,1) for j = 1:size(im,2) p = im(i,j,1:3); if (classRGB(class, [p(1),p(2),p(3)]) > 0) ## Apply some function to that pixel here endi...

Return list of current Facebook user's friends PHP

I am working on a Facebook app that will allows users to vote on their favorite pictures, based on their friend's profiles pictures. I know how to display the images, just not how to get the list of the current user's friend's IDs. My application is written in PHP. This is the last thing I need to complete the app. Any help would be grea...

Problems loading images in a Silverlight ControlTemplate

I have problems accessing images in the ControlTemplate of a "Silverlight Templated Control" I implemented. The Style for my control called "ControlDragger" is the following: <!-- ControlDragger Menu button style --> <Style x:Key="MenuButtonStyle" TargetType="Button"> <Setter Property="Margin" Value="5,0" /> <Setter Property="Te...

Image Creation on Production Server

Hello all! I am having a very annoying problem with saving an image dynamically from database text. This code works fine on my dev box but not on the production server. Here is a sample of what I'm trying to do: private void SaveImage() { Bitmap objBmpImage = new Bitmap(300, 300); int intWidth = 0; ...

PHP: crop with PNG and trans

Im having issue when a user uploads and try's to crop a PNG or transparent image( with .gif) I am getting: Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: in statusUpFunctions.php on line 100 Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): 'images/status/photo/1-6.jpg' is not a valid JPEG file in statusUpFunctions....