
How to check a SQLCE database for indexes?

Hi Is there a way to list all sqlce database table indexes, or at least for individual tables? ...

Are table indexes getting replicated to my sqlce database?

Hi i have a ms sql database that is getting replicated to mobile sqlce databases. My question is the following: Are the indexes getting propagated to the sqlce database tables as well? ...

Does a "blog" sub-domain help the pagerank of your main site?

I have my main application site, and I have a blog sub-domain under I was told by some bloggers that the blog sub-domain of your site helps the pagerank of your main site. Does traffic to your blog sub-domain help the Google Pagerank of your site and count as traffic to your main site? ...

SELECT * FROM table WHERE x IN (...a few hundred ints...)

Table has about 8 million rows. There is a non-unique index for X. Showing indexes, it shows that in the table there is a non-unique index on key name X with "seq_in_index" of 1, collation A, cardinality 7850780, sub_part NULL, packed NULL, index_type BTREE. Still, this query can take 5 seconds to run. The list of ints comes from anoth...

Cannot create index on view with User Defined Function in SQL Server

In SQL Server 2005, I'm trying to use a User Defined Function in a indexed view that will be used in a full-text index. I have been able to get the UDF to work with a stored procedure and the view in question. But, when I try to create an index on the view I get the following error... Cannot create index on view "DevDatabase.dbo.View_Pe...

MSSQL server and index join

Hi, I'm working on an assignment where I'm supposed to compare different join methods in SQL Server, namely hash-join, merge-join and index-join. I'm having difficulties getting SQL Server to perform an index-join. Can anyone show me how I can force it to use an index-join (using a join hint or similar), or just simply provide a simpl...

How does MySQL use collations with indexes?

Hello, I'm wondering if MySQL takes collation into account when generating an index, or if the index is generated the same regardless of collation, the collation only being taken into account when later traversing that index. For my purposes, I'd like to use the collation utf8_unicode_ci on a field. I know this particular collation ha...

Please explain the query plan sql server chooses

In this blog post, I need clarification why SQL server would choose a particular type of scan: Let’s assume for simplicities sake that col1 is unique and is ever increasing in value, col2 has 1000 distinct values and there are 10,000,000 rows in the table, and that the clustered index consists of col1, and a nonclustered ...

clustered index versus index seek

Hi, what are the main differences between a clustered index and an index seek? ...

What is the best way to freshen a Nutch index?

I haven't looked at Nutch for a year or so and it looks like it has changed significantly. The documentation on re-crawling isn't clear. What is the best way to update an existing Nutch index? ...

Smarty: How to reference to the associative array index

Array $imagelist: Array ( [additional] => Array ( [count] => 2 [image] => Array ( [nokia_e61_1.jpg] => Array ( [name_body] => nokia_e61_1 [name_ext] => jpg ) [nokia_e61_2.jpg] => Array ( [name_body] => nokia_e61_2 [name_ext] => jpg ) [nokia_e61_3.jpg] =>...

Primary key Ascending vs Descending

In Sql Server, I have a table with an Identity primary key. Often I want the latest few new records, so I grab the Top n sorted by descending the primary key. Should I define the Primary Key index as Descending, or does it make no difference? i.e. if they are in Ascending order, then can sql just as efficiently work backwards? ...

How to copy indexes from one table to another in SQLSERVER

I need to copy the indexes from one table to another. There are a LOT of indexes and I don't want to recreate them from scratch. Seems error prone anyways. I have copied the structure using SELECT * INTO [BackupTable] FROM [OriginalTable] But that doesn't copy indexes, constraints, triggers etc Does anyone know how to do this? ...

Increasing performance with setting indices on fields used in a group by clause?

I create a view with many joins. I want to group the resultset by some of the fields I selected. Does setting indices on these fields increases the performance of the query? I'm using MS SQL Server, but it should be nearly the same for all dbs, shouldn't it? SELECT table1.field1, table1.field2, table2.field1 FROM table1 INNER JOIN tabl...

Indexing token bigrams in Lucene

Hi, I need to index bi-grams of words (tokens) in Lucene. I can produce n-grams and than index them, but I am wondering if there is something in Lucene which will do this for me. I found out that Lucene indexes only n-gram of chars. Any ideas? ...

Good reasons to put an index on a rarely queried heap

I have several tables with more than 1000 pages and fragmentation above 30% and commonly around 90%. ---- Edit: Thanks for the comments. It boils down to this - if a table is not being used in a relational context, what are the benefits of putting a clustered index on the table? I know it can save space, since it can now be defrag...

What are the best practices for creating indexes on multiple bit columns?

Good day, In SQL Server 2005, I have a table numerous columns, including a few boolean (bit) columns. For example, table 'Person' has columns ID and columns HasItem1, HasItem2, HasItem3, HasItem4. This table is kinda large, so I would like to create indexes to get faster search results. I know that is not I good idea to create an index...

Is there C# support for an index-based sort?

Is there any built-in C# support for doing an index sort? More Details: I have several sets of data stored in individual generic Lists of double. These are lists always equal in length, and hold corresponding data items, but these lists come and go dynamically, so I can't just store corresponding data items in a class or struct cleanly....

Selecting a good dictionary key

I have an object that I want to use to look up other objects. I will be using a Dictionary<TKey, TValue>(). The key object has two strings that uniquely identify it, say KeyObj.Str1 and KeyObj.Str2. What do you recommend that I use as the key for the dictionary? 1: The concatenation of the strings. Dictionary<String, TValue>(); Key...

Get Google to Index Dynamic PHP Pages

Hi - I'm planning on having a website where the links aren't set HTML pages (ex. but dynamic (profile.php?uid=32320&mode=2). How can I get Google to index a website like this, so that every profile (much like facebook has done) is indexed separately on google? Thanks! ...