
Proprietary system documentation 'leaks' and how to stop them?

The ability to use BitKeeper free of charge had been withdrawn by the copyright holder Larry McVoy after he claimed Andrew Tridgell had reverse engineered the BitKeeper protocols in violation of the BitKeeper license. At Linux.Conf.Au 2005, Tridgell demonstrated during his keynote that the reverse engineering process he had used was s...

Java applet/Firefox incompatibility problem

I've written a Java applet. A user reports that he tried to run it in Firefox 3.0.3 on OS X 10.5.5 but no go. It wants him to download a plug-in, but when he tells it to install missing plug-ins it can't find the appropriate installer... What is going wrong here? ...

How to announce backward incompatible changes in OSS project?

Sometimes you need to introduce backward incompatibile changes, when the improvements far outweighs the downsides. It is possible to easily switch to old behavior, but the user must be aware of such changes. Therefore the question is: how to announce future backward incompatible changes to FLOSS (open source) project, so that users can ...

Netbeans incompatible types question

Hi there, I am getting the following warning in Netbeans: incompatible types found : required : carPackage.SearchResponse In my JSP page, I have the following code: CarService service = new CarService(); CarPort port = service.getCarPort(); SearchResponse searchResult ="Toyota"); The error obviou...

Hunting for PHP5 incompatibilities. >.>

Something in here is incompatible with PHP5, but I am totally lost as to what. I have an .htaccess file on my web server that has the line "AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php", as it is required by just about everything else on the server and it defaults to PHP4...however; I need this one script to work, but it only works on PHP4. Any idea wher...

Iphone SDK on Windows (alternative solutions)

I know there is no official SDK for windows, which is very annoying. Is there any way to develop applications on a windows computer, other than somehow running a mac os in vmware? I know you can do it with Xcode, but that is also only for macs. Google searches have revealed absolutely nothing...... If I cannot use the SDK or Xcode, any ...

SystemParametersInfo behaves differently on Vista and XP

I am trying to find the default system font size using SystemParametersInfo() with SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS. While on Vista the LOGFONT structures inside the returned NONCLIENTMETRICS actually have the correct font height in lfHeight, when I run the exact same app on XP, lfHeight (and lfWidth) are always zero. Why is that so, and what i...

Python logging incompatibilty between 2.5 and 2.6

Could you help me solve the following incompatibility issue between Python 2.5 and 2.6? logger.conf: [loggers] keys=root,aLogger,bLogger [handlers] keys=consoleHandler [formatters] keys= [logger_root] level=NOTSET handlers=consoleHandler [logger_aLogger] level=DEBUG handlers=consoleHandler propagate=0 qualname=a [logger_bLogger] l...

Javascript getters/setters in IE?

For whatever reason, Javascript getters/setters for custom objects seem to work with any browser but IE. Does IE have any other non-standard mechanism for this? (As with many other features) If not, are there any workarounds to achieve the same functionality? ...

compiling c++ code using gnu/c getline() on mac osx?


IE7 and fixed divs problem

Background I need to do a rather complex layout for a client, using fixed DIV. Everything is fine in IE8, FF3 and Chrome, but IE7 mangles all the thing Edit: The fixed DIVs are a must, only the content DIV must scroll (That is the spec, sorry) HTML and CSS code <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3...

Java method works in 1.5 but not 1.6

Hi There, I have an application which has been running happily under Java 1.5 for around a year. We've just had the boxes updated and had Java 1.6 installed. After deploying the app to the new server we've found the application is throwing an exception when it tries to transform some XML. We couldn't understand why this was happening u...

Hover Over a Menu Item Working in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer

Here is the coding in which hover is working inf firefox but not in IE .menu { margin-top:1px; display:inline-block; background-color:#FCFAB4; color:#000000; height:30px; width:121px; padding-top:10px; font-size:13px; font-weight:bold; font-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align:center; } .menu:hover { b...

Known incompatibilities between Java 1.4 to Java 5

A list of potential compatibility problems is provided by Sun : Have you encountered other problems when running/testing old-1.4-applications against Java 5 (eg. A specific library no longer working ....) ? ...

incompatibility issue: use which web browser for developement?

i have a mac. i wonder which browser (safari or firefox) i should use to develop my prototype, firefox or safari? because i have noticed they will give different effects. some things working in safari dont work in firefox and vice versa. could someone also give me some advices of how to deal with incompatibility problems. ...

Incompatibilities between compiled Visual Studio 2008 C++ project in Windows Vista running on XP

Has anyone experienced incompatibilities with a C++ project executable compiled with Visual Studio 2008 C++ on Windows Vista when the executable is run on Windows XP? I'm having difficulties on such issue. ...

How to tackle Scala source incompatibilities in 2.8.0?

There are a few cases of source incompatibilities with Scala 2.8.0. For example, creating an anonymous Seq once required defining the abstract def elements : Iterator[A], which is now called def iterator : Iterator[A]. To me, a "brute force" solution is to create two branches that align to the different major scala versions. Are there ...

Which web browsers give the most incompatability issues?

I'm not a 100% sure if I should be posting this here but where else can I post it (definitely not Server Fault or Super User) so hopefully it's not too inappropriate. I am currently developing a script that I hope to release as a plugin for wordpress and other open source content management systems. The script's purpose is to allow web ...

Cross-browser incompatibility, how to put the button "同意して、アカウントを作成します" back into the big box?

If you visit with Firefox, you will find that the button "同意して、アカウントを作成します" is out of the box; if you access this web page with IE, then there is no problem. How to fix this problem(put "同意して、アカウントを作成します" back into the box in Firefox)? ...

Bugzilla 3.6 with Netbeans 6.8

When I tried to configure bugzilla with netbeans 6.8 a msg told that the bugzilla's version was newer than the netbeans' plugin compatibility. I've been searching and can't find any updated plugin (and it is not in the plugin manager, at least for what I saw) Any idea where to find it? ...