
Shared preference

I developed one app in that i want to sen URI from Class1 editText to another class containing editText can anyone tell me how to do that ...

Create "Battery usage" intent android

On my nexus one, there is a handy app reachable from Settings > About Phone > Battery use. I'd like to StartActivity() that app from one of my Activities. I can see in the log that when Settings runs it, this intent is logged: Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN

getting View reference from Intent

Hello, I create a tabbed view with a list and a map, this is the code used to build the tab: tabHost = getTabHost(); TabSpec tabSpec = tabHost.newTabSpec("tab_map"); Intent i = new Intent().setClass(this, MyMapActivity.class); tabSpec.setIndicator("Map", getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_mapmode)) .setContent(i); ...

how do you get the name of a package that dispatched an intent in android?

I have a service setup to receive a PACKAGE_ADDED and a PACKAGE_REMOVED intent from all <data android:scheme="package" /> I receive the intent correctly, but I need to know how to use the Intent and Context classes from onReceive to get the name and label of the application that was added or removed. I have been able to use Intent.getD...

Android: BroadcastReceiver to restart killed/crashed app

I have an application and I would like to be able to restart it on the event of an error or a crash/app shutdown. I am familiar with how to register BroadcastReceivers, use alarms, etc. Is there any signal I could intercept that the app sends out when it shuts down? Or that the OS sends out when any app shuts down? ...

How to start an activity

I have created two classes: Example1 and Example2, which extends activity. Example1 contains a UI of buttons, while Example2 contains UI of TextEdit. I want to call Example2 when a button is clicked, so this code is in an onclick method Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClassName("com.a.ui", "com.a.ui.Example2"); startActivity(i); So I am... Activity com.example.brown.

friend's , I'm facing the problem in map view,initially i have map view with search option in header for searchin up content i'm using here my code for search... Intent intent = getIntent(); findViewById( new OnClickListener() { public void o...

how to pass handler using intent

there are 2 activity A and Screen in A Activity , i made handler and want to pass it to screen activity Handler error_handler = new Handler() { public void handleMessage(Message msg) { }}; Intent loginButton_intent = new Intent(A.this, Screen.class); loginButton_intent.putExtra("URL", URL); loginButton_intent.putExtra("IP_Addres", dv...

Android Share an Image, Process in Background (how do I run the activity in the background?)

I've written an application which adds itself to the image gallery [Share] menu. When the user clicks my app, it uploads the image to a hardcoded web service. It's all working great, but there's one tweak I can't seem to figure out. When the user selects my app, the Gallery "flashes" away for an instant while the Android Activity is...

Starting Video Camera with Intent

I am writing a very small app that just opens the camera app ready for video. I am able to get my code to work on an Android 2.2 emulator, but it will not work on my device, Motorola Droid 1 stock 2.2 FRG22D. Any ideas where I went wrong on this code? public class StartVid extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first creat...

How to determine the sender of Broadcast Intent

I have an application that is at the same time a broadcast sender and receiver of standard action android.intent.action.SET_WALLPAPER. I want to do some stuff only in a case when another application broadcasted this intent. Is there any way to determine who initiated a broadcast in onReceive method of a BroadcastReceiver? ...

Intents to activity from notification status bar?

I am trying to start an activity from the notification bar but it needs to get an int. From activity to activity I would just put an int into the intent but I can't seem to figure out where to add the extra for the notification bar? Is this possible? If not is there a better way to do it? public void notifyMe() { int icon = andro...

Check INTENT internet connection

Hi guys, there is an Android Intent ACTION_XXX that notify me when Internet Connection is available? I would to instantiate a BroadcastReceiver that notify my application when user enable Internet Connection (by wifi, by GSM, etc...) Could anyone help me? ...

Maintaining Multiple instances of an activity

I have an activity that need to be created for 4 different types. Activity User A Activity User B Activity User C Activity User D All the instances of Activities are created using the same Activity(for example, User) class. Now i want to re order the activity B to top. So from Activity User D im calling the Activity User B using the ...

[Android]Find out which browsers are installed?

Hello, I'm looking for a way to find out which browsers are installed on the Android Smartphone and their package names. Why do I need it? Well basically, my App reacts on certain URLs, i.e., so when the click such an he will get an choice in which App to open it. So far everything is working as intended. If the user...

how can we use startActivityforResult() for Email intent?

Hi Friends, I am using intent for send email with attachment,it is work fine,i want to get this email intent result,i already used startActivityforResult(),but i can't get result for email intent,how can we use startActivityforResult() for Email intent? Thanks All ...

How to start an activity inside any layout, android

Hi, I have created a an activity named Example which have 3 LinearLayouts . I want to start an activity. So I used the following lines of code Intent jumpToStationModule = new Intent(); jumpToStationModule.setClassName("", ""); startActivity(jumpToStationModule); Test is another activity. As a result of the ab...

Getting Images From Gallery - Not All "Exist"?

Hello, I am simply trying to get the path of an image that the user selects and then convert it into a bitmap. The problem is, only some of the images in the gallery work when selected (by "work" I mean they are found to be a file that exists), while the others claim the file does not exist (even though the image is showing up in the gal...

Tabbed Application with location listener implemented in tabActivity tabHost

hi. here is my problem. i have an application that has a tabActivity and 3 tabs. all off the tabs use a location listener and work with locations. i implement onPause and onResume for every tab to remove and start listening for location accordingly. is this the right way to go? i had another idea to work with and that was implementing a...

Set Default Chooser when Selecting Image?

Hello, In my application the user selects an image. When the ACTION_GET_CONTENT intent is launched it displays the dialog to select one of the available image viewers installed on the device. However I need the built in Gallery app to be chosen because upon selecting an image it launches the screen to crop the image (same thing that com...