
NHibernate: Meaning of interceptors return value

Hello, I think this is an easy question, but my googling is weak on this. I had the problem described in the following link with regard to a generated ID and cascading: (towards the bottom) I fixed it using their suggested method of an Interceptor. Everythin...

NHibernate: difference Interceptor and Listener

Looking at all the possibilites of creation / update columns in NHibernate I mostly (Stackoverflow question, Ayende Rahien) see solutions with Listeners. The programmer who was programming this in my company used an Interceptor to achieve the same thing. Is there any difference between those two solutions ? (Is on of them obsolete, is...

NHibernate Interceptor Auditing Inserted Object Id

Hi, I am using NHibernate interceptors to log information about Updates/Inserts/Deletes to my various entities. Included in the information logged is the Entity Type and the Unique Id of the entity modified. The unique Id is marked as a <generator class="identity"> in the NHibernate mapping file. The obvious problem is when logging an...

StructureMap Interceptors

I have a bunch of services that implement various interfaces. eg, IAlbumService, IMediaService etc. I want to log calls to each method on these interfaces. How do I do this using StructureMap? I realise this is pretty much the same as this question it is just that I am not using windsor. ...

How to implement an Audit Interceptor using iBATIS ?

I want to log all changes in my database for auditing purposes, using a table called AuditEvent that stores the modified row ID (primary key), table name, column name, previous value, new value, date of change (timestamp), operation type (insert / update / delete) and the name of the user who did the changes. I'm using SQL Server 2005,...

Can I inject a SessionBean into a JEE AroundInvoke-Interceptor?

I have an EAR with modules: foo-api.jar foo-impl.jar interceptor.jar In foo-api there is: @Local FooService // (interface of a local stateless session bean) In foo-impl there is: @Stateless FooServiceImpl implements FooService //(implementation of the foo service) In interceptor.jar I want public class BazInterceptor { @EJB...

How do you obtain the value of struts.action.extension in a struts2 interceptor?

I need to access the struts.action.extension value in the struts.xml file from an interceptor. Any suggestions? ...

Why doesn't interceptor's onLoad() work?

We have a jboss based system persistance.xml looks like a following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="

NHibernate session management and lazy loading

I am having a heck of a time trying to figure out my session management woes in NHibernate. I am assuming that a lot of my trouble is due to lack of knowledge of IoC and AOP concepts; at least that is what I am thinking by where Fabio Maulo keeps directing me. Anyways, my problem is that I have a win forms application that is making "ge... mvc and recaptcha action

When a user submits a form, i'd like to show/redirect to the captcha page intermittently ( based on some custom rules ) and if validated, then execute/commit the first action Is there a way of doing this using the ActionFilter ? or any other way ? ...

How can I intercept execution of all the methods in a Java application using Groovy?

Is it possible to intercept all the methods called in a application? I'd like to do something with them, and then let them execute. I tried to override this behaviour in Object.metaClass.invokeMethod, but it doesn't seem to work. Is this doable? ...

Session objects into Seam Interceptors

Hello guys, once more i'm here asking help on seam subject. Currently we have the following interceptor for audit @Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Interceptors(LoggingInterceptor.class) public @interface IAuditavel { } and the interceptor itself private EntityManager em; @Logger private Log lo...

Struts2 Interceptor *after* JSP is rendered - how?

I was wondering if I can capture the result of an action after the result returns and the JSP is rendered. I want to be able to take the entire result (generated HTML) and push it into memcached so I can bring it via Nginx with-out hitting the application server. Any ideas? PS: I know I can run the interceptor after the action executes ...

Add Interceptors through the web.config? NHibernate

I can't seem to find an example where someone added an interceptor via web.config - is this possible? And yes I know about event listeners and will be using them on another project - but I wanted to see if I could get around having to inject the interceptor in code - thank you ...

Stop a loop inside a method in C#

Is there any way to stop a running loop inside another method or insert a break statement dynamically in C#? Thanks Edit : I want to be able to dynamically intercept the method and insert a break to stop the loop when an event gets triggered in another function.I have several instances of the class and I want to stop the loop in each i...

How can my application read windows messages (WM_SETTEXT) from another application?

Is there a way to intercept window messages from another app other than a global message hook? Platform: Windows XP. ...

linq to sql query interceptor

I'm looking at implementing some LINQ to SQL but am struggling to see how we woudl add in access control business rules such as customer a can only view their orders. In data services, query intercptors do exactly what I am after, and can see how to check on update / insert / delete, but is there an equivalent of this: [QueryInt...

Struts 2 File Upload Interceptor configuration problem

I'm having two problems when trying to configure the Struts 2 File Upload Interceptor in my application. I want to change the parameter maximumSize (the default value is 2 MB, I need it to be 5 MB) and the message resource struts.messages.error.file.too.large (the app locale is pt_BR, so the message is in portuguese, not english). The a...


Does ExecuteAndWaitInterceptor work in Struts 1? If yes any samples for the same? If no can anyone tell how to show a waiting page in Struts 1 when the control will be with the Action class. ...

How would you intercept all Exceptions?

What is according to you the simplest way to intercept all exceptions in a Java application? Would AOP be needed to provide this kind of functionality or can it be done with dynamic proxies or is there another way? Is the simplest solution also a good solution regarding impact on execution performance? I would like to hear possible solut...