
Include post in page (wordpress)

I like to know if there is a way to include post INLINE in the editor in wordpress Here is an example as i like it to work : bla bla bla... pic pic pic.. bla bla bla {get_me_the_post_number(245)} more bla bla bla more picture... So that can make my life easier that tweaking the template or getting the widget to work.. in fact i lookin...

How to improve display and handling of a large number of inlines in django-admin?

When displaying an inline for a model, if there's a large number of inlines, the change page then loads slowly, and can be hard to navigate through all of them. I'm already using an inline-collapsing trick (found on DjangoSnippets, but the search there is not working so I can't share the link here), but still isn't easy to browse since t...

what is/are the purpose(s) of inline?

I had a discussion with Johannes Schaub regarding the keyword inline. The code there was this: namespace ... { static void someFunction() { MYCLASS::GetInstance()->someFunction(); } }; He stated that: Putting this as an inline function may save code size in the executable But according to my findings here and ...

recursive inline function

i have this files: //Q2a.h #ifndef Q2A_H #define Q2A_H inline int MyFactorial(int a) { if (a < 2) return 1; return a*MyFactorial(a-1); } int NumPermutations(int b); #endif //Q2a.cpp #include "Q2a.h" int NumPermutations(int b) { return MyFactorial(b); } and file with the main- Q2b.cpp i notice that the compiler usually ig...

C: Is the inline keyword worth it ?

Is it worth it to use the inline keyword or the compiler is smart enough to know when he needs to inline a function ? ...

How to force-save an "empty"/unchanged django admin inline?

I have some inlines in one of my admin models which have default values which likely won't need to be changed when adding a new instance with "Add another ...". Unfortunately django won't recognize these inline as new objects unless some value has changed. This forces me to add an inline, change an arbitrary value, save, change the value...

inline lambda expr for this

Hi Guys, I want a Inline Lambda Expr for the line highlighted: foreach (ReminderData rd in lstReminders) { divReminders.InnerHtml += "<A onclick='javascript:openRadWindow('" + rwmManager.ClientID + "', 'rwReminder', '/clientwebnew/CRApps/Contacts/TicketReminder.aspx?formOnly=yes&Menu=" + this.MenuId.ToString() + "&ticketid=" + this...

Would the CLR optimize and inline this GetHashCode()?

Let's say we have a value type like this, where the fields are readonly and initialized during construction: public struct SomeValue { private readonly Int32 field1; private readonly Int32 field2; ... } Also, let's say we have a helper class that lets us implement GetHashCode() for composite types in a reusable manner: p...

How do I use Perl's Inline::C?

I have a piece of code like this (Perl file): print "9 + 16 = ", add(9, 16), "\n"; print "9 - 16 = ", subtract(9, 16), "\n"; C code also, #include<stdio.h> main () { int x = 9; int y = 16; printf(" add() is %d\n", add(x,y)); printf(" sub() is %d\n", subtract(x,y)); // return 0; } int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } int ...

Adding multiple inline styles to the head with DOM and JavaScript

Hello, I use dom to add inline styles directly to the head of a web page via Javascipt. The function goes like this: // Create internal style sheet function createStyle(styleText, styleName) { // Create the node var cssNode = document.createElement('style'); cssNode.type = "text/css"; cssNode.rel = "stylesheet"; cssNode.titl...

Referencing AppSetting in Select property of SqlDataSource control

Hello everyone. A simple problem.... Got a SqlDataSource with a select, in this select I want to insert a value from web.config just like this <asp:SqlDataSource ... SelectCommand="SELECT field FROM table"></asp:SqlDataSource> well field is a value from web.config "Field" application setting <add key="Field" value="tablename"/> I ...

Dynamic jquery code - any way to include it in a file?

So i have been developing and testing with jquery inline. I am using CodeIgniter - the below refers to my views. I have <script="text/javascript">JQUERY CODE</script> at the top of my page. Some of my code is dynamic in that it uses PHP vars. E.G when making an ajax call, the URL is preceeded by <?php echo base_url();?> So now I have g...

Questions about inline

Hey guys, I had some questions about using inline. I have been told to use it on small functions that I use a lot but I want to understand exactly how it works. Here is just a snippet of how I use it. static inline point3D createPoint3D(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z){ point3D newPosition; newPosition.x = x; newPosition.y = y;... Inline problem

Hi; code this code in gridview <asp:CheckBox ID='<%# "CheckBox".Concat(Container.DataItemIndex) %>' runat="server" /> my code is not work. how to make ? i want to <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" /> <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" /> <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox3" runat="server" /> ...

inline functions

Possible Duplicate: Inline functions vs Preprocessor macros hello can somebody please explain what exactly does it mean, and what is the difference from regular macro(I know that it works during compile time and not preprocessor but so what?) thanks in advance for any help, looked in google but didn't find something understand...

How to access inline text file using Java?

A program i am working on deals with processing file content. Right now i am writing jUnit tests to make sure things work as expected. As part of these tests, i'd like to reference an inline text file which would define the scope of a particular test. How do i access such a file? -- Let me clarify: Normally, when opening a file, you ne...

Use jQuery Event in inline JavaScript handler

I working on a project and am limited to handling JavaScript events via the inline handlers like onclick and onchange. However, I need my handlers to be cross-browser. I'm used to using jQuery for this, but since I can't use $('#id').click(function() { ... }) I'm having some difficulty getting access to jQuery-style events. For exampl...

Use of `inline` in F#

The inline keyword in F# seems to me to have a somewhat different purpose than what I'm used to in e.g. C. For example, it seems to affect a function's type (what are "statically resolved type parameters"? Aren't all F# types resolved statically?) When should I be using inline functions? ...

inline function in namespace generate duplicate symbols during link on gcc

I have a namespace with inline function that will be used if several source files. When trying to link my application, the inline function are reported as duplicate symbols. It seems as if my code would simply not inline the functions and I was wondering if this is the expected behavior and how to best deal with it. I use the following ...

How to use Custom JS with Django inline

I have Django application with inline in place: class Account(models.Model): ContractNum = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True, blank=True, null=True) LastName = models.CharField(max_length=50,) FirstName = models.CharField(max_length=50, ) class Subscription(models.Model): Account = models.ForeignKey(Account, relat...