
Templates, and C++ operator for logic: B contained by set A

In C++, I'm looking to implement an operator for selecting items in a list (of type B) based upon B being contained entirely within A. In the book "the logical design of digital computers" by Montgomery Phister jr (published 1958), p54, it says: F11 = A + ~B has two interesting and useful associations, neither of them having much to do...

Problem with include guard

When I add an include guard to my header file for a Visual C++ project, it gives me the following warning and error: warning C4603: '_MAPTEST_H' : macro is not defined or definition is different after precompiled header use Add macro to precompiled header instead of defining here .\MapTest.cpp(6) : use of precompile...

Algorithm to find if one document is included in another, when those two documents are similar.

I'm looking for an algorithm that finds whether two text documents are similar, where one document is included in the other document. I thank you in advance. ...

Algorithm to find if one document is included in another, when those two documents are similar

hi, I'm using an algorithme based on cosine similarity with TF-IDF to find if document X is similar to document Y. But I want to know more about X and Y if they are similar, I want to know if X contains Y, I mean if the information in Y are included withing X. the most important aspect for me is the semantic of the inclusion, not only th...

django feedparser limit the result

Hi guys, im doing something with feedparser: i have a templatetag for display "news" in my home page, but , how ill limit the feedparser result? inclusion tag from django.template import Template, Library import feedparser register = Library() @register.inclusion_tag('rss_render.html') def rss_render(object): #RSS URL "object" rss...

Python Check if all of the following items is in a list

I found, that there is related question, about how to find if at least one item exists in a list: But what is the best and pythonic way to find whether all items exists in a list? Searching througth the docs I found this solution: >>> l =...