
Data integrity in concurrency environment

We know that DBMS harness many technique to ensure the data integrity and satisfying the ACID properties when there are many transactions running simultaneously in a concurrency environment. Apart from setting Isolation Level, what other means taken by DBMS to ensure data integrity? what is the relationship between these technique? Could...

Avoiding problem of overwriting files which are in use

For example on a high traffic web server. To reduce problems when switching a file I usually rename the old file out and then rename in the new file. I was told some time ago that renaming a file does not change the 'inode data' so that processes reading the file can keep doing so without glitches. And, of course, rather than copying i...

Sharepoint: Integrity of lookup fields after a list import

Hi there I got a question about the behavior of lookup fields when importing data. I wonder how the lookup fields behave when the list they point to is being replaced/imported. To explain the issue, I will provide a quick example below: As example, assume we have these two sharepoint lists: Product Types ------------- + Type Name + Co...

GreenHills - small data area overflow

I'm hoping maybe someone has a quick answer for this but essentially when I turn on optimizations, I get the following error: [elxr] (error) small data area overflow: 0xfff9f6fc (signed) didn't fit in 16 bits while performing relocation in file test_main.o at location sti_13_test_main_cpp_252229d3+0xc, to reference sym...

Prevent two users from editing the same data

Hi everyone, I have seen a feature in different web applications including Wordpress (not sure?) that warns a user if he/she opens an article/post/page/whatever from the database, while someone else is editing the same data simultaneously. I would like to implement the same feature in my own application and I have given this a bit of t...

django forms from two tables referencial integrity

i have a class named cv,and a class named university, and each user that completes his cv, should choose a University he studyes at. My problem is: one student can study at one or 2 or three universities, or may be a user that is not student. I need to take this data into a form, and i use ModelForm. The data from the Cv class, and fr...

Windows 7 x64: low IL process msdn example does not work

Hello I want to create process with low integrity level from process with medium integrity level. I found msdn example: Designing Applications to Run at a Low Integrity Level But it does not work on my system. Process is created successfully, but message box "Alpplication failed to initialized properly(0xC0000022 -- STATUS_ACCESS_DE...

IntegrityError when saving user with username=email

I have modified my application, so that when a new user is registered, it's username and email are the same. But when a new user is created, I'm getting IntegrityError : (1062, "Duplicate entry '[email protected]' for key 'username'"), still the user is created correctly. Function register_new in which a new user is created ('temp_data' is a ...

can sql functions such as min() or max() destroy record integrity

Can functions such as Min() or Max() possibly destroy the integrity of a record? Take the case of the query I recently crafted: SELECT account, MIN(phone), MIN(chargeid), MIN(locationid) FROM import1 GROUP BY account, phone is there any chance I am mixing my field data into a new record unintentionally? What if I changed one Min to a M...

How to make sure the GPS position sent to the server are accurate?

Hello, here is my problem : I have a mobile app, and I want to give the user some information depending on their position ( think something like FourSquare ). But how to make sure the user position is real ? I mean let's say the client uses a request to the server via http : ...

HSQLDB: weird "unique constraint or index violation" with data read from CSV

Hi, I have a tool which reads a CSV file, selects from it using HSQLDB, and saves the result as another CSV file. More here: Now when I used it for some task, I have got: java -jar CsvCruncher-1.0.jar result.csv foo.csv 'SELECT * FROM indata' I...

Does encryption guarantee integrity ?

To build a secure system can we assume my question before starting programming. Both in symmetric and public-key encryption, is my question well-proofed ? If no, what are the vulnerabilities, can you give an example? ...

Strange behavior for X.cpp/X.hpp files in Integrity

I'm having a project which compiles perfectly with gcc, but fails to compile under Greenhills Integrity environment. The problem boils down to this three files: MyVector.cpp // contains function testVector MyVector.hpp // contains template vector<> SomeFile.cpp MyVector.hpp contains template-class for a vector, and MyVector.cpp conta...

no such file to load -- .bundle/environment

I installed integrity app these days. and found some issues. I follow this. $ gem install bundler $ git clone git:// $ cd integrity $ git checkout -b deploy v22 $ bundle install $ bundle lock $ rake db at the end steps, I can't find and folders named ".bundle" in the integrity folder. an...

Problem with Integrity continious application app

Hi, I'm trying to setup integrity for my project. Sadly, my bash-fu is poor so I need some help. In build script I enter rake spec. In integrity it returns status 0 and output (in /home/rails/integrity/builds/builds/66) but I know, that I should got status 1 and output (after running it manually from console): rails@integrity:...

Toolkit / tool for PDF checking?

Looking for a command line tool for Windows / linux environment that can check a PDF file for any errors (not for repairing). ...