
JavaScript imagemap code doesn't work

Dear all, What is wrong with this code? Why is my imagemap not working? function createimg() { var img = new Image(); img.src='link/to/image'; img.alt='Next image'; = 'span1'; = 10; = 'absolute';'block'; = '130p...

How to create an image map using Java Swing?

I need to make an image map using Swing that displays a background image, and then when the mouse hovers over (or clicks) specific hotspots, I need to pop up a 'zoomed-in' image and have it display. I was thinking of extending JPanel to include an image reference and have that drawn thru the paintComponent(g) method. This part I have d...

What's the definitive on image maps?

I have a fancy, graphically intensive design to convert to HTML. Its navigation has awful (non-standard ofcourse) fonts. I don't like text-replacements techniques that much. So I'm wondering if image maps would be good for navigation? Are they good or bad for SEO? ...

Recalculate image map after window resize

I have an interesting problem: My girfriend (painter...) wants to have a web page like this: first page is just an image, through all screen - with no slider etc. So here is the problem of resizing images for different resolutions. On this image are some windows, where user can navigate throught the rest of the page. SOLUTIONS: So...

How to display image on the defined <Area> coordinates

We can use image maps to create hyperlinks... but is it also possible to use an area segment of an image map to fill it up with another image. If yes then how we do it? there is no img tag in tag!! ...

Div, Background Image, and Image Map

On a web page I'm creating, I have a div with a background image. I overlay some text over the image that I'll be changing frequently, so that's why I'm using a background image and real text instead of an img tag that contains the text. The background image contains some click-able areas, so I need an image map. I think the best way ...

Adding reverse highlighting to the jQuery image map plugin?

I'm using the jQuery Map Hilighter plugin, but instead of fading a dark patch over each area, I would like to reverse this and instead make the surrounding area dark, keeping the hovered area the same colour. I've looked at the code for the plugin and it appears to use the canvas element (and an MS equivalent I guess) to do the highligh...

How could I reduce the complexity of an image map?

I'm using KImageMapEditor on Linux (Ubuntu) to create an image map. The shapes in the image are a little complex so I'm using the freehand tool to draw them. However, this is really the same as the polygon tool so the shapes have ended up with a lot of points, which has made the HTML pretty huge. Does anyone know of a way to reduce the ...

jQuery not creating area tags

I'm trying to use jQuery to dynamically create an image map, and I ran into a weird behavior: alert( $('<area />').size() ); // 1 alert( $('<area shape="circle" />').size() ); // 0 alert( $('<area />').attr("shape", "circle").size() ); // 1 In other words, I can't create an area tag all at once; if I s...

Resize image map on window resize

Hello, I'm trying to resize an image map on window resize event. The closest I've gotten is to use a mouseclick event, but it needs to be window resize for what I'm doing. I'm using Firefox 3.5.5 I'm using jquery somewhat. Here's my example - the area button I want to resize on window resize is in the top left (click on it to resize ma...

IE8 Image Map and Position Absolute Issue

Guys, I'm working on a project where I have a image map and when I have a dom object that have a absolute position over that image map area, the image map shines through over some elements. Its really quite bizarre. It only happens over some elements and others its fine. But when it actually shines through I can actually click the to...

plot points for image map

I want to add automatic area highlighting to image maps on my webpage. I've found the mapper.js library to be very useful in achieving this, however creating the x,y plots around a regional map is very time consuming. Is there a quick way to create bounding co-ordinates of a irregular polygon such as can be found on regional maps? EDIT...

Can an image map be linked to open the browse file controller?

I want the user to be able to click on an image on tab 1 of my app that will open up the file browser to enable a photo to be uploaded. is this possible?? ...

Highlight a section of an image in JavaScript

Hi Guys, I run a small webpage that allows users to click on various links using image maps. I'd like to highlight the section that a user clicks on to give some feedback to the user (they may be clicking on several different parts rapidly). Is there a way I can invert (or otherwise highlight) a small section of an image JavaScript?...

How to get ID of Image in Image Map Mouse Over

Let's say you have two images that use the same image map. <img src="/test/image1.jpg" id="image1" useMap="map-name"> <img src="/test/image2.jpg" id="image2" useMap="map-name"> <map name="map-name"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" alt="Sun" onmouseover="testFunction();"/> <area shape="circle" coords="90,58,3" alt="Mercury" ...

How to fix image maps in Safari? Broken when page is zoomed.

Safari 4 apparently has a serious bug with imagemaps - the clickable areas go out of registration when the page is zoomed to anything other than 100%. It pretty much renders image maps unusable. This is not my page, but it shows the problem; zoom in or out in safari and then click a shape:

how to visualise/debug an imagemap?

I'm dynamically generating an imagemap for a chart tool I have. I was hoping to be able to set a border or color on the area tags so I could check everything was being generated with the right coords, but a little research shows this is not possible. So whats the easiest way to check my image map is correct? Are there any browser tools...

anchor tags and image maps

how can i associate an anchor tag with image maps? Suppose, I hover over an anchor tag, it should select the mapped region on the image. Something like this This is in flash, but can this be done using image maps? You hover over on the links and it should select the mapped region on the image. Is this possible? I ho...

jQuery lightweight tooltip script recommendation

I am looking for a lightweight jQuery script for tooltips that is lightweight and can be easily used with image maps... Ideally it would automatically take the 'title' of each the area tag to function as a tooltip. The reason this is an issue is I have hundreds of areas (its a world map) and a line of code for each tooltip will soon add ...

Javascript generated image maps don't link in any IE

In this static version, in any browser, you can click on the close area to jump to <html> <body> <div id="my_div"> <img usemap="#map" src="" /> <map name="map" id="map"> <area shape="rect" coords="900,0,1000,20"...