
Integration between Project Web Access and SharePoint (Gantt Charts)

I'm a newbie to using Project Web Access and I wondered if someone can guide me by giving links that help in integration of SharePoint site with Project Web Access. What I want to do is to generate Gantt charts inside a regular SharePoint site. I know that there is a standard view to generate charts in SharePoint but I need the more cus...

How to call MATLAB code from C?

I have some code that plots triangles in MATLAB. I need to be able to somehow execute this code from my C program which generates these points. Is that possible? How can it be done? Just a thought: Can I somehow embed MATLAB code in C, so that it can compile on a C compiler? ...

Mercurial Client with SVN Support for Windows

Are there any Mercurial clients for Windows that have integrated SVN support? Our build server uses SVN and there are no plans to move towards Mercurial, but I prefer Mercurial over the other distributed source control clients I have tried (e.g., Git). I've looked into TortiseHG and the Mercurial homepage, neither of which seem to integ...

Integrate applications using multiple programming languages into a Java application

Is there an open source application that could integrate applications using multiple programming languages into a Java application? ...

How to implement advertisements in an iphone application?

We are developing an application for iphone that requires advertisement to be shown up on the screen. We are totally new to this concept. Could anyone assist us with this. Any sample will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Zach. ...

Blackberry - run menu item from dialer Phone App

I'd like to describe one trick I learned at There is a native dialer Phone Application in blackberry: The trick is to programmatically run menu items of dialer after incoming call, call fail or any other call event. ...

Integrating Flash with ASP.NET web applications

With flash media server 3.5, I was wonder what my options would be for implementing flash inside my applications? I've seen some 3rd party flash controls and flash sells a product called something like 'flash remoting'. Are there any other options? Thanks ...

Development of CMI clocks hardware

Hi I am trying to work on CMI Clocks (Genus) which needs to be integrated with a Java Application. I am trying to find out if anyone has experience working with these clocks. A sample applications to start with or any related material is appreciated. Thanks ...

Using Greasemonkey, is it possible to make some parts of the script apply to certain sites and other parts apply to different sites?

The reason I want to do this is that I'm writing a script for that involves changing the background and replacing some pictures with css. I'd like to add links to it from other sites (namely Gmail, Google Calendar, etc.) Is it possible to accomplish this with one Greasemonkey script? (I think this is a general enough question...

Tool to integrate with any ecommerce website to extract catalogue/product details

Hi all, Q) Is there any tool to integrate with any e-commerce websites to extract catalog/product details for its mobile website. I reviewed JDOM and screen-scraper solutions. They are not fulfill my requirements properly and I need to rework for certain scenarios like (desktop website layout has been changed, I need to change setting...

Visual Studio - Edit source code located in a database

I am building something similar to Server Explorer for Apache CouchDB. One of the things necessary is to be able to edit CouchDB view definitions which in CouchDB are JavaScript functions. How can I trick Visual Studio into using my object to retrieve and save the content of the JavaScript function but still use the rest of it - I am h...

C math library with integration?

Is there a science/math related C/C++ programming library that includes functions for mathematical integration? This might be useful for finding values for a cumulative distribution function, etc. Symbolic manipulation ideal but not required. Thanks! P.S. I've looked at GSL but it does not contain functions specific for integration. ...

Modality issue in SWT_AWT bridge

I am using EmbeddedSwingComposite (built on SWT_AWT bridge) which is mentioned in the following article : Though it says that using the above technique modality issues are resolved. But in my case there are still some modality issues left. I guess ...

DSLs vs. Plain Old Libraries

I've been thinking lately about the question of DSLs vs. libraries. In my field, the problem with DSLs (R, SAS and Matlab come to mind) is that they're a PITA to write more general purpose code in and a PITA to integrate into more general-purpose code in other languages. I'm not saying either is impossible, just annoying and frustratin...

Combine classic ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC within one web application

We currently have a classic ASP.NET web application which serves as our API. It basically has a bunch of ASMX Web Services, but these are really cumbersome to work with from JavaScript. What I want is to expose a set of RESTful endpoints, but doing this in classis ASP.NET is not what I really want to do. I'm considering to combine both...

Jboss 5 Integration with Apache 2.2

I have successfully integrated Jboss with Apache. I can pull up http://localhost/web-console .... now when I drop a war file into my Jboss deploy directory I can pull it up here localhost:8080/helloworld/hi.jsp BUT NOT here localhost/helloworld/hi.jsp Isn't the point of integrating Jboss with apache so I do not have to do :8080? and I...

How to integrate Spring Security and GWT?

I'm trying to integrate Spring Security and GWT. I'm also using gwt-incubator-security. I configured everything as it was described on their wiki pages. I managed to get security working by using intercept-url, but I can't get it working using annotations. Any ideas about what the problem is? P.S. I'm using Spring 2.5.6, Spring Security...

How to integrate Company Website with intranet portal ?

we have our company intra net portal designed in 2.0/sql server 2000 , now we want to deploy this portal to internet so that employees can acesss it from web also so my question is what is the best way of integrating hosted site with intra net web site. ...

Python, Perl And C/C++ With GUI

Hello, I'm now thinking, is it possible to integrate Python, Perl and C/C++ and also doing a GUI application with this very nice mix of languages? ...

php based document management system.

Hi all, Can anyone recommend a simple document management system with a decent web service interface? I am looking at using it to provide metadata management of uploaded files from a ajax web application. I've tried KnowledgeTree, but it's web service layer seems to be a bit complicated. Is there anything else out there with the simil...