
load second view from the first view

I am currently develop iphone app. the type of the app is Tab Bar. so i heave 4 tabs that in each tab i have different view. (each view have controller for itself) now in the first view i am loading data from the net and when it finished i want automaticly to jump to the second tab controller(to show the result). but u cant find the wa...

Cocoa Touch: How To Change UIView's Border Color And Thickness?

I saw in the inspector that I can change the background color, but I'd like to also change the border color and thickness, is this possible? Thanks ...

How to use AutoSizing Property from xib + iPhone

I want to know how to use autosizing property in interface builder i.e. how this property can be used in autoadjustment of subview height , width and their position in superview. Thanx, Regards tek3 ...

UI Elements placed in IB appears shifted up in Simulator

I dont know if I am missing something here but when I drop elements (UIImage or UILabel) in IB and run the app in simulator, the UI elements are shifting up a little (Snapping to status bar if I place them at first blue HIG line). Looks like some setting I am overlooking. Does this sound familiar? please help! Added Screenshot to expl...

How to determine if iPad user taps within an irregular shaped image?

I've hooked up a UITapGestureRecognizer to a UIImageView containing the image I'd like to display on an iPad screen and am able to consume the user taps just fine. However, my image is that of a hand on a table and I'd like to know if the user has tapped on the hand or on the table part of the image. I can get the x,y coordinates of th...

How can I center my image in horizontal orientation?

I have an image view that is inside of a UIScrollView so that I can pinch & zoom. My image looks fine in portrait mode, but when I go to horizontal orientation the image is not centered. The UIScrollView is 320x460. Here is my code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 460); self...

Seeking advice for iPhone app structure

Hi, I've been tasked with creating an iPhone app which will tap into a series of REST API JSON feeds from Twitter. I'm somewhat new to iPhone development, but I've created a few apps before, though none of them required tapping into API data. So let's say we have 3 views in Interface Builder that are being controlled by a tabcontrolle...

Toolbar with SearchBar IB iphone.

Hey, I have a question... I'm developing an app for the iphone and I want to place a search-bar within a toolbar in IB. I wasn't able to place the search bar into the toolbar directly as there is some conflict when setting a search-bar as a barButtonItem. My solution to this was placing a view as a BarButtonItem and then placing the Se...

Using an object other than File's Owner for IBOutlets and IBActions

I have a currently working program that has IBOutlet and IBAction connections from the interface to File's Owner. I made a new class, and added that to the document window in Interface Builder. Then I moved everything from the File Owner class files to the new class files. I removed the old connections and reconnected everything to the n...

Loading a UIView subclass from NIB size issues

I have a subclass of UIView that needs to calculates it's height according to it's width. When created in code everything works. However when I try to create the view in Interface builder, and although I override all related methods, I can't get the size of the view set in interface builder. - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { ...

Forcing Interface Builder to change class of objects(UIButton->UIControl)

Hello all, I have a UIView filled with buttons that are all nicely hooked up to actions and outlets. However, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that I really would rather have the button behavior to be different and subclassed a UIControl. My plan was to hop into Interface Builder, change the class of the buttons to my new UIControl sub...

How can I resize a split view on an iPad app?

I am trying to have a SplitView pop up on top of the current view but I don't want it to cover the whole screen so that the user doesn't feel he/she is taken elsewhere. I would imagine that the size can be specified from Interface Builder, but there are no size options on a UISplitViewController, and I can't seem to put it into another ...

Objective-C/Cocoa : Using bindings to access scalar values in an array

So assume there's a class which contains: int someData[EXTREMELY_LARGE_CONSTANT]; What's the simplest way to bind arbitrary integers from this array to textfields in Interface Builder? Can I somehow read/write someData[x] through a KVC method on the class, or do I have to make a textfield subclass or something similar? ...

accessoryType in the left side

Hi, Is there any way to set the accessoryType of the cell to be in the left side? the code i use: cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton; in this condition the accessoryType button is on the right side and i want it in the left side. I tried also to build a custom cell be in the IB when i chose accessory...

Navigating to Second View in TabController calls First View's "viewDidLoad"

Hello, As the subject says, I have a project based on Apple's TabController template. The problem is that when navigating to Second View in the TabController, the First View's "viewDidLoad" method is called. The second view's method is NOT called. Any idea what might cause this? I would post code but I'm not sure what part might pertai...

Link a UILabel and a UIButton in IB

Hi, During a time in my app - I make a button a button not enabled myButton.enabled = NO; The problem is that I've made my button in IB with an image, and just a UILabel overtop of it. The label does not grey out when the buttons does. In IB - is there a way to link the label to the button? ...

Looking for a few tutorials on switching views and cross-view communication

Hi, I'm looking for a few good tutorials or articles out there that might help me with communicating between different views which I have setup in a TabBarController. I'd like to know how to properly call upon methods in other views of my TabBarController and then switch to that view. The other thing I am curious about is how to launc...

How to open view on top of existing views in iPad?

How do I go about opening a view in the way that you see in this example? Thanks! Dave ...

iPhone subview w/ transparent background and clickthrough behavior

I have an application with several views and a tab controller. I've created a view that contains the elements for the header of my application which is consistent on every view. This way I do not need to recreate the header on every view, I can just overlay the HeaderView over the tabbarcontroller. The problem is that when I add the ne...

applicationDidFinishLauching never invoked, WillFinishLauching does

I have a Cocoa application which works fine except it will not invoke applicationDidFinishLauching on my app delegate. applicationWillFinishLauching does work though. In IB I have set the delegate from "Application" (and also File's owner) to my "XXX App Delegate" object. All other application specific methods are called correctly weird...