
Android: open file in byte array representation with Intents

Hi guys, I'm a litte bit desperate to open a file with intent so that android can decide which application should handle this file. My Problem is that i have only the file as an Base64 representation which i decode to an byte Array Now i want to send an intent and open that file. I try to do save it in the internal storage and open th...

android intents alarmmanager

Hi, I am trying to create intents that will be set using alarmmanager. Currently, I can do this with one intent, add extra data to it (strings, but i send them as one string with a seperator), and everything works fine and goes off at the correct time. However, when I try to send multiple intents like this, they are overwritten and only ...

Unable to start Service Intent

Hi All, I have a service class. I have exported this class to jar and I have embed the jar in my client app. When needed, I call the service class. When I try to do this, I get the following error: Unable to start service Intent {comp={com.sample.service/com.sample.service.serviceClass}} : not found I have other class apart from the ...

How to capture an image and store it with the native Android Camera...

I am having a problem capturing an image and storing it from the native camera app. Here is a sample of some of my code. _path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "make_machine_example.jpg"; File file = new File( _path ); Uri outputFileUri = Uri.fromFile( file ); Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_...

FTP prompts for download in browser, can't be found otherwise

I am trying to begin a download using the AndFTP Intent API. The file can't be found. I am using this as a reference: (bottom of page) I have tried a couple of combinations of Host and remoteFile1 but am bad at path syntax. I get either [filename] not found, or cannot change directory. Also when...

Messaging and email intents in Android?

I've searched Google for this, but have only found similar examples--not exactly what I need. I simply need to start messaging (SMS) and email intents from my app with their "to" fields already populated. So I need to send a number with the sms intent and an email address with the email intent. Any help would be appreciated. ...

How to properly set an android intent with the SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT action?

I would like to use the internal Contact activity to create a new Contact. Here is the code: Intent i = new Intent(); i.setAction(ContactsContract.Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT); i.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT); i.setData(Uri.fromParts("tel", "12345678", null)); i.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.EXTRA_F...

Android -- What happens when device is unlocked?

I am trying to understand the intents that get launched when the device is unlocked. For eg: Say my activity is running, and I press the power button (screen off, to lock the phone). INTENT.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF is launched. The activity is paused and the screen goes blank. Now, when I press the power button again (INTENT.SCREEN_ON gets ...

Register to be default app for custom file type

Register to be able to open files of custom type. Say i have .cool files, and if the user tries to oepn it, Android asks if they would like to open it with my application. How? ...

Using a single intent with multiple buttons!

Hello all, I having a pretty slow day tday so bare with me. Basically I have an android context menu with various selections and depending on the user selection I want to start an intent. The intent starts the same activity for all the buttons but will contain different String variables depending on the selection. I am currently using a...

making your app available to 3rd party applications

i want to integrate my application with 3rd party application, my understanding is that both application can agree of a action which can be used in intent filter for any activity to be exported which could be used when 3rd party app fires the intent with that particular action in it, any body has a better approach to this, thanks ...

Android - How to send data back and forth between an activity and a service locally.

Hi! I am a bit new to Android. What I need to do is send data back and forth between an activity and a service locally. The information sent is sensitive and must not be able to be picked up by other apps. This excludes using broadcast and the onBind() function if I understand things correctly? So the activity needs to send some string ...

Android Notification intent to clear it self

Hello, I have read many examples of how to create notification messages. What i wanted to achieve, is because the notification will be executed by a widget, i would like the notification intent when clicked to clear it self when the user clicks on it.I do not have an activity to return to. The notification for my purposes will just plain...

Trying to UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT but shortcut won't go away

I created a test Activity that installs a shortcut of itself on the Android Home screen. When you click a button, the Activity is supposed to remove the same shortcut it just created. However, nothing I do seems to delete the shortcut. Here is the Java code ( import; import

Can't get intent filter to launch activity from a uri

I'm trying to figure out how to launch an activity in my app from a custom URI such as myapp://myuriactivity I've read a lot about the intent and intent filters in the android references and also read several examples, but for some reason I can't get my simple test to work. Below is my manifest file, can anyone tell me what I'm doing w...

android intent history

I have an application that execute a specific task when a file is clicked or an HTTP links is shared to it. I only want to execute the task once, unless the user himself re-execute the task. To be sure, I monitor the flag: FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY. If its set I ignore the task, if not, I execute it. The problem is that som...

Android Tabs & Intents

Hello all, I have a auto-complete textbox in which the user makes a selection. From here I want to load a tabbed layout which is based on the user selection. The problem is I cant figure out a clean way to pass that selection to each of the tabs. At the moment I can pass an intent to the 'tabhost' activity and then pass to each child ac...

What is a Sticky Intent? [Android]

I came across this term in the android documentation with the accompanying definition These are broadcasts whose data is held by the system after being finished, so that clients can quickly retrieve that data without having to wait for the next broadcast. What does it mean? Can someone elaborate its use with a particular example? ...

Why is the parcelable object null in receiving activity?

I am following the Parcelable example in the Android developer guide with the intention of having a more complex object that I send to different activities. Right now, my class is a wrapper of a String member. If I put the object in the intent and read it back from the Intent it reads as expected, however, on the receiver side, it is ...

Relaunch app from intent

I would like to put a notification with an intent. My intent is basically action = DEFAULT and category = LAUNCHER in order to bring the activity that was launched into the front. When the app is not shown, there is no problem, the intent works perfectly and launches the last activity seen but when there is already an activity launched, ...