
javascript and image maps question

I confess, I'm a javascript noob. Part one of my current task is I'm trying to get a .png file to be replaced with another .png when the user mouses over the upper left corner of the first .png. When he mouses off, the .png needs to revert back to the initial .png file. I'm trying to use an image map and java script to accomplish th...

Need to toggle attribute for an image map using jquery - Jquery .removeAttr

I'm trying to disable an image map onClick - and eventually I'd like to enable it if reclicked, but first things first. So to disable the imaeg map I'd like to remove the attribute "usemap" from the image when one clicks on the map. In the header I'm calling my JQuery: <script type="text/javascript" src="

image map for a html document in visual studio

How can I do Image map for HTML document to assign different links in visual studio design mode? ...

Drag a layer using a drag helper div, and have imagemaps in layer behave as if area outside imagemap is -not there-?

Items are stored with x,y coordinates. The .items div starts at [0,0] and is repositioned based on movement of .dragger (which is made draggable). Everytime the user stops dragging / releases, .dragger is repositioned to the center of the screen, and an AJAX request is made which places the next x/y coordinated items which are in the cur...

Is using an ImageMap for a navigation menu considered good practice?

Should I use an ImageMap to create a navigation menu? ...

Highlight point on image map

I am working on imagemap, there are points on my image, I want to mark one of point upon clicking of a button, also please give me idea how can I can control the coordinates because my image is resizeable/dynamic, every time image size will be changed. Many Thanks for any kind of help. ...

Programmatically creating a clickable area on an image.

Hi, I'm trying to create "imagemaps" on an image in wpf using codebehind. See the following XML: <Button Type="Area"> <Point X="100" Y="100"></Point> <Point X="100" Y="200"></Point> <Point X="200" Y="200"></Point> <Point X="200" Y="100"></Point> <Point X="150" Y="150"></Point> </Button> I'm trying to translate this to a but...

jQuery selector issue finding image with usemap attribute

I have an image map in my page: <div id="books"> <img src="images/books.png" width="330" height="298" border="0" \ usemap="#map_books" /> <map name="map_books" id="map_books" alt="books"> <area shape="poly" coords="17,73,81,288,210,248,254,264, ..." \ href="/about" alt="books" /> </map> </div> I have a function that...

HTML/JavaScript: mouseover effect for image maps?

I'm trying to help out a nonprofit by doing their website. They want (ugh) their logo to serve as an HTML image map. In other words, when you click on different parts of the logo, you're directed to different web pages. They also, however, want mouseover effects: when you mouseover a particular portion of the image map, that piece of the...

How to implement image map type interface for a game board in Java 6

My group project at school is to implement a style of monopoly in which students can buy courses and land on various squares and move around the board. This is not a regular square board so we were wondering if anyone had any ideas on how we would implement an image map or something like it to create many clickable regions not in a perfe...

Detect which image with imagemap was clicked

When you have multiple images that share the same imagemap, is there any way to detect which image was clicked on when a user clicks on the image? I have created a little javascript app, where buildings (simple images) are placed on a map and can be dragged around. When a user clicks on a building, the building can be easily retrieved ...

quickest way to make clickable imagemap of the US

Hi, what is the quickest way to make clickable imagemap of the US? Is there any jquery plugin available for this? Thanks ...

jQuery Tooltip widget well-suited to use with an IMAGE-MAP? suggestions/recommendations please

I would like to display different tooltip content for each of the areas defined in an image-map. Are there any jQuery plug-ins that have an API well-suited to use with image-maps? I would like it also be be flexible with regard to where the tooltip content comes from, e.g. the content might be contained in an anchor element of an invisib...

jquery how to color area dynamically

I have image map like this <map name="imgmap"> <area shape="poly" coords="63,10,64,38,89,37,91,10" href="#" id="x1"></map> and how can I color that area dynamically with jquery like ("#x1").color('red') ? ...

Does (HTML5) Canvas have the equivalent of an image map?

Does the Canvas element have the equivalent of img's map, so you can define clickable areas on the canvas element? There is brief mention of a map halfway down the page here:, but I can't find anything else about it. ...

iPad Safari's mapping of mouse events to touch events in image-maps

My website makes extensive use of image-maps. The images are of pages from a medieval manuscript. The mouseOver event of the AREA tags has a tooltip attached to it, which displays a modern typographic transcription of the ancient script for the line the mouse is hovering over. I just checked my website out on the iPad at the Apple stor...

trigger click behaviour of image-map's area

I have a image map set up and each area in the image map has a href defined. the href on area contains urls to other pages in my application. i generate a small list (ul, li) which lists down the name attribute of the area tag. i want the dynamically generated ul/lis to imitate click behaviour of area tag. for this, i have the following ...

The imagemap today

Remember imagemaps from Web 0.9b? I'm curious about the state of this tag now in 2010. Given some of the surprising and successful resurgences of white elephant technologies (Google Maps' use of Javascript, which was novel when it first appeared, and MySpace ushering in an animated GIF renaissance), is anyone using imagemaps today in n...

How do you register mouse events on area tags using the parent element?

I have figured out what was wrong. The highlight layer ended up covering the area tag. I thought I had it set up so it wouldn't do this, but obviously I didn't. Note to anyone wanting to know. Layering of area tags is based on where in the html the image is not the code for the map. I have some area tags and instead of registering a...

jQTouch - Does it support image maps?

I'm working to create a jQTouch prototype and would like to use Image Maps, example: <img src="planets.gif" width="145" height="126" alt="Planets" usemap="#planetmap" /> <map name="planetmap"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="sun.htm" alt="Sun" /> <area shape="circle" coords="90,58,3" href="mercur.htm" alt="Mercury" /> ...