
Importing Maya ASCII to game

I am currently working on creating an import-based pipeline for my indie game using Maya ASCII .ma as source format and my own format for physics and graphics as output. I'll keep stuff like range-of-motion attributes inside Maya, such as for a hinge joint. Other types of parameters that needs a lot of tweaks end up in separate source fi...

Get INI file value with WiX

I'd like to read a value from an INI file in a WiX installer. I've just tried to use IniFileSearch, but this looks for an INI file or a path specified in an INI file (the documentation isn't clear), it doesn't read a value from an INI file. Do I need a customaction to do this? And if so, what would people suggest? Seems very strange if ...

ini file data show in Msflexgrid

I have Msflexgrid control on my form and need to display ini file data in it. Data in ini is as follows [Connect] T1=1 I1= P1=2000 . . . T50=50 I50= P50=2000 ...

create ini file, write values in PHP

I cannot find a way that easily lets me create a new file, treat it as an ini file (not php.ini or simiilar... a separate ini file for per user), and create/delete values using PHP. PHP seems to offer no easy way to create an ini file and read/write/delete values. So far, it's all just "read" - nothing about creating entries or manipulat...

can I use .ini for configuration file in PHP?

Hi, My friend asked me to update a PHP application that his company uses. I found out that the application uses .ini extension for DB configuration file. The file contains DB host address, username, and password!!. The problem is that I can access the file on web-browsers. I am trying to understand why. Is there any particular reasons ...

php.ini misconfiguration

I've narrowed my problem down somewhat. When I run "error_log('hey');" from the command line it dumps to STDOUT. But if I run the same code from my web interface (Apache) it puts the error in the error log. I've checked both ini files, the one Apache is using, and the one in /private/etc (I'm on a Mac running MAMP). Both error_log variab...

Do standard windows .ini files allow comments?

Are comments allowed in Windows ini files? (...assuming you're using the GetPrivateProfileString api functions to read them...) [Section] Name=Value ; comment ; full line comment And, is there a proper spec of the .INI file format anywhere? Thanks for the replies - However maybe I wasn't clear enough. It's only the format as read...

Is it possible to use inline comments for .ini files with PHP?

Is it possible and safe to use inline comments for .ini files with PHP? I prefer a system where the comments are inline with the variables, coming after them. Are the some gotchas concerning the syntax to be used? ...

cannot change the php.ini file!

Hello I have changed the php.ini file in the location (C:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini) for Xampp and restart the server I am sure it is the real php.ini file because I have checked with phpinfo() however my changes does not take effect! why? update: I have PHP Version 5.2.8 I have changed the file C:\xampp\php\php5.ini but the pr...

Best Practices for creating a PHP INI/CONFIG file and keep it secure

I always used a normal PHP file and just defined the variables in that file, but is this considered best practice? Example: <?php define('DB_PASS', 'p@ssw0rd'); ?> ...

Need help with INI file in Powershell

Here is the deal, I am going through an INI file with some code. The idea is to return all of the categories found in the INI file with a regex, and then set at an arraylist = to results. So here is the code: switch -regex -file $Path { "^\[(.+)\]$" { $arraylist.Add($matches[1]) } } However, th...

Qt: QSettings on Windows with INI files and comments

I have an application I'm writing using Qt 4.5.2 on Windows. I'm storing some settings in an INI file and using QSettings to load and save the settings. I'd like to have some comments in the INI file. For example: ; Meta-info to store with the file [General] MainWindow\size=@Size(1280 600) MainWindow\pos=@Point(0 300) Debugging=true ...

What settings storage format to choose?

I'm writing a Qt application and will need to store the settings for the program. I want them to be easily editable by non-advanced users yet be flexible enough for advanced users (thus allow easy automated editing via other programs, scripts, whatever). QSettings does provide two formats, the native format, which for Windows is registry...

MAMP PHP config file help

When I modify the php.ini document found in Applications/MAMP/conf/php5/php.ini The changes are not reflected in the php info page in the MAMP interface WHY? ...

How can I access INI files from Perl?

What is the best way to parse INI file in Perl and convert it to hash? ...

browscap ini directive not set

I'm using the get_browser() function in an attempt to warn people that their browser doesn't support Javascript. Actually I'm using it to tell them they can use certain parts of a web application I'm building. I've decided to properly use Javascript because I'm tired of listening to developers that are scared of using it and I've seen so...

why is php's ini_set function switched off on shared hosts

I am using hosting on VPS and they've not allowed me to use php's ini_set function to set configuration at runtime, on a script by script basis. Instead I must change the settings directly in the php.ini file which is a mission to access via SSH. Why is this? This, although fine, is slightly annoying as I have 12 domains on the shared...

Problem in retrieving the ini file through web page

Hi All, I am using an .ini file to store some values and retrieve values from it using the iniparser. When I give (hardcode) the query and retrive the value through the command line, I am able to retrive the ini file and do some operation. But when I pass the query through http, then I am getting an error (file not found), i.e., the...

Using SQLite for configuration management

I'm developing a PHP application where I have to store configuration variables. Using MySQL would be overkill, because it's a CLI app I'm talking about and there are only a couple of configuration variables. I don't know about INI files... I'm thinking of using SQLite. What do you think? It is too overkill using SQLite? Do you sugges...

Configuration manager for PHP

I am working on code re-factoring of configuration file loading part in PHP. Earlier I was using multiple 'ini' files but now I plan to go for single XML file which will be containing all configuration details of the project. Problem is, if somebody wants configuration file in ini or DB or anything else and not the default one (in this c...