
Unique index on two columns plus separate index on each one?

Hi, I don't know much about database optimization, but I'm trying to understand this case. Say I have the following table: cities =========== state_id integer name varchar(32) slug varchar(32) Now, say I want to perform queries like this: SELECT * FROM cities WHERE state_id = 123 AND slug = 'some_city' SELECT * FROM cities WHERE st...

Does Foreign Key improve query performance?

Suppose I have 2 tables, Products and ProductCategories. Both tables have relationship on CategoryId. And this is the query. select p.ProductId, p.Name, c.CategoryId, c.Name AS Category from Products p inner join ProductCategories c on p.CategoryId = c.CategoryId where c.CategoryId = 1; When I create execution plan, table ProductCateg...

mySQL large text comparisson performance... best practices?

I've got a largish (~1.5M records) table that holds text strings of varying length for which I run queries against looking for matches: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `shingles` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `TS` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `shingle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `...

Specify default filegroup for indices?

This is puzzling me - in SQL Server 2005/2008, I can specify the default file group which is then used for all data tables. I can also specify another filegroup for all BLOB type fields. But I cannot figure out if and how I can specify a default filegroup for indices..... My setup usually is: * primary filegroup - nothing but the syste...

Slow MySQL query. What should I index?

PHPWiki has a 5 second slow query each time you save a page edit. The query caught often in the "mysql-slow.log" is: INSERT INTO wikiscore SELECT w1.topage, COUNT(*) FROM wikilinks AS w1, wikilinks AS w2 WHERE w2.topage=w1.frompage GROUP BY w1.topage; The current indexes are as follows: table "wikilinks" has a primary index on "...

What tool can suggest index and covering indexes for dynamicly created queries?

Our web application basically dynamically generates tables and relations. It also generate indexes on the basic level. We are looking for a MySQL profiler that will be able to suggest indexes. We have come across this two profilers : MYSQL JET PROFILER : will not tell use what index or covering index will do the job. ROT : will not ...

Is there a piece of public code available to create a page index using PHP?

I have a MySQL table holding lots of records that i want to give the user access to. I don't want to dump the entire table to the page so i need to break it up into 25 records at a time, so i need a page index. You have probably seen these on other pages, they kind of look like this at the base of the page: < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > For ex...

How to create a nonclustered index in a hibernate mapping?

If I want to specify some nonclustered indices in a hibernate mapping as follows: CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [Index_name] ON [dbo].[Individual] ( [ID] ASC, [IsActive] ASC )WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] what's the best way to do it for multiple tables that a...

When should you consider indexing your sql tables?

How many records should there be before I consider indexing my sql tables? ...

Compress sorted integers

Hi! I'm building a index which is just several sets of ordered 32 bit integers stored continuously in a binary file. The problem is that this file grows pretty large. I've been thinking of adding some compressions scheme but that's a bit out of my expertise. So I'm wondering, what compression algorithm would work best in this case? Also...

Does making a primary key in multiple columns generate indexes for all of them?

If I set a primary key in multiple columns in Oracle, do I also need to create the indexes if I need them? I believe that when you set a primary key on one column, you have it indexed by it; is it the same with multiple column PKs? Thanks ...

Python file indexing and searching

I have a large set off files (hdf) that I need to enable search for. For Java I would use Lucene for this, as it's a file and document indexing engine. I don't know what the python equivalent would be though. Can anyone recommend which library I should use for indexing a large collection of files for fast search? Or is the prefered way ...

Corrupt SQL Server Index?

I'm encountering a very strange problem concerning what appears to be a corrupt index of some kind. Not corrupt in the sense that dbcc checkdb will pick it up, but corrupt in the sense that it has rows that it shouldn't have. I have two tables, TableA and TableB. For the purposes of my application, some rows are considered functionally ...

An index based on a scalar function applied to a column

I have an user scalar-valued function which takes NVARCHAR(MAX) and returns NVARCHAR(MAX). To increase perfomance of GROUP BY command utilizing this function I wanted to create an index also based on it. But documentation says what CREATE INDEX command only takes columns not expressions, so this is illegal: CREATE INDEX an_index ON a_ta...

Optimizing Mysql Table Indexing for Substring Queries

Hi All, I have a MySQL indexing question for you guys. I've got a very large table (~100Million Records) in MySQL that contains information about files. Most of the Queries I do on it involve substring operations on the file path column. Here's the table ddl: CREATE TABLE `filesystem_data`.`$tablename` ( `file_id` INT( 14 ) NOT...

How can I manipulate MySQL fulltext search relevance to make one field more 'valuable' than another?

Suppose I have two columns, keywords and content. I have a fulltext index across both. I want a row with foo in the keywords to have more relevance than a row with foo in the content. What do I need to do to cause MySQL to weight the matches in keywords higher than those in content? I'm using the "match against" syntax. SOLUTION: Wa...

How can I return coordinates/indexes of a string in a multidimensional array? [ruby]

I've got a multidimensional array: foo = [["a","b","c"], ["d", "e", "f"], ["g", "h", "i"]] Now I need to ruturn the "coordinates" of "f", which should be (1,2). How can I do this without knowing which "row" "f" is in? I've been trying to use the index method, but this only works when I tell it where to look, i.e. foo[1].index("f") #...

MySQL table, what is INDEX?

Hi guys, I know PRIMARY key is to have unique value, what about INDEX? What is the function of a table column with INDEX? ...

accessing php arrays with explicit strings as index

I know that it's more performant to use '' delimited strings rather than ""... but I was wondering if there's any performance improvemente doing this $a = array( 'table' => 'myTable', 'order' => 'myOrder' ); $table = $a['table'] instead of $a = array( table => 'myTable', order => 'myOrder' ); $table = $a[table] I guess so, bu...

primary key on very small table

Hi, I am having a very small tables with at most 5 records that holds some labels. I am using Postgres. The structure is as follows: id - smallint label - varchar(100) The table will be used mainly to reference the rows from other tables. The question is if it's really necessary to have a primary key on id or to have just an index on ...