
How to exclude my own Activity from Activity.startActivity(Intent) chooser ?

My app works with pictures. It can take multiple pictures as an input, process them, and send them again to another app. As a consequence, my main Activity has declared an intent filter on ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE for image/* mimetypes and can result in issuing a new Intent with the same action and data type using Activity.startActivity(Int...

Broadcast intents not received by a service

Hi! I have an Android service which sends broadcast intents. I'm trying to get those intents in another application, which is an Android service. I wrote this in my manifest: <!-- Service --> <service android:enabled="true" android:name="...MyService"></service> <!-- Receiver --> <receiver android:name="...MyReceiver"> <intent-filte...

Android email chooser

I am writing an app that needs to send emails at the end of each transaction. I am doing the following: Intent mail = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); mail.setType("text/html"); mail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { emailTo }); mail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "Send from Android"); mail.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "Sent fr...

What's the android intent to show up the localization settings?

I'm sure this can be answered really easily. I just do not find the intent id for this job. I want to show up that localization settings page, where the user can select "turn on localization through wifi..." Intent intent = new Intent( ??? ); startActivity(intent); ...

Android: Is there any way to directly configure a menuItem to startActivityForResult instead of startActivity?

I know I can do this: menu.findItem( .setIntent(new Intent() .setClass(this,SettingsScreen.class)); Which is equivalent to this in a callback: Intent myIntent = new Intent(); myIntent.setClass(this, SettingsScreen.class); startActivity(myIntent); But is there any way I can issue a startActivityForResult with a s...

ACTION_VIEW for images but only a subset of images

I have an app that have more than one gallery. It is a travel app and it have a separate gallery for each trip. When I'm taking pictures with the camera I'm saving them in the default MediaStore of the system. To view an Image I'm using new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW) and it launches the default image viewer. When scrolling with the left...

Change native intent button names Android and Back button

hello everyone, I require urgent help.. I am creating a sample add contact application using android intents. heres my code: Intent addNewContactI; addNewContactI=new Intent(Contacts.Intents.Insert.ACTION,this.contactsUri); addNewContactI.putExtra(Contacts.Intents.Insert.NAME, "Sample Name"); startActivityForResult(addNewContactI,RESU...

Where is the all Android broadcast Intent list

I want to received the Android broadcast, is there a list of all intents? ...

android contacts intent?

i'm looking for an intent filter for when you are at the contact list and you long press a contact so a the menu comes up ...

Communication between Tabhost Activity class and parent Activity Class which renders it

I have a main class which renders tabwidget (tabhost) as follows: intent = new Intent().setClass(this, Articles.class); // Initialize a TabSpec for each tab and add it to the TabHost spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("articles").setIndicator("Articles", res.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_tab_articles)) .setCo...

Is there anything I need to take into account when repeatedly calling the same activity?

I am developing an app where a single activity is instantiated multiple times by itself. I guess you could think of it like a book where each activity is a page. At the end of the page (activity) the user presses a button to go to a new page. I fire off an Intent for the same Activity, but I push different data into the Bundle so that...

Activity to Activity Communication

Hi All Activity a =AssumeSomeActivityExists(); Intent openActivity=new Intent(); openActivity.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); openActivity.setClass(a,B.class); a.startActivity(openActivity); When we do something like above how to make B instance know that it is been called and created by Activity a? Thanks & Regards Sudhakar Chavali ...

How to capture key events from Intent's or BroadcastReceivers

Hey guys, Is there a way to capture a key event from the Menu button using an Intent or BroadcastReceiver? Basically I want my app's Service to be activated when the Menu key is pressed. Thanks ...

Posting short messages to twitter and long messages to gmail using ACTION_SEND

Using ACTION_SEND it's possible to post messages to various sharing services such as gmail, facebook, twitter, etc. Most services have reasonably long message lengths, but twitter in particular is very short (140 characters). Not knowing in advance which service a user is going to select once the Intent.createChooser() dialog appears, ...

How to exclude your own app from the Share menu?

The app has an intent filter to allow it to appear in the share menu in other applications via ACTION_SEND intents. The app itself also has a share menu using ACTION_SEND and createChooser(), and my app appears in the list. Since they are already in my app it seems strange to have them be able to share back to itself. Is there a way ...

RemoteViews and setOnClickPendingIntent

I try to write my first widget application and i got a problem. So, i have 2 arrows: switch to left and switch to right. For both of them I want to use a single Service, which changes the view of my homescreen widget according direction of arrow. For distinguish the direction of arrow i put an extra data to each intent i use. This is my ...