
Test Driven Development/Integration Testing in RIA development

Hi! When working with RIA development, there's at least three critical levels that should be tested: RIA application classes - in Flash/Flex these could be tested using AsUnit, FlexUnit or any other JUnit-like solution RIA application interface - in Flash/Flex this could be done using FlexMonkey RIA application server integration - ? ...

In functional testing, should I compare all tabular data rendered in the browser with the one coming from the DB?

I'm working on a test plan for a website where some tests are taking the following path: Hit the requested URI and get the data rendered inside some table(20 rows per page). Make a database query to get the data that is supposed to be rendered in that table. Compare the 2 data row by row, they should match. Is that a correct way of d...

Speeding up integration tests that rely on an Oracle DB

We have an Oracle database server specifically for our unit tests to run against. Is there a way to tune Oracle specifically for this kind of purpose? As the data is constantly being thrown away (since it's just test data). I wonder if there is a way to have an Oracle database in-memory and connect without the TCP/IP stack perhaps to ...

How can we decide which testing method can be used?

i have project in .net , i want to test it. But i dont know anything about testing and its method. how can i go ahead with testing. which method is better for me for begining? Is there anything to decide which testing method is taken into account for better result? ...

HTTP Basic Auth and Proxy for selenium-webdriver (ruby bindings)

I'm attempting to use the selenium-webdriver [ruby bindings][1] to access an internal web-site that requires a proxy to be configured, and HTTP Basic Auth. I currently have: require "selenium-webdriver" driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox "" But this fails due to both the pro...

Integration test: create vs new in controller

edited: followed suggestions. See at end of question. I have a controller with two functions: def new if login_required @discussion = respond_to do |format| format.html # new.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @discussion } end end en...

Web service testing framework with interface for business users

I'm looking for a web service testing framework that has a good built in text input / output gui. The point would be for business and other non developer users to be able to test requirements by using a simple gui that they could enter values into and see the results from the web service. I have seen lots of references on Stack Overflow ...

Is there a JUnit 4+ test case execution priority toolkit?

Is there a JUnit 4+ test case execution priority toolkit? In the development teams I work we use JUnit 4+ for basic/unit testing and also for integration testing and system testing. 1) One trait of the integration and system test cases is that they generally take longer time to execute than unit tests, typically between 1 second - 60 ...

A better way to run lots of Integration Tests using JUnit?

What is the best way run a lot of integration tests using JUnit? I crudely discovered that the code below can run all the tests... but it has a massive flaw. The tearDown() method in each of those classes is not called until they have all been run. public class RunIntegrationTests extends TestSuite { public RunIntegrationTests(){ ...

assert_response doesn't work with webrat in selenium mode

Anyone know how to get assert_response to work with webrat using selenium? I keep getting NoMethodError: undefined method `response_code' for nil:NilClass Here's my test: def test_basic_page_load visit root_path click_link "register" assert_response 200 end Here's the error: ==> Waiting for Selenium RC server on port 4444.....

Integration Test Tools

What are the popular integration testing tools, especially for desktop non-Web applications? In my projects, I have been using a combinations of scripting and jtreg/jtharness. While they work, they lack the support from other development tools. IDE and CI tools cannot run them easily and/or don't understand the test results. I like t...

Is there a .net framework that manages unit AND integration testing?

One of the boasts I've heard of unit testing is that you can run 2000+ tests in a minute or so.. because the only limit is cpu speed and ram. I, however like to include external dependency assertions/testing in my test projects (such as: does the user account the application logs on with have insert/update/delete permissions on the appr...

Problem with Nhibernate.Bytecode.Castle in MSBuild (TFS)

We have a Fluent NHibernate mapping test that is passing on our local machines, but when we check in to TFS, the tests are failing on the build server. We are using MSTest. The error we get is: NHibernate.Bytecode.UnableToLoadProxyFactoryFactoryException: Unable to load type 'NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.By...

Rails Rest API External Testing

I am building a REST Web Service layer on top of a Rails app that will be used by an Iphone application. The response format is XML. I would like to build some acceptance tests that should be external to the rails stack (and should test everything, including the http server). The test scenarios are quite complex, involving the process ...

Unit testing for downloads

I am writing a Java program that downloads and then processes many webpages. What is the best practice for testing a component of the program that downloads a page without hitting the remote servers? ...

Test harness software for networking failures

During integration testing it is important to simulate various kinds of low-level networking failure to ensure that the components involved properly handle them. Some socket connection examples (from the Release It! book by Michael Nygard) include connection refused remote end replies with SYN/ACK but never sends any data remote end se...

How rspec works with rails3 for integration-tests?

What I'm trying to ahieve is to do integration tests with webrat in rails3 like Yehuda does with test-unit in minute 34. an example: describe SomeApp it "should show the index page" visit "/" body.should =~ /hello world/ end end Does someone knows a way to do it? ...

R6034 When Calling SMO ExecuteNonQuery Under Machine.Specifications.ConsoleRunner

I'm using Sql Server Management Objects (SMO) in my integration tests. When I run them from Visual Studio (using TestDriven.NET or Resharper) there's no problem. But when I run from Machine.Specifications.ConsoleRunner.exe the code stops and I get this Windows dialog: R6034 - The application has made an attempt to load the C run...

Java, Junit - Capture the standard input / Output for use in a unit test

I'm writing integration tests using JUnit to automate the testing of a console based application. The application is homework but this part isn't the homework. I want to automate these tests to be more productive -- I don't want to have to go back and retest already tested parts of the application. (Standard reasons to use Unit tests) ...

Unit/integration testing Asterisk configuration

Unit and integration testing is usually performed as part of a development process, of course. I'm looking for ways to use this methodology in configuration of an existing system, in this case the Asterisk soft PBX. In the case of Asterisk, the configuration file is as much a programming language as anything else, complete with loops, j...