
Current tasks count at Appengine Task Queue

Are there any ways to get count of current unfinished tasks at Google Appengine development server? I need it for making my integration test. I found a way to get this when running it local (just in mem), as described at appengine docs. But when i'm running it as a standalone server, from maven, this doesn't work. Just because library...

Integration Testing an Entire *Existing* Application (w/ automatic execution of test suite)

Hi there, I have just joined a team working on an existing Java web app. I have been tasked with creating an automated integration test suite that should run when developers commit to our continuous integration server (TeamCity), which automatically deploys to our staging server - so really the tests will be run against our staging web ...

Ms Test or NUnit?

Is there any advantage to picking NUnit for unit/integration testing vs the built in MsTest? ...

Running single integration test quickly in Grails

Is it possible to quickly run single/all integration test in a class quickly in Grails. The test-app comes with heavy baggage of clearing of all compiled files and generating cobertura reports hence even if we run single integration test, the entire code base is compiled,instrumented and the cobertura report is getting generated. For our...

A standard event messaging system with AJAX?

Is there any standards or messaging framework for AJAX? Right now I have a single page that loads content using Ajax. Because I had a complex form for data entry as part of my content, I need to validate certain events that can occur in my form. So after some adjustments driven by my tests: asyncShould("search customer list click", 3, ...

WatiN Testing and Connection Strings Fiasco

I have a separate project which performs watiN tests. The project is in the form of class library project. When I run test it launches the browser and then uses the Web.config of the Web Application Project which I am testing. The Web.config of web application project has the Dev connection string which should not be used for testing. ...

Bash scripting know the result of a command.

Hi, I am writing a bash script to run an integration test of a tool I am writing. Basically I run the application with a set of inputs and compare the results with expected values using the diff command line tool. It's working, but I would like to enhance it by knowing the result of the diff command and print "SUCCESS" or "FAIL" depen...

How can I tell JWebUnit to contact specific Selenium servers

We want to run selenium backed jwebunit tests from our hudson server. We have a couple of selenium rc servers already on our network which I'd like to reuse. However how can I configure jwebunit to use those servers as I would like to avoid installing a slenium rc server on the hudson. Building is already work enough without starting/st...

Any way to separate unit tests from integration tests in VS2008?

I have a project full of tests, unit and integration alike. Integration tests require that a pretty large database be present, so it's difficult to make it a part of the build process simply because of the time that it takes to re-initialize the database. Is there a way to somehow separate unit tests from integration tests and have the...

dummy IVR for testing vxml

Voxeo provide a free IVR for development purposes, but I was wondering if there is a much simpler form of test IVR, perhaps which runs on the local machine and uses your microphone and speakers instead of the telephony network? ...

Using StructureMap, how do you explicitly trigger the reinstantiation of a object with InstanceScope.Singleton?

I have an integration test harness where I want to teardown and then re-instantiate some of the singleton-scoped objects I've registered with StructureMap, after and before each test. This way I can simulate the actual run time environment, but not have the singleton's state being passed from one test to another. Maybe this isn't a g...

Should integration testing of DAOs be done in an application server?

I have a three tier application under development and am creating integration tests for DAOs in the persistence layer. When the application runs in Websphere or JBoss I expect to use the connection pooling and transaction manager of those application servers. When the application runs in Tomcat or Jetty, we'll be using C3P0 for pooling...

What can be SIT(System Integration Testing) -UAT (User Acceptance Testing) approach?

If SIT(System Integration Testing) and UAT (User Acceptance Testing) needs to be performed parallely, what should be the testing (execution) approach? ...

why assert_equal() in Ruby on Rails sometimes seem to compare by Identity and sometimes by value?

it was very weird that yesterday, I was do an integration test in Rails and assert_equal array_of_obj1, array_of_obj2 # obj1 from db, obj2 created in test and it failed. The values shown inside the array and objects were identical. If I change the test to assert array_of_obj1 == array_of_obj2 Then it will pass. But today, th...

What is a good way to interact with iframe elements using Selenium IDE?

I am wanting to test a web application which uses FCKeditor in Selenium IDE. Unfortunately, FCKeditor uses iframes, which are difficult to test in Selenium IDE. Basically, all I want to do is set the value of the FCKeditor editing area and read it later to see if the value was submitted correctly. I suppose this question is two-fold: ...

Is automatic rollback of DAO integration tests with Spring Test a good practice?

If I were to annotate my DAO integration test methods with @Transactional, Spring Test will happily rollback any changes to the database after each test methods completes. These seems extremely convenient, because I can load the test data once with a @BeforeClass method and all clean up is handled for me. But I question whether this is...

How to obtain JNDI data source for JPA/JTA DAO integration test?

I have a JPA application that has specified JTA transactions in persistence.xml. For whatever reason, I have found that when using JTA, you MUST specify a JNDI data source within persistence.xml as well. This is fine, unless you are trying to go integration testing outside a container and JNDI is not available. My questions are: a) i...

populating in memory hsqldb database from script

Is there a way that I can specify a script in the connection string pointing to my in memory hsqldb instance? I was looking at this article and it looks like it is possible, but I'm not sure how to formulate the string correctly or where to put the script file. Looking at the hsqldb documentation here it doesn't appear to be the case. ...

Integration tests - "no exceptions are thrown" approach. Does it make sense?

Sometimes integration tests are rather complex to write or developers have no enough time to check output - does it make sense to write tests that make sure "no exceptions are thrown" only? Such tests provide some input parameters set(s) and doesn't check the result, but only make sure code not failed with exception? May be such tests a...

SqlLite/Fluent NHibernate integration test harness initialization not repeatable after large data session

In one of my main data integration test harnesses I create and use Fluent NHibernate's SingleConnectionSessionSourceForSQLiteInMemoryTesting, to get a fresh session for each test. After each test, I close the connection, session, and session factory, and throw out the nested StructureMap container they came from. This works for almost ...