
How to fix display:inline-block on IE6 ?

How to fix display:inline-block; on IE6 ? My html Page can I get the same result in other way ? ...

on joomla site, Pages show, then disapear, only in ie6.

strange bug, only in IE6. when you click on any of the navigation items, you get a page to load, for a second, then it disapears, and leaves only a blank browser window. Has anyone else dealt with an issue like this? ...

IE6 and IE7 onMouseout event toElement problem for dropdown

I have a div#dropdownCont with onmouseout and onmouseover listeners attached via: domTarget.attachEvent('onmouseout', function(e){hideDropDown(e);}); domTarget.attachEvent('onmouseover', function(e){showDropDown(e);}); The dropdown works like this -- when mouseover event happens, the div#dropdownCont expands downwards as its childnode...

Alternative to using HTML Select

I have a HTML form with various SELECT (both multiline and drop down list style) elements. A number of the items in the SELECT are much wider than the element width. In most browsers it will display a tooltip and the drop down will be as wide as the widest option. In IE6 however neither of these work. Does anyone know any alternative co...

no background for <a> in ie6

Don't know how to fix it. I've trying to make different logotypes, depending on class of the tag. The html is: <div id="header"> <a href="/index.php" id="logo" class="cet"> <h1 id="l">title</h1> </a> </div> And css is: #header { height:204px; background: url(../img/il-01.jpg) no-repeat 400px 2em; posi...

jQuery button display in IE6

We have some HTML buttons which we format using JQuery - $('#button').button(). Works great but.. when the page first loads in IE6 you see the "unformatted" regular HTML button and then you see the JQuery formatting kick in a split second or so afterwards. What can you do do avoid displaying the default HTML button and just display ...

'Movie not loaded.." IE6 using swfobject2.2

Hi, I'm getting and error that only occurs with IE6 using swfobject to dynamically embed flash on a page. the link to the test page is: I could post some code if that helps. ...

is their any tricks to test ie6 tuned codes without installing ie6?

Hi there. i am on windows 7. is their any way i could test the ie6 tuned codes on my local machine without installing the browser? ...

disable drop down issue in IE6 and IE7

Hi, I am showing Category and Sub category in a drop down box and i dont want the drop down value of the main category to be selected by any user. so i applied disable="disabled" and it works fine in firefox, chrome, and also IE8, but it is not working in IE6 and IE7 any solution my code: <option value="test" disabled="disabled" >T...

Is it worth worrying about IE6-8 sans JavaScript when using HTML5 shiv?

I've started using HTML5, starting from the HTML5 Boilerplate. This includes modernizr, which includes a shiv to enable HTML5 elements like <header>, <footer> etc. IE6-8 will ignore these elements without the shiv, and the shiv is JavaScript, so without JavaScript IE6-8 will look like a sack of crap. I'm worried about a client looking a...

IE6 PNG Replace: How to make a nested <a> clickable?

For the purposes of this question, consider this: <div class="has_transparent_png"> <a href="foo.html"> <span> <img src="logo.jpg" /> </span> </a> </div> The Problem: In IE6, the <a> is not clickable. Here's the PNG replace I'm using: .has_transparent_png { background-image: url(images/transpar...

ie6 hidden div background image not shown until hover

I have a menu which has links with icons. The icons doesn't show up until i hover over it. The icons are set as background images. When i see in the fiddler the request for the image happens only when i hover over the link HTML: <div style="display:none" id="menu"> <a href="test.htm"><span class="wicon"/>Test</a> </div> CSS: .w...

What are some automated test suites for testing IE 6,7,8 compatibility for a website?

I'm looking at several websites that have complex web-clients. They have been developed using Chrome/Safari/Firefox; I would like to test them for compatibility with IE 6/7/8. Are there any automated tests/tools/test suites that will help with the work? Preferably tools that are specific to this kind of problem - and will stress the kin...

Issue applying DD_belatedPNG png fix on images within a lightbox (IE6)

I am trying to invoke the DD_belatedPNG fix on images within a lightbox once it has been called. Okay, so that's easy enough with colorbox: $(el).colorbox({ ... onComplete:function(){ DD_belatedPNG.fix('#product_pop .fixme'); } }); This works fine, and the pngfix is applied BUT it only works the first time the lightbox is ca...

ie6 taking an extra margin of 50px; what is wrong with my code?

Hi there, i am coding an exclusive ie6 css. my problem is it is taking an extra 50px for header div. i have fixed the size of the header to 109px whereas it is producing 159px, when i place any element below the header div it consumes the extra 50px. i tried display:inline as ie6 hacks, and it just reset the left margin. quite not usefu...

CSS Differentiation based on Browsers

Hi, Unsure if possible but just wondering if there is a means in CSS to distinguish between two browsers, i.e. IE6 and IE8 as I have a style that I need to apply, but the value needs to be different for IE6 and IE8, i.e. ul.sf-menu li li.sfHover ul { left: 14.3em; /* for IE8 */ left: 15em; /* for IE6 */ ...

ie6 margin expanding by 20px

hi there, i have div's wrapped under div's my html code is. <div id="content-row"> <div id="left-box"> <div id="small-box"> </div> <div id="small-box"> </div> <div id="small-box"> </div> <div id="small-box"> </di...

Why isn't min-width working for ie6?

Hi there, I am coding exclusive ie6 css, wherein I am facing the problem. The footer does not take the min-width value whereas it accepts the fixed width value. I am using the repeat-x for an image and assigning a min-width value to it. The same thing I did with header div and it works perfectly fine. For example here is my code. Heade...

IE6 input box doesn't work. How to fix?

OK, Little background information here: I have narrowed down the problem, but can't determine what the fix is. In IE6 the input box won't allow me to use my mouse to select it. Please go here to see the problem: The problems stems from an IE6 fix for the css background. #main{ ba...

IE6 breaks flow of box (divs)

Hi I've tried various things but the boxes on the right have a spacing issue in IE6. Seen here Anyone have an idea whats causing that? thnx jonah ...