
Intraweb+Delphi: Installing multiple instances of the service

Before I spend what is sure to be many hours tracking down a problem, I wanted to find out if anyone else has successfully installed the same Intraweb service multiple times on the same server (running on different ports, of course!), and if you had to do something strange to get it going or if I might have done something strange to prev...

Derive IntraWeb forms from parent and not TIWAppForm directly - error in IDE

I have forms in my application that I derive from a common ancestor, like: TAtFormBaseIW = class( TIWAppForm ) and TAtFormExplorerIW = class( TAtFormBaseIW ) This works for certain forms, but not for others. Let me make a wild guess: it seems to work for all forms that where created in Delphi prior to IW 10, but not for forms I crea...

Intraweb application in IE8 loses IWEdit.Text in OnAsyncChange

I have an application using IntraWeb 10 and Delphi-2006 that works perfectly using Firefox or Chrome, but misbehaves using IE 8. I am using templates on my forms to give the designer some freedom over the placement of the main components on the screen, mainly regions and menus. Within the regions I do not use frames. Several components ...

Intraweb 9.0 Browse for a filename

Hi. Does anybody know how to browse for a file in Intraweb? I'd need something similar to the Delphi OpenFileDialog. There is a TIWFile component, but it has no test/filename property to set. I need to locate a file, save the path in a database and then later on retrieve and display the filename. Regards, Pieter ...

Delphi 2009 JQueryWidget in ISAPI

I'm trying to use TIWJQueryWidget in a Delphi 2009 ISAPI application, and it's not working. I started with this tutorial : When I follow the tuorial creating a stand-alone IW application, it works like a charm. However, when I create an ISAPI application and do the same thing, I ca...

What is the latest version of Intraweb that Arcana Elite Suite is compatible with?

The Arcana Elite Suite for Intraweb hasn't been updated since March 2008. Does this mean it won't work with any bundled Intraweb later than Delphi 2007? Anyone tried it with D2009 or D2010? ...

jQuery and Intraweb ?

Anyone have a sample of doing a jQuery notification/popup/calendar in Intraweb ? A simple example would be great.. Even better... dojo version would be great. ...

Using VCL for the web (intraweb) as a trick for adding web interface to a legacy non-tiered (2 tiers) Delphi win32 application does make sense?

My team is maintaining a huge Client Server win32 Delphi application. It is a client/server application (Thick client) that uses DevArt (SDAC) components to connect to SQL Server. The business logic is often "trapped" in Component's event handlers, anyway with some degree of refactoring it is doable to move the business logic in common ...

Will it be possible to use any and silverlight controls in Intraweb XII?

I am researching a lot on intraweb, I read that in Intraweb XII (when will this be released?) it will be possible to have: 1) "silverlight enabled controls" (mentioned here, this is the old IW XI roadmap anyway silverlight task has been moved to XII now) 2) "IntraWeb XII [...] will contain the integration with CrossTalk and ASP.NET" (m...

IntraWeb service silent install

Hi. Can I install Intraweb service in "silent mode"? service.exe /install ...

Click a button in code in Intraweb (VCL for the Web)

Lets say I have an intraweb application (written in Delphi 2010) with an iwEdit (called iweLookup) and an iwButton (iwbSearch). When enter is pressed in the iwEdit, I want the iwButton clicked. The following code almost works, but I think I need something to re-render the page. procedure TiwfLookupListing.iweLookupAsyncKeyDown(Sender:...

IWFile fix for c++ Builder XE?

IWFile is broken in the current release of Rad Studio XE. To fix it, Delphi users are asked to delete the UTF8ContentParser line. c++ Builder has a line that #includes UTF8ContentParser.hpp. Commenting out this line does not fix the issue. Has anybody figured a way around this for ...

Intraweb implimentation of handling the movement of a TIWRegion?

I am having a hard time getting a IWRegion moveable like a little mini window. eg: I would like to be able to place down a button/iwlink and let it be the switch to turn on the region movement... I would then have a client process that would send back to the Intraweb Server the users MousePos X,Y not matter where there mouse is on th...

Reference or example using SkinId with TMS Intraweb Components

There is a property in the TIWDBAdvWebGrid component called SkinId. I wasn't able to find documentation for it, and wonder if the TMS Intraweb components are skinnable, and if so, how its done. Any link to documentation or brief explanation would be much appreciated. ...