
Mocking with rspec and mocha together

For a test suite that's already using mocha for mocking, can new tests be written with rspec mocking? maybe turn that on before(:all) and turn it back to mocha after(:all) I tried changing the Spec::Runner configuration at run-time and that didn't seem to work with mocking ...

Why is [AssemblyInitialize] and [AssemblyCleanup] being called twice in same test project assembly?

I though the whole purpose of these attributes was to run them only once per assembly. I have a simple class as follows: [TestClass] public class AssemblyIntegrationTestSetup { public AssemblyIntegrationTestSetup() { } public TestContext TestContext { get; set; } [AssemblyInitialize] public static void SetupIntegrationT...

Verify that a Silverlight app loads without unhandled errors?

I'm involved with developing a Silverlight application together with a few developers. We use Hudson to build and deploy the application to a test server, the process is roughly like this: Developer checks in changes. Hudson detects changes, checks them out and builds the solution. If the build is successful, the new application is dep...

How to write integration tests for background workers

I am building something similar to BBC Zeitgeist. Basically it's a series of workers passing jobs to each other. If I'm doing this by hand, here's what I'll do: Setup some parameters Run the workers Start the initial worker Wait for the workers to do their jobs Test the outcome For the background job workers, I'm using Resque. I'...