
Integration tests failing in Grails & App Engine

I am using Grails with the App Engine plugin and JPA persistence. When running grails test-app my unit tests run perfectly, but I receive the error below when the integration tests start. Is this a known issue with the app-engine plugin? Starting integration tests ... [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/matthew/.grails/1.1.1/p...

What's the point of automated integration test here?

Hi, Yes, I did read the 'Related Questions' in the box above after I typed this =). They still didn't help me as much as I'd like, as I understand what the difference between the two are - I'm just not sure if I need it in my specific case. So I have a fully unit tested (simple & small) application. I have some 'Job' class with a singl...

Integration Testing Authlogic before_filter :require_admin_user Problem

I'm not able to access urls in my integration test that require an admin user despite creating an admin user session. My test fails on a 302 error. class NewsItemsController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_admin_user, :except => [:show, :index, :feed] etc... end --test/inetgration/admin_stories.rb -- require '...

Automating Integration Tests: Use xUnit?

I'm looking into how best to automate integration tests (by which I mean complete use cases entirely within our application) The questions Correct Approach for Unit Testing Complex Interactions What are the pros and cons of automated Unit Tests vs automated Integration tests? cover the "why" and "what" aspects very well. The questi...

How to test drive a networking application with custom protocol?

I'm currently developing two Java networking applications for school projects. One over TCP and the other one over UDP. In both I have to implement simple custom protocol. Even though I'm trying pretty hard, I can't find a way how to correctly test this kind of apps, or better develop with test first development. If I have a client and...

Integration Testing w/ Acegi Protected Controllers

In a Grails app, how can I mock an authenticated user so that I can write integration tests for controller actions, which are protected by Acegi? For example, let's say I have a blog application, and the /post/save action is restricted to ROLE_AUTHOR. What might an integration test for this action look like? ...

Why does my session expire when using PerformanceTest and not IntegrationTest?

OK, I am writing performance tests and am having trouble getting my session to persist like it does in integration tests. As I understand it, PerformanceTest is a child of IntegrationTest and any integration tests should work with performance test. However, when I take a integration test and copy it over to performance, change the Acti...

When not to Use Integration Tests

I am writing an application that uses 3rd party libraries to instantiate and make some operations on virtualmachines. At first I was writing integration tests to every functionality of the application. But them I found that these tests were not really helping since my environment had to be at a determined state, which turned the tests m...

Unit Testing CodeIgniter with Simpletest - very few tests

Hello all! On our development team, we decided to give Unit Testing a try. We use Simpletest. However, it's been a tough road. After a week, I only have created 1 unit test that tests a certain helper file. That's it. The rest (controllers, models, views, libraries) don't have unit tests yet. And I plan to not test a majority of them. Vi...

Integration Testing for a Web App

I want to make a full integration testing for a web application. I want to test many things like AJAX, positioning and presence of certain phrases and HTML elements using several browsers. I'm seeking a tool to do such automated testing. On the other hand; this is my first time with integration testing, is there any specific recommendat...

How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities?

We are building a complex Android application consisting of many screens and workflows spread across many Activities. Our workflows are similar to what you might see on a Bank's ATM machine, for example, there is an Activity to login in that transitions to a main menu Activity which can transition to other activities based on the user's ...

Why using Integration tests instead of unit tests is a bad idea?

Let me start from definition: Unit Test is a software verification and validation method in which a programmer tests if individual units of source code are fit for use Integration testing is the activity of software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. Although they serve different purposes ...

How do I create reliable integration tests with an Active Directory role provider?

I recently refactored some code in an Active Directory role provider to remove support for multiple domains. In the process my integration tests broke in ways that I didn't expect. The tests do not reliably succeed unless I put significant delays between the test set up code and the code that invoked the method being tested. If I run ...

Can some one please provide the practical examples of stubs and drivers?

Hi All, I need some practical examples of stubs and drivers with respect to top-down and bottom-up approaches to testing. I don't require code here. Just the scenario based examples. ...

Testing rails routes: can't find ActionController::Assertions::RoutingAssertions methods

I'm trying to test the routes on my rails 2.3.4 application. There are several sites that explain how to test routes, including the rails docs, but I'm getting errors following the instructions. First, I'm assuming that these tests can be done in related unit test files. There seems to be no more obvious place, and none of the docs spec...

Testing framework for data access tier

Is there any testing framework for Data access tier? I'm using mysql DB. ...

How should I be configuring spring and hibernate so that my Integration Tests replicate properly the behaviour of the Web application ?

We have a web application based on NSpring 1.2 and NHibernate 2 and use HibernateTemplate. The web application is configured to use OpenSessionInViewModule. In our integration tests however the hibernate session is marked as InitDeferredClose and for the most part this works fine for our tests. There are some service functions that w...

How to set the browser locale for Selenium tests running in Java?

I've been looking for a while and still haven't found anything. When I run my Selenium tests from within Eclipse, it opens up a Firefox browser which always has English as its default locale. Changing default browser settings doesn't change the fact that each new browser opened by Selenium has an English locale. I haven't found any way ...

Cucumber Cleanup

SO Folk, Anyone around these parts know if you can keep Cucumber from cleansing test data at the end of a run? I've a few tests that continue to fail and I'd like to have a look at the data backing those tests... Any ideas? Thanks! Cory Wilkerson ...

How to configure Dr. Watson to silently dump a crashing process without popping up any error dialog box?

Dear All, I would like to know if it is possible to configure Dr. Watson to silently dump a crashing process without popping up any error dialog box? We need this because I run a set of integration tests with some applications. We don't want the tests to be blocked by an error message box. We need a way to make Dr. Watson silent but st...