
creating a setup for a com dll

I am trying to package a com dll in an msi. I want the setup to run a batch file afterwards. The batch file basically points to the WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 folder and runs the regasm command to register the assembly. How do I get the setup to do this? Thanks. ...

Wordpress v2.9.2 fails to create databases on MAMP

Hello I am familiar with previous Wordpress installers, but in this new version I've hit something new that I don't see documented. I am attempting to install wordpress to MAMP as my localhost and I'm getting errors that indicate the table creation has failed. PHP: 5.2.11 MySQL: 5.1.37 I've used the installer interface to set db set...

install business intelligence project in vs 2008

How can I install business intelligence project in vs 2008. I can not option in new project. ...

Check firebird databases present

Our software installer install firebird if it is not present on the system and, as we are pursuing Win certificate the uninstaller should remove it but, we want to make sure that even if it was the installer that put it there, if any new software is using it now with a new database, we would not remove it (Firebird). The question is: Is...

Cannot Uninstall or Repair Visual Studio 2010..I get "operation cannot be completed" error!!

I get "operation cannot be completed" error when i tried repair or uninstall visual studio 2010 RC1...I tried restarting my computer and doing it couple of times...but it just does not let me do an repair or an uninstall and it completes half way and give me "operation cannot be completed" and just hangs...after that and does nothing an...

Drupal does not recognize my website has been installed

After a successful Drupal install, I was trying to follow the security recommendations and reverted the settings.php file to 444 permissions (read, read, read). Then, all of a sudden, right after doing that, Drupal does not recognize the installation process was completed. It went back to the install screen. Worst of all. I did chmod ba...

ASP.NET MVC 2.0 does not install with visual studio 2010 professional?

Hi all I installed vs 2010 and it should have mvc 2.0 but it didnt install it. I tried installing it manually but it still does not show under the new projects tab..but it shows installed in control panel. I had vs2010 rc1 before and uninstalled it and it had mvc 2.0 but now for some reason i dont have it! ..Can anyone please he...

python facebook api in linux?

How do i install package and libraries of facebook api? When i use import facebook, there's error? I see only svn checkouts, some files are empty, how do i download and get them working? ...

Installation of .NET dll libraries questions.

For downloading and installing .NET/dll, all I need is copying the dll to a specific directory, and let the .NET know about it. Is this correct? I use mono, so with mono, I set the MONO_PATH to include the directory. And, it looks OK. Here are my questions. With some libraries, not only dll file, but also xml file is provided. For e...

Deploying and setting up SQL Express 2008

Looking into installing an instance of SQL Express for an app. I want to have a separate installer. (I need to run some Transact-SQL stuff afterwards) I've been referencing this article. It is recommended that you ship the Express package extracted on your media and then launch Setup.exe directly. To extract the Express package, ru...

How to repair Java in Ubuntu after trying to switch to Java 6 using update-java-alternatives

I tried to switch from Java 5 to Java 6 using the "update-java-alternatives" command like explained on this page: But afterwards I get the following error when I tried to execute java: root@webserver:~# java Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap ...

SQL Server Installation - What is the Installation Media Folder..??

I am installing SQL server 2008. I have installed .Net framewok 3.5. Then I got folder SQL Server 2008.Then I performed following steps- In that I clicked configuration Tools. Then I clicked SQL Server Installation Center. I clicked "Installation" hyperlink on left side. Then I clicked "New SQL server stand-alone installation or add ...

Cocos2D installation?

Hello, I am trying to install cocos2D but when I put it into terminal, I get the error: Error: This script must be run as root in order to copy templates to /Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance, Tate EDIT 1: I installed cocos2D and the project template show up but all of th...

Is InstallShield 2010 really necessary to support Windows 7 (against using InstallShield 12)

I have received an e-mail from Flexera containing the following statement: "We understand that many of our customers still using InstallShield 12 maybe having difficulties sending installations to Windows 7 desktops, 64 Bit servers or R2 2008. Therefore we would like to provide this opportunity for you to erase these potential / curren...

Is it safe to install VC++ 6.0 after Visual Studio 2008?

When I built this new PC I didn't install VC++ 6.0 as I didn't think I'd ever need it again. However, I've just discovered I need to rebuild a really old application. It doesn't compile under VS 2008 (which isn't surprising since it hasn't been touched in 7 years) and as my C++ skills are a little rusty I don't have the time to try and ...

Checking when an android app is installed

I'm toying with the Android SDK, with a view to writting a simple app for friends (and maybe for sale). This app will search a database for keywords and dispaly the results on the screen, I've had a look at the searchabul dictonary and the notepad demo applications, but I'm still a bit unsure some things. I know I need to write a class...

Where are the sources for rails-2.3.5 and rack-1.0.1?

I'm trying to upgrade a rails application which requires rails-2.3.5 which in turn seems to require rack-1.0.1. Many (many!) attempts of each of the following hasn't worked: # gem install rails -v=2.3.5 ERROR: could not find gem rails locally or in a repository or # gem install rails -v=2.3.5 --source WA...

error installing System Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista

I have a virtual machine running Vista. I need to update it with SP1 and SP2 for Vista, and SP1 for VS. I downloaded and saved all 3 but when I tried to install SP1 for Vista I got an error which indicated I should run the Vista System Update Readiness Tool. I downloaded the Readiness Tool but when I tried to install it on the virtual ...

How do you install a Maven2 plugin?

I found this plugin for Google App Engine development that seems to be what I need. But I have no idea how to install it. I downloaded the JAR file from this page but I don't know where to put it: Could anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried search for installation instructions b...

Problem in Installing Wordpress

I try to install Wordpress in a Windows Client with WebPI which provided by Microsoft. Everything installed in my client and finally I saw successful message. with a lunch application link. When I click on it I see following error. Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress. How Can...