
indexhibit backgrounded plugin: change background image to foreground

I'm using the Backgrounded exhibit style on an indexhibit site. I understand that when an image thumbnail is clicked, that image becomes the background image. What I'd like to do is change it so it didn't make the clicked image the background image, but instead created an <img src ...> image, so I can maintain the background image I'm ...

How do I correct these errors to install indexhibit on localserver?

XX /ndxz-studio/config folder is not writable... Notice: Undefined variable: flagD in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/ndxz-studio/install.php on line 475 ...

trying to make an accordion menu from a list - jquery indexhibit

Hello - Im teaching my self javascript & jquery so this might be a bit of a low brow question or entirely too much code for anyone to wade through, but Im hoping for some feedback. I have looked around and haven't found a thread that looks like it will deals neatly with my question. Im using the cms indexhibit (cant create a new tag!) ...

.hide() function works in Chrome & Safari but not in Firefox

Hey all; I have a bit of code which is hiding one element of this website as soon as it loads. It seems to work okay in Chrome & Safari but it doesn't work in Firefox… <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/jquery.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/jquery-1.4.2....

PHP if element exists, add width; if not, don't

I'm setting up a horizontally scrolling site, with Index Exhibit. One section needs to have a video, which I can't set up in the Indexhibit CMS backend (where it would add it to the wide div's width), so I need to add it to the PHP generation file. Basically, it needs to check if an element with the ID vid is present. If so, it should ad...