
Best Practice - Validating Input In Simple GUI Application?

I'm writing a GUI app with wxwidgets in C++ for one of my programming classes. We have to validate input and throw custom exceptions if it doesn't meet certain conditions. My question is, what is best practice when it comes to this? Should I write a seperate function that checks for errors, and have my event handler's call that function?...

Validation problem with a 'JotForm' template

A client sent me a form template they had created using to implement on their wordpress site. The form template is supposed to hide part of the form until the user clicks the 'next' button. At which point a script is supposed to validate all of the input fields the user has presumably filled out and then display the rest of t...

Add special characters to RegularExpressionValidator for E-Mail

I have a e-mail address validator but I need to add special characters as valid for example ü, ç... Because users in Turkey (or anywhere else) can have a web site url like: hasangü My code is below: <asp:TextBox ID="tEMail" runat="server" /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvEMail" runat="server" ControlToValidate="tEMail" ...

edge case for selecting a checked radio input with jquery

Hi all! I have a problem selecting a checked radio button with jquery. The radio buttons are generated by a function from a MVC that i'd rather not change and its name is like id[number]. Simply put, I have to check if any of these buttons are checked: <input type="radio" name="id[1]" value="1"/> <input type="radio" name="id[1]" value...

Validate input parameters in VB?

Should I validate input parameters on all functions I create? Input isn't passed from a user, but from other routines as part of an automatic process. I use error handling. I'm not sure what more validating input could do for me. If the input isn't valid, that's pretty much the same thing as an error, isn't it? ...

validation using jquery

i'm trying to validate an html page using jquery, but nothing happens. it's a simple page, yet the textboxes aren't validated. this is the code: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="~/jquery.js/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="~/jquery-validate/jquery.validate.j...

Limiting input to specified regexp with uppercase chars in IE

I'm trying to limit what our users will be able to type in inputs, using javascript/jquery. Problem is, I have to limit this to Uppercase chars only, and numbers. Here's what I coded previously : $(input).keypress(function(e){ if ($(input).attr("class")=="populationReference"){ var ValidPat...

C++ CIN cin skips randomly

I have this program, but cin in randomly skips.. I mean sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't. Any ideas how to fix this? int main(){ /** get course name, number of students, and assignment name **/ string course_name; int numb_students; string assignment_name; Assignment* assignment;...

php form-input validation

i have a html page in which i enter data which then submits and inserts in a database on a php page. how would i validate in php that the data received is not a duplicate of the data in the database? any help appreciated. ...

Need to validate a scientific spreadsheet written in Java

I need a validation framework, for an app written in Java, Eclipse RCP. The UI is a simple spreadsheet with many input fields and many output fields. The user input needs to be validated, for example: Thresholds for numerical fields Required fields for certain operations Context-sensitive help based on the validation results Multi-fie...

How can I take only integer input from keyboard and if input is invalid how do I ask user again?

This is what I have written so far but when exception is raised it does not again ask the user for input. do { System.out.println("Enter the number of stones to play with: "); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String temp = br.readLine(); key = Integer.parseI...

Is preg_match safe enaught in input satinization?

Im building a new web-app, LAMP environment... im wondering if preg_match can be trusted for user's input validation (+ prepared stmt, of course) for all the text-based fields (aka not html fields; phone, name, surname, etc..). For example, for a classic 'email field', if i check the input like: $email_pattern = "/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@...

Validation of user input or ���������

We're letting users search a database from a single text input and I'm having difficulties in filtering some user supplied strings. For example, if the user submits: ��������� lcd SONY (Note the ?'s) I need to cancel the search. I include the base64 encoded version of the above string wrapped up so that its easy run: print(base64_d...

Spring MVC: Where to place validation and how to validation entity references.

Let's say I have the following command bean for creating a user: public class CreateUserCommand { private String userName; private String email; private Integer occupationId; pirvate Integer countryId; } occupationId and countryId are drop down selected values on the form. They map to an entity in the database (Occupati...

WPF ValidationRule Validate when the control is loaded

Hi ! I have a control with this validation <MyPicker.SelectedItem> <Binding Path="Person.Value" Mode="TwoWay" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged" NotifyOnValidationError="True"> <Binding.ValidationRules> <rules:MyValidationRule ValidationType="notnull"/> </Binding.ValidationRules> </Binding> </MyPicker.SelectedItem> This i...

Asp.Net MVC 2 Client validation implementation for Enterprise Library Validation Block

Hello to everybody. I've found a very good article about how to use EntLib Validation Block for server validation in MVC 2. But as there pointed out The current design of EntLib’s Validation Application Block uses the Composite pattern; that is, when we ask for validation for an object, it returns back a single validator object that...

jQuery Validation required returns false and still validates the input

I have a select box that is default to nill But still in required I use a function that always returns false and validation stills validates my select dob_year: {required: function(element){return false;}}, Is marked as valid, no matter what is returned. Any clue? jQuery validation plug-in 1.7 jQuery 1.4.2 jQuery UI 1.8 <select nam...

RichFaces rich:inplaceInput null validation having trouble with different component

Hello In my webapp I've just inserted some <rich:inplaceInput> elements to allow XML JAXB unmarshalled data coming into a table to be editable. Briefly: <h:outputText value="Directory:" /> <rich:inplaceInput value="#{f.dir}" defaultLabel="click to edit" showControls="true"> <a4j:support event="onviewactivated" reRender="table"...

Validate site/domain via javascript

I have a standard html form where the user can specify a website/domain: favourite website: [ ] I expect the user to type things like: [] [] [] I want to validate the domain/site via javascript so if a user had typed something wrong: [] [] I ...

Struts2 : possible to use dynamic method invocation and specify different validation rules for different methods ?

I have in struts.xml : <action name="MyAction!*" class="my.Action" method="{1}"> <result name="step1">step1.jsp</result> <result name="step2">step2.jsp</result> <result name="error">error.jsp</result> </action> Then my my.Action class has various methods that can be called by specifying the nam...