
Unity3D :Instantiate?

How do you create a copy of an object upon mouse click in Unity3D? And also, how could I select the object to be cloned during runtime? (mouse selection preferable) Thanks in advance ...

How can I use Scala's Manifest class to instantiate the erased class at runtime?

I'm doing some WebDriver+PageObject stuff. (If your not familiar with PageObjects, this is a pattern where you have a class representing each page on your site which exposes all the functions of the page using the domain language, hiding the HTML stuff from the test.) I want to be lazy and have one 'submit' method in my abstract Page c...

Cannot use GetLocalResourceObject inside InstantiateIn

I'd like to localize my aspx-page. This should include dynamically created LinkButtons in a GridView inside of InstantiateIN (amendment 1: implementation of the System.Web.UI.ITemplate.InstantiateIN method to manipulate the appearance of a GridView) (amendment 2: first six lines of code added to better indicate location of other code)...

PHP custom class loader

i made a custom class loader function in php something like.. load_class($className,$parameters,$instantiate); its supposed to include the class and optionally instantiate the class specified the problem is about the parameters. ive been trying to pass the parameters all day i tried load_class('className',"'param1','param2'",TRUE); ...