
How do I distribute .tlb file of a C# COM+ application that is referenced by a C# WCF application?

I have a C# WCF application that references another .NET DLL that is actually a COM+ application. If I build my C# WCF application, the COM+ DLL naturally gets placed in the output folder. The contents of this output folder is then used for building the deployment package (MSI). After the application is installed on the target system,...

Android Batch Installation of apks

Hi, We have a set of 4-5 enterprise apps that need to be downloaded and updated automatically. I am using the PackageInstaller to install the downloaded apks. However I am not able to automate the installation process without user input. Is there a way of doing batch install without user input? Best, Sameer ...

What's the fastest Ruby on Rails setup for Windows 7?

I have InstantRails installed along with WeBrick and sqlite3. What exactly do I type in the Windows cmd console to setup a db called 'development' and to get the entire things running? This is my #&%^# 4th day of installation. I can get everything running on my localhost EXCEPT setup my db. I'm not a programmer so if you have a good ur...

Ruby 1.9.1 is not working under rvm, mac os x

I had rvm installed for several months and it has system (1.8.7) and installed (1.9.1) rubies listed. And both versions worked fine. Yesterday I tried to update 1.9.1 but after installation it wasn't working and system ruby gone from rvm list. I removed rvm, made clean install of rvm. But when I'm installing 1.9.1 via rvm it says: info:...

Install font in latex results in invisible text when compiling with 'latex'

I tried installing the nimbus font ( in my local texmf tree by following the README provided with the package (and also on the website above). However, after installing and using the package, all characters are invisible in my document when I use 'latex' to compile the document. When I...

Problem with rails when trying to do rails-v

My friend just shared me this new application and I pulled it from heroku I was just trying to do rails -v and I got denniss$ rails -v /Users/denniss/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-rc2/gems/bundler-1.0.0.rc.5/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:132:in `block in resolve': Could not find gem 'selenium-webdriver', required by 'capybara', in any of the sources ...

Rails 3 is killing me <help>

I just recently switched to Rails 3. I have been through several installation problems and still is unable to do the stuff that I could do in Rails 2. Right now for some reason when I want to do rake db:migrate I get the following error rake aborted! uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions /Users/denniss/Sites/mp/Rakefil...

Problem installing j2re-1_4_2_19-linux-i586.bin on 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64

Hi there, i got a little problem when i try to install the j2re on my linux-xen.... it tell me this: ./j2re-1_4_2_19-linux-i586.bin: line 383: ./install.sfx.5488: No such file or directory. Ive checked out some forums and nothing... anyone has any idea?¿ Thanks ...

Local cpan builds

Hi, I'd like to use a home directory specific, non-root directory for stuff I install from cpan. How can I configure it? Normal CPAN configuration tries to install packages into /usr. After adding 'makepl_arg' => q[PREFIX=~/cpan_local], simple packages seem to build, but I cannot build a package that pulls its dependencies - the depende...

Having huge problems getting memcached plugin working on ub 9.04

Heya, so I've spent about 6 hours now trying to get this working. I had the following set of rules I uses to compile in the memcached plugin to php, installing libmemcached dependency first. Here are the steps: cd ~ sudo wget sudo tar -zxf libmemcached-0.35.tar.gz cd libmemcache...

How to completely remove Python from a Windows machine?

I installed both Python 2.7 and Python 2.6.5. I don't know what went wrong, but nothing related to Python seems to work any more. e.g. " install" for certain packages don't recognize the "install" parameter and other odd phenomena... I would like to completely remove Python from my system. I tried running the 2.7 and 2.6 msi fil...

Installing a driver using Inno Setup

I'm creating setup for my application in Inno Setup, and I will probably need to install driver sometime in the future. However, I need to know some tips about installing drivers in Inno Setup now, so I can easily add the driver into the setup when it's needed. Should I force the user to install program only into C:\Program Files\<ap...

Inno Setup jump to specified wizard page

Is there a way to jump to the specified wizard page? Backward and forward? For example, I would add "Configure again" button in the wpReady, and when the button is clicked, I want to jump to wpInfoBefore. ...

Change WizardSmallBitmapImage in Inno Setup Uninstaller

In installer, you can easily change the small bitmap in wizard's top right corner using this code: [Setup] WizardSmallImageFile=gfx\bitmap.bmp Hovewer, how to change that same bitmap in uninstaller's wizard's top right corner? There doesn't seem to be any parameter for this. I think one of the solution is to let the installer extract...

Kaltura: Help installing please! I have no idea where to start if someone with some skills could get me up and running that would be great ...

How to prevent the second "gem install XXX" from reinstalling?

gem install XXX seems to run the installation process even if the package is already installed. i.e. if I do $ gem install chef ... $ gem list | grep chef chef (0.9.8) $ gem install chef ... the second gem install chef seems to install chef again! How can I get this to result in a noop and the message "chef is already installed", or...

Reset all setup settings to their default values

Is there any way to "reset" all setup settings in Inno Setup into their default values? I want to add Reset options button into my setup, and clicking that button would set all the options to the same value as if the user never changed anything, but was clicking just Next, Next, Install. But please note that those values ale slightly d...

Installing Ruby on Rails on Windows 7 - quick and easy

Since I had so many issues installing RoR on my laptop with Windows 7, I thought I would share my steps with you. Many people tell you to use InstantRails. I did that one too, but the option below worked best for me. Download and install Ruby 1.8.7 Download the l...

Is there a .NET or Win32 version of regsvr32?

Is there a .NET or Win32 version of regsvr32? I would like to register a COM DLL with code instead of shelling out to the regsvr32 program. ...

How do I use Mogenerator?

I installed Mogenerator. Now what do I do? How do I use it? The first problem I have is that I have no idea where it was installed to. During the install process, it only let me select the hard drive to install it on, not the directory. The most natural location would be the Applications folder, but it isn't there. Next, the readme (wh...