I have a UITableView as a subview in a ScrollView with other widgets around like a button. I'd like to put the button always at the end of the ScrollView and I'd like to have the UITableView to show dynamically more section. How and where shall I determine the Table size, correctly set it and visualize it?
From Interface Builder it seem...
Hello, my question relates to Interface Builder and an IKImageBrowserView not implementing bindings as I would expect.
I have a fairly long key path to get to an NSArrayController, the contents of which I want to display in the IKImageBrowserView.
This is the key path I am binding an NSTextField's Display Pattern binding to:
So, I'm loading by XIB file and it contains a set of UIBarButtonItems. Some of the items are used when the viewDidLoad: is called.
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *addButton;
IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *editButton;
IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *doneButton;
// NB: There are no properties ret...
I followed the instructions here to create a static library of an iPhone class library. I built it in release mode. When I include it in another project, reference one of the classes in Interface Builder and run it in the simulator, I get an error if I run in Debug mode but it works in Release mode.
I get the following error using the D...
I have a UITableView in grouped style in my iPhone app.
Now I want to customize the section headers with an Image, a label and an activity indicator.
To do this I created a new UIViewController subclass and a XIB file. I added the UIImageView, UILabel and UIActivityIndicatorView as IBOutlet properties to the ViewController and wire...
I am trying to support multiple orientations within an iPad application, and the views that the designer came up with aren't able to be setup with purely the springs/struts model. I have laid out the views in two seperate nib files and currently use the follow...
- (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)...
Hi guys,
in my iphone app one event (touch up inside UIButton) is connected to three actions in different classes. The first action creates a game object, the second pushes the a new view controller and the third triggers an method in the pushed view controller.
On interface builder I wired these actions to the event in the order ment...
How do I make my view appear below the green bar during a phone call? right now my app is being partially covered by the green bar during a phone call.
I am new to iphone app development and trying to make an application where the home of the application is the Map with one button and the map should be able to show the user's current position and place an annotation at his current position.
The annotation should be bale to take input or file from the iphone (Text, picture etc).
Is there any way to force/cajole/encourage Interface Builder into running the C preprocessor when scanning source files for IBOutlet references?
It's a tricky problem, I can see, since in an ideal world it would need to preprocess the file with the same context that the project would, ie with the precompiled headers etc (this is much mo...
I want to change the color to red.
i need to decrease table view cell of navigation controller to 280*35..
i hav tried with cgrect its not working ...
how can i set
I'm curious, can anyone describe the internal structure of a .xib file used by Interface Builder?
I'm trying to place a circular image on an iPhone view and then consume taps inside the circle but not outside of it. The problem I'm running into is that when I place a UIImageView on the screen view in Interface Builder, I seem to be constrained to a rectangular shape. I tried using an image of a circle with the area outside the circl...
I am trying to pull the map through interface builder in my application, Someone please help me with this and pleas tell me clearly step by step what i need to do.
I am really new to these things, I will really appreciate your concern.
So I basically have two subviews within my main view. I created each subview by going to the library in IB and dragging a view onto my main nib file and then positioning controls on them.
Now, I'd like to flip between these views via a "flip" button. What I don't understand is how I can programmatically do this.
My question is: do I "...
I'm building a custom view inside of Interface Builder that has buttons with image backgrounds. The buttons extend to each side of the screen, so I'll need two images for each layout (Portrait and Landscape). As such, do I need to have two different NIB files for each layout (Portrait and Landscape), or is there a way to just use one N...
Many will find this question quite trivial, but since I'm quite new on iOS and COcoa programming, such questions simply arise.
So, I have validation methods that need to know which control has called them, because validation rules depend on specific control.
I know how to tag control with UIView tag property, but this works if I wou...
I have a base UIView which takes up the entire iPhone screen when the it is horizontal. When the device is rotated to portrait, I want the view to basically just scale down itself and everything in it to 2/3 the size and center it on the screen so everything is shown:
Image: http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/3281/rotateqx.jpg
I can't fo...
So, I've been making iOS apps since the first iPod touch came out, but something has always flabbergasted me; why is the list of new Cocoa Touch classes restricted to subclasses of NSObject, UIView, and UITableView? I routinely make subclasses of UIImageView and UIViewController.
Am I "Doing It Wrong™?" Have I totally misunderstood MVC...