
stub webserver for integration testing

I have some integration tests where I want to verify certain requires are made against a third-[arty webserver. I was thinking I would replace the third-party server with a stub server that simply logs calls made to it. The calls do not need to succeed, but I do need a record of the requests made (mainly just the path+querystring). I ...

How to programmatically generate WSDL from WCF service (Integration Testing)

Hi All, I am looking to write some integration tests to compare the WSDL generated by WCF services against previous (and published) versions. This is to ensure the service contracts don't differ from time of release. I would like my tests to be self contained and not rely on any external resources such as hosting on IIS. I am thinking...

MFL - Message Format Language

What is MFL? Why is it used? Does it actually convert data from one encoding to another? ...

Change request environment variables in Rails integration testing

I have written a functional test that changes some of the request object's environment variables to simulate a user has logged in. require 'test_helper' class BeesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase # See that the index page gets called correctly. def test_get_index @request.env['HTTPS'] = "on" @request.env['SERVER...

Shoe-horning Integration and System tests into a Unit Test Framework

As shown in a domain-manager article, I am interested in creating an integration test harness that creates a server and many clients, where all of them are running within a single process. But once I achieve this goal I will be very tempted to execute such integration & system tests from within a unit testing framework (NUnit or VS Team...

[Maven] Using different Spring properties for integration tests

I am testing with Selenium a web application developed with Spring to check that the web application displays the right stuff for the user and that he's able to do everything that is in the specification. The other developers are using a fake Hibernate database in memory (HSQLDB) for unit testing. I have to use the real DB used by the p...

How to run NUnit integration tests on the target server

If you have NUnit integration tests that test access to the database, how do I run those tests on a build machine where the target database is on a different server. It's almost like I want to run the integration tests from the build server (using CruiseControl) but have the tests run on the target server so I can exercise the database ...

Integration testing in python, suggested tools and practices?

I've some hard time understanding Integration testing in general, I want to do some integration testing in python expecially for network programming in twisted (but I want to know something more in general). There are any good resource I must read, and tools (python tools if possible), practices that introduces me in integration testing...

How can I simulate the ending of a transaction using JUnit with Spring and Hibernate to isolate a LazyInitializationException?

I'm trying to write a test that isolates the failure to load a property because no Session exists. The following path fails ERROR [http-8081-14] LazyInitializationException.setSessionAttribute(223) | could not initialize proxy - no Session org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session at org.hib...

Quantity / Performance Test

I don't know the name of it, but I want to run a test say 10,0000 to 100,000 times to test for variations in performance. For example I want to test the speed variation between json and xml. I am using visual studio. Is there any tool that will allow me to run my code this amount of times and collect the statistics? Please help me ASAP. ...

Testing Suites for .Net / WPF based Applications

I am interested in automating some application / system level tests on an existing product range. Our product range consists of several distinct applications, written in .Net 3.5 and using WPF for the presentation layer. Ultimately, I am interested in finding an application testing suite that is capable of executing scenarios and report...

Is integration testing an umbrella term and if so, what types of tests does it include?

I find the concept of 'integration testing' confusing. There seems to be quite a few explanations and scopes: Functional/acceptance testing (e.g. testing the user interface with for example, Selenium) Testing the integration of different classes/modules of software together (simply testing two or more classes together, without them doi...

In-container testing vs. mock objects for integration testing

In-container testing is often opposed to testing with mock objects. However, as mock objects simply mimic the behavior of the real objects, isn't the in-container testing the only way to really test the system in its' real environment? As an partial alternative to in-container testing and mock objects, Spring provides the TestContext fr...

How to test this scenario?

Hi, I have a desktop application made in Flex using PureMVC multi-core and Sqlite as back-end.Now, I want to write integration tests.The proxy layer makes database calls using async method of SQLConnection.And, the result-handler throws notification.I want to test that expected values were modified in tables.Any ideas,how can this be do...

Web ui (ASP.NET based) to run integration tests written for NUnit

I want to be able to run and see the results of NUnit-based integration tests using some ASP.NET based UI (as opposed to regular windows based NUnit GUI). Is there an open source or commerical package already available? Note I'm not talking about testing ASP.NET or web apps.I want to run tests in code behind but see the results in Web br...

What are the most useful Runtime tools for exercising and debugging code in the wild?

Hi, After a product is released, we have the need to execute or debug code that has been deployed to the live environment. I tend to use PowerShell to create objects and invoke public functions rather than writing small test applications in C# to perform integration testing on the deployment platform. For debugging, when the source cod...

Provide the ability to debug a .Net executable from within an unit test

Hello, I have a win forms application that I would like to be able to debug during the running of my unit testing and am having a mental block as to how to achieve this. Due to architectural decisions beyond my control, I am unable to re factor this product into manageable components that can be unit tested, so these are technically int...

Should I Unit Test Data Access Layer? Is this a good practice and how to do it?

If I'm having Data Access Layer (nHibernate) for example a class called UserProvider and a Business Logic class UserBl, should I both test their methods SaveUser or GetUserById, or any other public method in DA layer which is called from BL layer. Is this a redundancy or a common practice to do? Is it common to unit test DA layer, or th...

Fitnesse deployment practices.

Is there some documentation on the best ways to organize the deployment of Fitnesse for use in projects? I have many questions: How should it be stored? Should the whole fitnesse root be stored in SVN? How do you deal with acceptance tests that span multiple svn repositories? We have some code that runs only on linux (server) and othe...

Testing File Creation Wrapper C#.Net - Thoughts

Hi All, This is probably a noob question that I will get slated for but here goes... Sorry for the length tried to keep it as short as possible. BackGround I'm working on tidying up a code base that I inherited in my new role. So I'm introducing tests as I work on sections/Bugs/New Features. One of these features is an invoice prin...