
How do I incorporate speed and/or acceleration into a (WPF) scrollviewer?

I have a WPF scrollViewer that I use for panning (MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp) and I would like to include an acceleration effect that incorporates inertia. So, if the mouse moves beyond a threshold speed and I release the mouse, it continues to pan but slows down as a function of the initial speed. Any ideas, thoughts or examples? ...

Rotate with momentum

Hello! [In Flex 3] I am looking to implement the following effect: When mouse crosses a Canvas container, make that Container rotate and take into account the speed of the mouse crossing giving it some momentum or inertia based on that speed. How can I do this please? Thanks! ...

Calculate initial velocity to move a set distance with inertia

Hello, I want to move something a set distance. However in my system there is inertia/drag/negative accelaration. I'm using a simple calculation like this for it: v = oldV + ((targetV - oldV) * inertia) Applying that over a number of frames makes the movement 'ramp up' or decay, eg: v = 10 + ((0 - 10) * 0.25) = 7.5 // velocity chang...

Detecting When A Scatterview item is inertial

The ManipluationDelta event has the IsInertial property. Unfortunately it appears that a scatterview item 'ManipulationDelta' event does not fire. Only its ContainerManipulationDelta event fires, but the ContainerManipulationEventArgs does not expose the IsInertial property. So is there any other way to determine when a scatterview item...

Dragging with inertia in AS3 for dummies

Hi, I'm trying to create an inertia effect for dragging that's constricted to the x axis. I know this questions was asked before here but I couldn't understand the answer! I'm currently using startDrag and stopDrag. I'm assuming I should add something to the startDrag function that captures the speed in which the user is moving the mo...

Problem with adding inertia to flip animation

Hi, guys.I’ve got the following problem. I need to create interface for number selection which is similar to data selection in HTC Desire, i.e. there is an initial value which is varied by forward or backward gesture. For this I used FlipView with two TextViews. I managed to change the value by 1 unit by scrolling forward or backward. ...